22 June, 2008
i've just unearthed a
so-called ants nest residing inside a gift box made of paper which was given by a friend a few years ago. and the box was used to store my little trinkets..
omg my trinkets! bloody hell.
had to throw some of them away and wash the rest. i am getting worried whether those little trinkets might rust or not.. if it does, i'll be super sian-ed.
shall buy those pretty pretty jewellery boxes made of painted wood or lagi best, get a plastic one. plastic is always the best. i love polymers. haha
and seriously, destroying the "ant nest" is certainly not a nice sight to behold:
trust me, its pretty darn gross. :(
cf went in tekong lo! (monday)
and now as i blog this he has already booked out liao haha.. see you soon!
well, i've ended my job stint at the american club! and they need a temp part-timer urgently, so if u are interested let me know! haha.. 7 bucks per hour, office working hours and work for about a month or so. if they are still busy by then i think they will extend you for a few more weeks.
will miss ya guys, miss shopping at mango sales with them during lunch two days in a row! -.- lol
oh yixian booked out too! gathered the faggots plus emily and clara and off to geylang to eat! hee.. havent done such thing in a long time ever since i started to work in an office because normally i will pia home to slp, damn tired! lol
happy birthday emily! you're 20 liao~ haha
and thank you faggots for the wallet! muacks~! :)
and not forgetting the group of friends who gave me a snow globe for my birthday, which is what i wanted most..! haha
school is reopening soon, and its MST week, sian.. :(
09 June, 2008
HOLY CRAP! I've almost tripped/ tripped over things many times today.
First was at Pat's office, i almost tripped over her in/out tray.
Then, i've knocked over piles of paper, tripped over drainage covers (twice, kicked onto tables, bumped into pillars, and lost my balance many times.
what the hell is wrong with me?! haha
and i swear today is the day i saw so much receipts (chits) in my whole entire life. shirley was like telling me that she will not explain the entire procedure of sorting out chits to me or else i will dream of them tonight. damn funny la she!
but anyways when she goes on leave next week i'll still have to look at them everyday. T.T
alright, my bucket bag broke again. damn sian. very sian. this is the third time i've worn out my bucket bags. time to get a new lasting one! i wanna buy a Longchamp bag i want the black one!! dunno how much is it anyway. shall check the price when i get to taka someday and hopefully purchase it with my taka voucher if its within budget. (geraldine my taka voucherrrr its still with you!!!!!!!!!! =S)or else some good bag will be good. haiz $$$ is not easy to come by. :(
enough of my rantings~ i just realise that i update almost everyday now. good. lol
08 June, 2008
Out of a sudden, i start to miss my long long hair. Haiz..
Nvm, i will try to grow out my hair well in the next few months.
Because basically i cannot do anything to my bob head now, and yet i feel that i feel more refreshed with this short cut.
Contradictions ain't it? LOL
Working life has started, and its much similar to itp.
Except that i don't have my own terminal because i am an temp staff o.0
The people there are very friendly, but the working pace at the accounts dept is damn CHIONG.. very chiong haha
Glad that i'm working in an office, i much prefer it to doing sales or F&B lol.
FYP report is more or less finished, with a little more editing to do! hehehe
So now its on to the next challenge: the PowerPoint Presentation!! T.T
Now my laptop is more or less still in "dead" mode because i'm stuck at windows 2k and i cant view pictures because everyting comes out pixelated! CF!! help me!!
and one more thing: I DONT WATCH PORN. ZZZZZ

Bye Bimbo Gan! We will miss you! :)
04 June, 2008

photoshopped by yixian haha
anyway gd luck for your enlistment yx, see u in two weeks time with a tan, botak head and a slimmer body~ lol
oh shit i still haven started on my jogging yet. better start now! lol
yea and cf just reformatted my lappy today without deleting all my data. heng ar~ now my OS is windows 2000 with those super big icons and i still havent install the drivers yet so cannot use haha.. but at least its virus free! hehehe! cf ure the best~! lol
tmr i shall start work at the american club!i am very excited! hehehe! :)
le sigh.
my laptop's been infected with a virus again, with many many trojan horses which lurk around my c drive files!
windows defender sucks! it didnt even notify me when my lappy's been infected wtf!
this is the second time my lovely lappy has been infected with a virus, and i think this time the virus is much stronger than the previous one.
having an "ant" screensaver in your laptop, then your drivers vanishing one by one, then ur start menu being virtually useless because there's no program for u to select, is certainly not what u expect at 3am in the night.
and it gives me major creeps! was super disturbed. wth haha..
and i cant even bloody run safe mode or do system recovery! what a bummer!
and i cant find my windows disk and recovery disk! double bummer!!!!
luckily my PC is revived not too long ago! :) hehe
and i've got an admin job at the american club for the holidays, thanks to kexin babe! wahahaha!!
i am finally doing the job that i've always desired, working in an office enviroment..
because i seriously HATE doing sales job and i hate the feeling of having to meet sales targets!
so i think a desk-bound job is the most suitable for me. lol
bought a book on card-making and some nice printed design paper at the book fair, i am very excited! shall buy a book on knitting the next time i visit the book fair. book fairs are good. can find good books and stuff there!
and my tolerance for alcohol is seriously noobish.. was the first one to K.O yesterday! this is bad! i need to improve my drinking skills! i dont want to be so sucky in everything.. :(
back to clubbing anyone? ying?? hehehe
FYP report is done! yays we are halfway there.. chiong finish and we can enjoy ourselves with a buffet at marina mandarin. cheers my kel and wel! :)
22 June, 2008
i've just unearthed a
so-called ants nest residing inside a gift box made of paper which was given by a friend a few years ago. and the box was used to store my little trinkets..
omg my trinkets! bloody hell.
had to throw some of them away and wash the rest. i am getting worried whether those little trinkets might rust or not.. if it does, i'll be super sian-ed.
shall buy those pretty pretty jewellery boxes made of painted wood or lagi best, get a plastic one. plastic is always the best. i love polymers. haha
and seriously, destroying the "ant nest" is certainly not a nice sight to behold:
trust me, its pretty darn gross. :(
cf went in tekong lo! (monday)
and now as i blog this he has already booked out liao haha.. see you soon!
well, i've ended my job stint at the american club! and they need a temp part-timer urgently, so if u are interested let me know! haha.. 7 bucks per hour, office working hours and work for about a month or so. if they are still busy by then i think they will extend you for a few more weeks.
will miss ya guys, miss shopping at mango sales with them during lunch two days in a row! -.- lol
oh yixian booked out too! gathered the faggots plus emily and clara and off to geylang to eat! hee.. havent done such thing in a long time ever since i started to work in an office because normally i will pia home to slp, damn tired! lol
happy birthday emily! you're 20 liao~ haha
and thank you faggots for the wallet! muacks~! :)
and not forgetting the group of friends who gave me a snow globe for my birthday, which is what i wanted most..! haha
school is reopening soon, and its MST week, sian.. :(
09 June, 2008
HOLY CRAP! I've almost tripped/ tripped over things many times today.
First was at Pat's office, i almost tripped over her in/out tray.
Then, i've knocked over piles of paper, tripped over drainage covers (twice, kicked onto tables, bumped into pillars, and lost my balance many times.
what the hell is wrong with me?! haha
and i swear today is the day i saw so much receipts (chits) in my whole entire life. shirley was like telling me that she will not explain the entire procedure of sorting out chits to me or else i will dream of them tonight. damn funny la she!
but anyways when she goes on leave next week i'll still have to look at them everyday. T.T
alright, my bucket bag broke again. damn sian. very sian. this is the third time i've worn out my bucket bags. time to get a new lasting one! i wanna buy a Longchamp bag i want the black one!! dunno how much is it anyway. shall check the price when i get to taka someday and hopefully purchase it with my taka voucher if its within budget. (geraldine my taka voucherrrr its still with you!!!!!!!!!! =S)or else some good bag will be good. haiz $$$ is not easy to come by. :(
enough of my rantings~ i just realise that i update almost everyday now. good. lol
08 June, 2008
Out of a sudden, i start to miss my long long hair. Haiz..
Nvm, i will try to grow out my hair well in the next few months.
Because basically i cannot do anything to my bob head now, and yet i feel that i feel more refreshed with this short cut.
Contradictions ain't it? LOL
Working life has started, and its much similar to itp.
Except that i don't have my own terminal because i am an temp staff o.0
The people there are very friendly, but the working pace at the accounts dept is damn CHIONG.. very chiong haha
Glad that i'm working in an office, i much prefer it to doing sales or F&B lol.
FYP report is more or less finished, with a little more editing to do! hehehe
So now its on to the next challenge: the PowerPoint Presentation!! T.T
Now my laptop is more or less still in "dead" mode because i'm stuck at windows 2k and i cant view pictures because everyting comes out pixelated! CF!! help me!!
and one more thing: I DONT WATCH PORN. ZZZZZ

Bye Bimbo Gan! We will miss you! :)
04 June, 2008

photoshopped by yixian haha
anyway gd luck for your enlistment yx, see u in two weeks time with a tan, botak head and a slimmer body~ lol
oh shit i still haven started on my jogging yet. better start now! lol
yea and cf just reformatted my lappy today without deleting all my data. heng ar~ now my OS is windows 2000 with those super big icons and i still havent install the drivers yet so cannot use haha.. but at least its virus free! hehehe! cf ure the best~! lol
tmr i shall start work at the american club!i am very excited! hehehe! :)
le sigh.
my laptop's been infected with a virus again, with many many trojan horses which lurk around my c drive files!
windows defender sucks! it didnt even notify me when my lappy's been infected wtf!
this is the second time my lovely lappy has been infected with a virus, and i think this time the virus is much stronger than the previous one.
having an "ant" screensaver in your laptop, then your drivers vanishing one by one, then ur start menu being virtually useless because there's no program for u to select, is certainly not what u expect at 3am in the night.
and it gives me major creeps! was super disturbed. wth haha..
and i cant even bloody run safe mode or do system recovery! what a bummer!
and i cant find my windows disk and recovery disk! double bummer!!!!
luckily my PC is revived not too long ago! :) hehe
and i've got an admin job at the american club for the holidays, thanks to kexin babe! wahahaha!!
i am finally doing the job that i've always desired, working in an office enviroment..
because i seriously HATE doing sales job and i hate the feeling of having to meet sales targets!
so i think a desk-bound job is the most suitable for me. lol
bought a book on card-making and some nice printed design paper at the book fair, i am very excited! shall buy a book on knitting the next time i visit the book fair. book fairs are good. can find good books and stuff there!
and my tolerance for alcohol is seriously noobish.. was the first one to K.O yesterday! this is bad! i need to improve my drinking skills! i dont want to be so sucky in everything.. :(
back to clubbing anyone? ying?? hehehe
FYP report is done! yays we are halfway there.. chiong finish and we can enjoy ourselves with a buffet at marina mandarin. cheers my kel and wel! :)