20 October, 2008
its e monday blues again. wahaha!
just feeling abit random. and my mom scolds butter (my puppy's name) "chao butter!!!!!!" when she gets angry with e dog. or can call her "bitch" too. she definitely responds to that. haha!
and i saw a fucking lizard baby at the rim of my sink! and the lizard baby super guai lan lor, still can camouflage itself into a reddish brown colour (exactly e same as my sink)! and since i took out my contacts, i was squinting at it, wondering what that unidentified object is, and leaning so close to it till i got e shock of my life. zomg! it's still not caught and probably is enjoying itself at one little corner in the toilet. better dont let me catch it or else it will never see daylight again!! stupid lizards and cockroaches! xiao qiang zzz!!
okay, nothing else to blog already. see i told u i am very random today. haha =P
19 October, 2008
1b27 mala steamboat gathering last fri~! haven't seen those peeps in a long loooong time already.. so happy to be able to see them again. we had 金针菇 like nobody's business until i got scared of it. like two big plates full per round. haha~
blading today with the sexies, haven
bladed skated (okay e correct term is inline skating ahem) and i used brake-less skates to skate. very scary but the skates are good. u can FEEL it, u just have a smoother roll. something got to do with the bearing of the skates but heck lah i also dont know what i am talking about. anyway its damn shiok la skating at East Coast Park! yay i have better skating skills now! i wanna skate again!! so tempted to own a pair of skates!!
the ironic thing is i fell after changing into skates with brakes. super dots. must be because i take e brakes for granted. whahaha!
then i went off the meet faggots for a movie session~ and while rushing to meet with them i stepped onto a puddle of vomit. or lets just assume its yoghurt. highly unlikely but in these circumstances i think i'll prefer to assume lah. haha~ but its super gross!!!!!! WTF man i think that's probably the most disgusting thing i've ever stepped on after snails and muddy fields (with earthworms or what not too, thank you very much). i dont know but i think my reaction was more like sian diao than pissed. maybe because i'm aldy sweaty and dirtied frm e skating session? went to buy dettol antiseptic wipes afterwards.
what a busy day. but i like it tt way. its good. :D next sat shall be family day. i should sleep now, but i cant. thanks to caffeine. i think i am a caffeine addict now. one cup of coffee during work per day. OMG but anyway i still love my caffeine. okay whatever.
oh bangkok trip with luckies confirmed! whee!!
i really think that i should sleep now. goodnight everyone. and as u can see this post is super random. haha! =P
13 October, 2008
i'm here blogging at work because my boss is around today.. and tomorrow! haha
but e bigger boss and the BIGGEST boss is here! T.T
not allowed to use e internet here, but heck, who cares!
and it gives me a pulse of adrenaline.. and excitement, to use e internet without getting caught! wahaha
and i'm hooked to online "WINDOW" shopping agn! omg!
..because i'm bored at work la hahaha, bored not because of nothing to do at work ,
but because i am doing repetitive stuff everyday so it gets a little bit boring..
and my MSN buddy geraldine jialat thng is not ard! for two weeks.. she off to gurkha land. whole day see handsome gurhkas!!
i'm even more bored now........ TT.TT
oh, and i need a bloody mouse pad. can someone sponsor me pretty please??
update more later, now very dangerous. =P
05 October, 2008
my lovely doggy just bit the nose of my favourite
doggy soft toy into shreds. nabei!! gave it a good scolding. my birthday present leh! :( The thing is, imagine that doggy toy is a real life doggy friend.. and judging by the way she handled it, hmm........ dunno why today so hyper for what lol
anyway caught an SSO concert yesterday and Valdimir Feltsman is damn zai can. I mean damn seriously damn zai! His technical work is like.. whoa (i will never ever play like him in my entire life) and we got his autograph during intermission. How siao is that? lol
got inspired to take on piano lessons again, i dont wanna get stuck at a grade unable to move on anymore.. Like what ying said "watch concerts, get inspired then after some time u dont get inspired anymore" haha, but i think i might really want to continue lessons again. abit too old liao i know but who cares! Will start after i get my gz diploma. U know, have a target in life and follow it. For now is to get a gz diploma and of course get a steady steady laboratoy PERMARNENT job lah! LOL
The cookie meusum is damn nice lah.. and damn grand too. The berry tea is very nice! The hot chocolate is DAMN DAMN DAMN gao.. Haha! The decor is sibei grand until i feel so uneasy while sipping my tea.. Aiming for the cookies and lotus seeds (haven tried tt yet but heard its very nice).. Hehehe

went la-tehing with faggots dine wy and yx and they stayed over at my place.. and i was sleeping all the time. paiseh guys but i really damn tired la.. sleeping at the time when i am supposed to wake up and go to work! wasnt a good host paiseh ah haha
and then the next day i think i became very hyper and started speaking in wierd english until ke-er told me "eh u very wierd today leh, why u speak the english very funny one!"
01 October, 2008
welcomimg a new member to the family,
wahahaha! no name for the puppy yet, but there are some suggestions given like lucky lah, cherry lah, apple lah.. hmm my mom even wanted to name it dua cai (大菜). omg no way man! the name can be abit more prestigous-sounding anot?!
happy hari raya to all muslim friends, and tmr its back to work. i really sincerely pray hard that the hard drive can be revived or else i must redo the whole folder again.. oh good heavens!
i feel very sian knowing that i might have to redo the whole file again, its like 300 pages. though they say its alright, there no quota to finish, but one week's effort jus wasted like that.. i feel very pissed (at myself and the bloody hard drive)
dont know why but that really affected my mood.. i totally dread to redo the bloody file again! really in a very bad mood these days because of it man. fuck!
Ok i've got a writer's block now. totally forgot what i wanted to blog about. nvm upload pictures first before i go to bed.

the peking duck is damn good.

Xing Yi's 20th Birthday

ya la ya la i know i short la.. =S
oh ya i remember what i wanted to blog about liao!
ok the other day my sister was talking about Mr Tan (who happens to be my form teacher in secondary school) and that he commented abt her eyebrows.
"darlene, your eyebrows are on fire."
wth can.. damn lame lah! to refer to the "eyebrow on fire" pic pls go to the very first photo i've posted (after the puppy pic).
its clickable. u may want to click and look at it at its actual size for maximum effect. (whoops, sorry sista! =P)
ppl eyebrow got less hair means the eyebrow on fire meh?
20 October, 2008
its e monday blues again. wahaha!
just feeling abit random. and my mom scolds butter (my puppy's name) "chao butter!!!!!!" when she gets angry with e dog. or can call her "bitch" too. she definitely responds to that. haha!
and i saw a fucking lizard baby at the rim of my sink! and the lizard baby super guai lan lor, still can camouflage itself into a reddish brown colour (exactly e same as my sink)! and since i took out my contacts, i was squinting at it, wondering what that unidentified object is, and leaning so close to it till i got e shock of my life. zomg! it's still not caught and probably is enjoying itself at one little corner in the toilet. better dont let me catch it or else it will never see daylight again!! stupid lizards and cockroaches! xiao qiang zzz!!
okay, nothing else to blog already. see i told u i am very random today. haha =P
19 October, 2008
1b27 mala steamboat gathering last fri~! haven't seen those peeps in a long loooong time already.. so happy to be able to see them again. we had 金针菇 like nobody's business until i got scared of it. like two big plates full per round. haha~
blading today with the sexies, haven
bladed skated (okay e correct term is inline skating ahem) and i used brake-less skates to skate. very scary but the skates are good. u can FEEL it, u just have a smoother roll. something got to do with the bearing of the skates but heck lah i also dont know what i am talking about. anyway its damn shiok la skating at East Coast Park! yay i have better skating skills now! i wanna skate again!! so tempted to own a pair of skates!!
the ironic thing is i fell after changing into skates with brakes. super dots. must be because i take e brakes for granted. whahaha!
then i went off the meet faggots for a movie session~ and while rushing to meet with them i stepped onto a puddle of vomit. or lets just assume its yoghurt. highly unlikely but in these circumstances i think i'll prefer to assume lah. haha~ but its super gross!!!!!! WTF man i think that's probably the most disgusting thing i've ever stepped on after snails and muddy fields (with earthworms or what not too, thank you very much). i dont know but i think my reaction was more like sian diao than pissed. maybe because i'm aldy sweaty and dirtied frm e skating session? went to buy dettol antiseptic wipes afterwards.
what a busy day. but i like it tt way. its good. :D next sat shall be family day. i should sleep now, but i cant. thanks to caffeine. i think i am a caffeine addict now. one cup of coffee during work per day. OMG but anyway i still love my caffeine. okay whatever.
oh bangkok trip with luckies confirmed! whee!!
i really think that i should sleep now. goodnight everyone. and as u can see this post is super random. haha! =P
13 October, 2008
i'm here blogging at work because my boss is around today.. and tomorrow! haha
but e bigger boss and the BIGGEST boss is here! T.T
not allowed to use e internet here, but heck, who cares!
and it gives me a pulse of adrenaline.. and excitement, to use e internet without getting caught! wahaha
and i'm hooked to online "WINDOW" shopping agn! omg!
..because i'm bored at work la hahaha, bored not because of nothing to do at work ,
but because i am doing repetitive stuff everyday so it gets a little bit boring..
and my MSN buddy geraldine jialat thng is not ard! for two weeks.. she off to gurkha land. whole day see handsome gurhkas!!
i'm even more bored now........ TT.TT
oh, and i need a bloody mouse pad. can someone sponsor me pretty please??
update more later, now very dangerous. =P
05 October, 2008
my lovely doggy just bit the nose of my favourite
doggy soft toy into shreds. nabei!! gave it a good scolding. my birthday present leh! :( The thing is, imagine that doggy toy is a real life doggy friend.. and judging by the way she handled it, hmm........ dunno why today so hyper for what lol
anyway caught an SSO concert yesterday and Valdimir Feltsman is damn zai can. I mean damn seriously damn zai! His technical work is like.. whoa (i will never ever play like him in my entire life) and we got his autograph during intermission. How siao is that? lol
got inspired to take on piano lessons again, i dont wanna get stuck at a grade unable to move on anymore.. Like what ying said "watch concerts, get inspired then after some time u dont get inspired anymore" haha, but i think i might really want to continue lessons again. abit too old liao i know but who cares! Will start after i get my gz diploma. U know, have a target in life and follow it. For now is to get a gz diploma and of course get a steady steady laboratoy PERMARNENT job lah! LOL
The cookie meusum is damn nice lah.. and damn grand too. The berry tea is very nice! The hot chocolate is DAMN DAMN DAMN gao.. Haha! The decor is sibei grand until i feel so uneasy while sipping my tea.. Aiming for the cookies and lotus seeds (haven tried tt yet but heard its very nice).. Hehehe

went la-tehing with faggots dine wy and yx and they stayed over at my place.. and i was sleeping all the time. paiseh guys but i really damn tired la.. sleeping at the time when i am supposed to wake up and go to work! wasnt a good host paiseh ah haha
and then the next day i think i became very hyper and started speaking in wierd english until ke-er told me "eh u very wierd today leh, why u speak the english very funny one!"
01 October, 2008
welcomimg a new member to the family,
wahahaha! no name for the puppy yet, but there are some suggestions given like lucky lah, cherry lah, apple lah.. hmm my mom even wanted to name it dua cai (大菜). omg no way man! the name can be abit more prestigous-sounding anot?!
happy hari raya to all muslim friends, and tmr its back to work. i really sincerely pray hard that the hard drive can be revived or else i must redo the whole folder again.. oh good heavens!
i feel very sian knowing that i might have to redo the whole file again, its like 300 pages. though they say its alright, there no quota to finish, but one week's effort jus wasted like that.. i feel very pissed (at myself and the bloody hard drive)
dont know why but that really affected my mood.. i totally dread to redo the bloody file again! really in a very bad mood these days because of it man. fuck!
Ok i've got a writer's block now. totally forgot what i wanted to blog about. nvm upload pictures first before i go to bed.

the peking duck is damn good.

Xing Yi's 20th Birthday

ya la ya la i know i short la.. =S
oh ya i remember what i wanted to blog about liao!
ok the other day my sister was talking about Mr Tan (who happens to be my form teacher in secondary school) and that he commented abt her eyebrows.
"darlene, your eyebrows are on fire."
wth can.. damn lame lah! to refer to the "eyebrow on fire" pic pls go to the very first photo i've posted (after the puppy pic).
its clickable. u may want to click and look at it at its actual size for maximum effect. (whoops, sorry sista! =P)
ppl eyebrow got less hair means the eyebrow on fire meh?