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Welcome to my blog. This is the place for me to ROAR!

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hi i am delphine :)

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All of the contents, especially the images, were made by Cynna unless stated HERE
© Copyright http://stuckmuffin.info
30 March, 2009
interpersonal relationships (the musings):

someone might be your priority.
but u might not be the priority of that someone.

you might be someone's priority.
but that someone might not be your priority.


you want to be in the circle.
you want others to be in your circle.
you want to be in others' circle.
others want you to be in their circle.
others want to be in your circle.

sometimes that might not be the case. complications!

this circle can also interlink with other circles or also contain other circles (not only one), like a venn diagram.

you can use e circle as a middleman. e circle can also use u as a middleman. or, another person can use u as a middleman (ulimate). or the middleman can use u okay nevermind.

endpoint: (a)ANOTHER CIRCLE
(b) that same circle

so what is deemed like a circle might not be a circle after all.


same goes for boundaries.

either you set your own boundaries, or that someone sets his/her boundaries,
or both have their own boundaries.
you want to stay in the circle of boundaries. so does that someone.
or both wants to stay in their boundaries even. both might choose not to.
you do not want to cross that boundary. that someone does not want to cross it too.

or rather, you cant be bothered.

go figure.


p/s: the "someone" used in this entry can mean something/it/him/her/them/whatever. I am not pin-pointing.
p/p/s: if you dont understand e above, then dont bother to. maybe only i can understand it after all. Haha.
p/p/s: nothing is happening. i am not emo-ing. neither am i drawing circles at a corner. i am just rambling randomly! or that's what went "zoom" past my mind. i am a happy / contented girl now (because i jus found another job) :)


and i love my girls! (and TC u are also considered girl from now on hor, i'm lazy to type until so long thanks)

sexy four back in action! :D

24 March, 2009
happier times

(the first 21st bdday of 2009: part I and II)
on a totally unrelated sidenote i'm really excited for our sexies' bkk trip in june! ROAR! :D:D

okay i'm tired bye

edit @ 250309 1242: aiya jus continue lah lol


okay tt's all i'm really gonna sleep soon bye

16 March, 2009
hmm i am having a mind block as usual.

meanwhile, enjoy this. i think its cool, the front two items lol

06 March, 2009
Dear Diary,

Ha! I'm not dead yet, its just that plain laziness got the better of me. i read blogs but hardly update mine. well that's the irony.. or its just me being lazy!

yep so caught marley and me today. super buay tahan that show, made me drop some tears! :( especially the part where marley had to go.. wonder what will i do if butter left me someday in the future. that day will come though.. guess i'll keep crying and crying, and crying.. i'll be so damn sad okay! the movie made me have the urge to fly home and kiss butter all over the place and say "i love you muacks", not before chilling at starbucks and ordering a venti caramel macchiato, which had proven to be a big mistake. the venti-sized cup for hot drinks is not the same as the cold ones.. it was freaking big man, comparable to a beer mug? okay maybe 3-quarter of a beer mug. i was stunned when i saw the cup. abit noobish but yea. how stunning (pun intended). and so i finished the whole cup of coffee, had some chat and gossip, went home and paid a visit to the toilet bowl. well that's coffee for you, an all-natural & effective laxative. for me i guess. lol

got down to exercising (really!) and i aim to make it a habit to exercise at least once a week. *fingers crossed*

starting school soon! i am becoming a student again! i feel so young man! wahahhaaa!

and well, that's me being random, randomly blogging about something random on a random day like this. hmm maybe because i have the urge to blog. nothing much nowadays.. cest la vie. in this recession period i just wanna pray that everything goes smoothly. no need to be something of a real deal, a good deal or whatever but i hope that everything flows right and smooth and normally.. i dont expect much, dont expect something very good to befall on me, the norm is good enough. just the basic if fine, if you get that i mean. no stunts please thank you very much, and i'll be a contented girl too. :D and one more thing, i am happliy single okay! happily single! stop spicing me up with something which will not happen! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

p.s: sorry ah ying, pictures up soon ah! i need my beauty sleep for now... hehehe :)
