shopping spree!
29 June, 2006
HA! enough of kaka already.
Its 1130pm and i haven't started studying for my S&PM test tmr and i am still happily blogging and editing my pictures! =.=
woohoo i do not carry too much hopes for tmr's test anyway, with an
almost empty set of notes, i will set off to study soon, after i blog this. HOHO.
went on a shopping spree today with gym and baiyu. totally last minute. haven gone on a REAL shiok shopping trip with them for a long long time already!
we went to bugis, shopped around bugis village. we were so high, gym and baiyu bought alot of stuff! damn shiok sia, we gossip gossip, laugh out loud here and there, and we were like "wah, ok buy!" shopping with them is so lovely. we ended up with alot of shopping bags. we cannot shop together. we
will go broke. lol.
didn't really buy anything because i was broke.
Okay, fasio mascara and three pairs of earrings (
and after that, my mood plunged.
piano wasn't was good as i have expected. with a tired and blur eye, i totally screwed up my pieces, and i can feel myself going to cry as i play the pieces. ms yeo gave me such challenging pieces for me to polish up my skills and here i am not practicing and i feel that i have let her down, because i did'nt live to her expectations. i feel a little ashamed of myself now.
theory was worse. don't ask.
i shall practice three times a week now.
and exams are coming. i must start studying too.
anyway, moodiness lifted in the afternoon from the shopping trip still makes me happy. (:
wah my mood swings can actually last a whole week. please, let tmr be a
better day.
28 June, 2006
random post again, but...
Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite

i think he's so much cuter than beckham. and has substance ok! his soccer skills are good ok! LOL!
too bad he's married.
and of course not fogetting that i stayed in school until 4pm (i ended at 11am) today for nothing! wanted to study since i'll probably fall into a deep sleep when i reached home, but in the end i still fell asleep in the library. i feel like a nomad, sit-in for class here and there. HAHA
and tommorrow i'm gonna sit in for lecture agn during the two hour break. i am like damn free. lol
yes i did study abit of nanomaterials and S&PM, but
S&PM test = sure fail.
go figure. lol
27 June, 2006
Okay, enough of my moodiness. yay the pictures are here! i look even more noobish than the pulau ubin pictures. sigh, why did i have to cut my frindge?! AHH!!
i still remembered that i chiong-ed to the back corner seat because i don't wanna be seen with that super noobish fringe. but since i am playing the bass part so i have to sit at the back anyway. LOL
Here goes, the nice picture first: (nice picture must put big big!)
Grr. why do i always look so short?! next time i must wear 3-inch high heels already. haven't seen them for two weeks! lol
Now the noobish picture: (so must put smaller. haha)
Note the effects of lighting on the two pictures. The first one was taken under direct sunlight. Obviously we look more radiant!
Yay auntie and uncle mak came! then auntie mak told me she like to stand next to me when taking pictures because i make her look slimmer. LOL! haven seen them in months too! haha
And jiahwa's scary straw:
One nice nice straight straw she can also bite until like that. tsk. HAHA
Friday's S&PM test. ARGH!
Alright, school's started. i feel so sian. Back to the ubin chalet days, where there's no need to worry about studies. back to the wonderful memories~
and i am still having mood swings. lol
26 June, 2006
One moment i laugh too much, one moment i am moody.
Just like today.
What is happening to me.
25 June, 2006

pulau ubin pics, for more pls go to clarence's blog. lazy to upload one by one so may as well just lump them together. click for BIGGER pic. and pls pardon my noobish hair. hiak.
just rebonded my hair, made a
super retarded decision to snip my fringe away, now i REALLY look like a noob. and school's starting TMR! good one. GRR!
today's the zheng professionals open house, was quite okay except i messed up the ending part, and i doubt anyone saw. lol. ate ate ate crap crap crap and took pics (with my noobish hair). and jiahwa's way of biting straws is CUTE:
(pictures tmr, when i get them from kexin, and i am tired. lol)
no maid. means that we have to do the housework. wash clothes, hang clothes, mop the floor, ironing. $#$#%^?$%%^?!
sch is starting. so sian, but anyway, only four or five weeks till the end of semester. shall chiong my way through. and then the holidays come again! haha good luck! (:
23 June, 2006
no maid for the next two weeks. last minute then tell me. ZZZZ!
new template.
21 June, 2006
pulau ubin!
it was fun although there were like only 7 ppl going, instead of the usual 10.
yes, i am a
lousy organiser. haha
Day Onemet them at punggol mrt, i reached early sia, at 1103am. haha, but kok was earlier, so we waited for the rest to come. punggol mrt is damn ulu i tell you, no supermarkets, shopping centre, nothing! found out that the area around punggol mrt station does not have supermarkets, go last min had to ask boss to get some drinks from sengkang. almost didn't make it for the shuttle bus, lol.
waited at the marina club while waiting for shawn and clarence to settle the check-in (i am a lousy organiser, haha), then we took a ferry to pulau ubin. woo hoo the ferry sway here sway there hahahaha. played some finger games with gym on the ferry, where i lost very badly. lol
reached the two-storey chalet, its quite big, quite comfy, BUT there's insects! ants spiders cockroaches and what-not crawling into the chalet from outside! what to do, pulau ubin what. but the insects here are so fat, not like singaporean insects, so small and scrawny. LOL! after putting down our bags and doing some cleaning up we went to have our lunch. the fishes at the pond were like whoa! got big fish small fish got turtle also! the way the turtle swam was so cute! haha ate beehoon and fried rice, got no comments. haha
walked back, rested awhile then the guys decided to go for a jacuzzi. gym soaked her legs while i sat outside, because i didn't wanna get wet. IN THE END i am still wet, the guys splashed water on me. =.=" sat there talking cock and gossiping, then we went back to chalet.
and i realise i didn't bathe! lol
waited for the guys to bathe, then we went out for our bbq dinner. $19 a person, but the portion was like #@$?!#%$^#$!!! two chicken wings three satays one otah two prawns one fishball kebab one potato and fried rice. ZZZ. could buy much more with that money. hahaha
went back to chalet, played mahjong, watched football matches. WTF australian football players are barbarians man, push here push there. while brazilians are so gracious. omg KAKA!! LOL then we talk cock, eat, drink, until around 3 plus everyone knocked out. woke up at around 530 because i couldn't sleep. went downstairs to take my phone but i saw a pile of ants! then rence and boss went downstairs and we did some cleaning up, clear mahjong table, drown the pile of ants in
tiger balm insect repellent, clear the pile of drowned ants, spray everywhere with
tiger balm insect repellant, ate cup noodles, watched some football then we slept in the empty room downstairs (y nobody wanted to sleep there?!). we slept on the bed, chit-chat a little (talked about erm, wierd stuffs, freaked me out), then went to sleep. so squeezy somemore, rence took the whole bed for himself, and boss was squashing me like mad, i (in the middle) couldn't move. zzz, hahahaha
Day Twowoke up, washed up, then we walked out of the chalet area to the town area for breakfast/lunch and to rent bikes. the food was not bad, better than last night's. haha then we went to rent bikes. $3.50 a day! compare with pasir ris' $8 for two hours, the bike vendors at the mainland must be earning like crazy! ride here ride there, the atmosphere is very different. here u see plants plants and more plants, its refreshing. stopped awhile cuz chenfong fell, and i started to see stars too. rode back to the chalet, gym and cf went back, then we continued to cycle. woohoo it was fun, cycling through forests and over puddles of water and rocks, i almost died. haha. then after chionging awhile i slowed down and boss shouted "lorry!" then i wanted to get down the bike, my legs just softened and i couldn't balance and
i fell. wth, so paiseh. got a few scratches and blue blacks here and there. compared to cf's wound, its nothing. lol. then went to return bikes, bought some tidbits, ordered dinner delivery and then we walked back to the chalet (the guys refused to take a cab back. grr) its a 30 mins walk mind you! then halfway we encountered a group of huge black dogs and the dogs saw the bag of food and started approaching us. then boss just threw the bag of food onto shawn and then we surrounded him so that the dogs can't see the food. in the end they walked off. haha freaking funny, everyone panicked man. lol
went back, bathed (finally), and had our dinner. eight packets of rice, 6 dishes, and one packet of noodles. ate wild boar meat for the first time, it tasted like pork, but much tougher. haha and i got eat ok! after that we started playing mahjong. one round of mahjong and u can hear all the vulgarties coming out from everybody. damn funny. this chalet we can scream all we want, scold all we want, and nobody complains. hahahahaha then gym kok and rence drank some alcohol while the rest of us played mahjong. then we played card games and the penalty was to drink the alcohol. gym so suay, always lose. so drink drink drink. and she got drunk. first time see her drunk self, quite funny but also very scary. make sure u don't drink so much again ah gym!!
took a nap, woke up, watch the guys play mahjong, hear more vulgarities (lol), watched tv, couldn't take it anymore, i went to sleep. woohoo gym and i had the room to ourselves!
Day Threeearly in the morning boss woke me up with his walking in and out of the room because he woke up early.. zzz. then gym woke up too and we chatted abit. kok came down, chat some more then we played card games. bluff. and why i can't clear my deck of cards. GRR! then the others woke up at 1115 and the ferry leaves at 1130! ping piang ping piang we quickly packed our stuff and checked out. arrived at sengkang at had our lunch at swensens. talk alot of crap too, wahahaha someone owes me money! LOL! found out rence and shawn's pri sch ccas. unexpected. HAHA
went home and i immediately went to the toilet to shit. talk about the shit gang. we are the shit gang. everybody keeps shitting. hahahahaha
overall it was a fun trip, still as fun as the previous chalets! we eat, drink, scold, talk cock, shout "GOAL!", play mahjong like nobody's business! more chalets! pulau ubin is fun! although i cut my hair the day before and so i look noobish and thus i look like a noob in most of the photos. grr~
and five packets of tissue paper is not enough, because gym and boss sucked away all my tissue paper and i have nothing to blow my nose in. HAHA
and tiger balm mosquito repellant is damn useful, because other than repelling mosquitos, it repels insects and kills them, like
drowning ants and knocking out spiders. good product. lol
and i am a lousy organiser! haha
pics up later, when i get them from rence. i realise when i say pics later i usually
don't upload them. =.= shall upload them tmr (:
sigh, i want my year one class back! the 10 of us! (:
steamboat quiz
20 June, 2006
back from chalet. super tired. shall blog tmr. (:
SteamBoat personality Test
>What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat?
>A. Winter ( To Qn 2)
>B. Summer (To Qn 5)
>C. No matter what season (To Qn 1)
>>1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food?
>A. Like (To Qn 2)
>B. Don't like (To Qn 5)
>>2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup?
>A. Yes (To Qn 3)
>B. No (To Qn 6)
>>3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do?
>A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn13)
>B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10)
>>4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant?
>A. Famous ( To Qn 7)
>B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8)
>>5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat,will you dare to try?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 6)
>B. No ( To Qn 8)
>>6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with?
>A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9)
>B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3)
>>7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat or go to another place?
>A. Wait ( To Qn 11)
>B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12)
>>8. What kind of food you like to add?
>A. Noodle ( To Qn 9)
>B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7)
>>9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup?
>A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10)
>B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12)
>>10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD ingredient in the soup to make itmore delicious, will you dare to add?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 17)
>B. No ( To Qn 13)
>>11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 15)
>B. No ( To Qn 14)
>>12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later?
>A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15)
>B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11)
>>13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go>into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type?
>A. All ( To Qn 17)
>B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16)
>>14. What drink will you like to go with your meal?
>A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16)
>B. Plum juice ( Type A)
>>15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside?
>A. Home ( To Qn 16)
>B.Outside ( To Qn 14)
>>16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food?
>A. Mind ( Type B)
>B. Don't mind ( Type C)
>>17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it?
>A. Yes (Type D)
>B. No ( To Qn 16)
>Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and
>like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to
>strangers is a hard thing so you have not much
>friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You
>need to treasure people who care and love you. You are
>more interested in your own matters, you will try your
>very best to achieve your target. But you can't do
>everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn
>to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along
>with different people.
>You are a more active person, drawing a clear line
>between happiness and unhappiness. You are more
>quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you
>will do it without second thought. But once you
>encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get
>out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of
>your own views, the friends you tend to have will be
>of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will
>understand them a lot and go all the way to help then.
>Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too
>emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with
>your friends. You must learn to do things in order and
>notgive up easily. You can try making friends with
>those you don't think you can get along with, don't
>stick with the same category. This will make you more
>popular and charming.
>Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance
power, easy to get along with people. Very popular in
>social life but seems that no one will talk bad about
>you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you
>always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every
>person differently. To look at the bright side, you
>adapt easily. But to look at the dark side, you lack
>of character, although you are one big nice guy but
>you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of
>friends but once you have troubles, you lack of
>soulmates to help you around. You must try to express
>yourself more and bemore decisive. In this way, you
>can understand yourself more.
>You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get
>to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can
>change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so
>you win a lot of trust from your friends. But as you
>are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect
>other people's suggestions therefore you can easily
>make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own
>character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other
>people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people
>think you are hard to handle and you will lose friends
>gradually and may end up alone. You need to learn to
>accept other people's opinion. This will make your
>social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better.
HAHAHA i am type B. LOL its quite accurate for me. haha
16 June, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELPHINE!yay i have turned eighteen. i am eighteen! legally eighteen! (cuz i can watch M18, buy alcohol, learn how to drive, and i wanna club! =X)
i wanna thank alot of people whom i celebrated my birthday(s) with these whole week.
thanks to peishan, apple, vannessa, larry, lance, zhengjie, terrence and teck siang for the celebration at fish and co on monday. i loved the present! loved to pig and flowers! thanks peishan for your cute tissue box! LOL. and it was so embarassing lah have to stand on the chair together with peishan (17th june!) and have the whole resturant sing your birthday song (i peeped). took lots of silly pictures. really appreciate the company. love u all :)
thanks to wenyi, geraldine, julie, polly and kelvin (HAHAHA) for the surpise celebration on thursday! thanks for the cakes, very cute! and the subway cookies. and i was suprised ok, where gt act?? NO WONDER wenyi tell me die die also MUST come to sch and julie told me "come la, go toilet with me la" when i told her i didn't wanna go toilet. how funny that i didn't even realise! i am touched, love u all too :)
thanks amanda for the handmade bracelet u made for me. lol stupid girl i am not your customer la. haha thanks for spending the whole day doing the accessories to sell. love you stupid girl! lol :)
thanks auntie alice, uncle, jingle, gary and jocelyn for the dinner at long beach. it was nice! thanks auntie for the TUBE (HAHAHAHAHAHA) and thanks jingle for the adidas bag. thanks for the dinner and company! love u all too.
thanks to those who wished me happy birthday through sms-es, wishes.. and yes, polly u are the FIRST (she msged me in the afternoon! -_-") but politically wenyi is the first. hahahahaha
and not forgetting, my dear daddy and mommy and grandma, who showered me with alot of presents (3 mango tops, 1 mango jacket, nike bag, nike tee, giordano pants, many accessories, angbao and 2 steamboats)
I LOVE U ALL! thanks for being there throughout my 18 years, swallowing all my good and bad times, i really appreciated that. without you all, i won't be here today. nothing can describe how i feel in words, so,
I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U! :) you all are the best that ever came to me (because i am single, so no bf to be the best. yet. hiak)
and thanks to my sis who made me a very nice card although i saw it on the table when i got home. it was turned downwards to prevent me from seeing it. cute. hahaha.
this birthday is of special meaning to me. to some people, the more presents, the more people celebrating, the more wishes, the more presents, the better. some even use it at a gauge of their popularity. but to me, its the process that counts. the process when u hear people singing "happy birthday", wishing you, hoping to suprise you (LOL), i get very touched. i used to cry when people sing me birthday songs when i was much younger, but not now. i feel the warmth, i feel really happy, i smile from within. even with the smallest cake, no present, but a wish or a song can really make my day.
thanks guys, i love u all!
i am glad that i still have many, many friends around me who care. :)and sexy four i love you too! mini-concert next sunday, lol :)
more pics later, when i get them.
my cake is with geraldine haha. need to get it back from her tmr. LOL
10 June, 2006
changed template sorry yar, will get down and design a template when i have the time next week (:
yesterday i finally went out with jingle. its either i am not free or she not free. went around in tampines mall aimlessly while waiting for the 9.20pm show. then we bought each other's birthday presents! she bought me this adidas purse while i bought her this personalised chain stuff. lol

then we bought some accessories. sigh, why i keep buying accessories. lol
then we watched she's the man. nice movie! hot guys, hot girls, good acting, and quite amusing too. amanda bynes is a talented actress. i think she is one of the best actress our age. and she has a hot body, LOL!
went home after that, reached home at abt 12. phew, first time watching such a late movie. haha and i didn't know macdonald's is still open so late.
scary movie out on june 22! must watch! lol
oh yes! forgot! happy 13th darlene!

and welcome fat!

oh yes and amanda and i are finally gonna make accessories and sell them online! coming soon! whee (:
08 June, 2006
Yesterday's wedding dinner was great. The groom handsome, and the bride was very pretty. The food was good. I think i gulped down like 6 glasses of sprite. I am getting fat. Everyone was around socialising, chatting, gossiping, the small kids all playing together, like one big family. wahahaha.
Sadly no photos yet, wait till i kope them from the photographer. haha
Seriously, does e-learning do anything to help us learn? i think we are like chiong-ing our online quizzes/assignments in one day, like what i am doing now. So i am left with POPRI assignment (due June 22nd, phew) and Photography (one photo only, lol) and a TASC online quiz which DOES NOT LOAD.
They say the problem would be solved today but, looks like its futile. wahaha
And one more thing. Mercedes Cab drivers are jerks. Just because u are rushing for an assignment then u can drop us anywhere. CRAZY! then don't pick passengers up asshole! just because u drive a mercedes cab u can be so cocky, let me remind you again its mercedes CAB, not the CAR. Bugger off!! grr..
anyways, shopping tmr and sat, cannot wait. i am rotting at home, lol!
04 June, 2006
i am so sian.
finished up most of my formal reports, except for one, which only needs to be handed up after the holidays. why am i suddenly so hardworking this semester, and i hand up my reports on time now. wierd. haha
holidays are here, but other than chalet then i dunno what am i gonna do. hmm, let's see.
Nothing much, actually.
year two class outing to swensens, mahjong sessions, steamboat with the 2B22 ppl, meet up with brenda, dawn, and of course shopping with dear amanda and zhong! lols
Yah i am so free. oh yes, clear my room.
oh and dawn is applying to nus law faculty, cool.
Went to the new guzheng centre today, they moved to a much bigger place (i mean BIGGER!), much spacious classroms, and its nearer to the bus stop, so no need to walk. lol
Wedding dinner next tues. what am i gonna wear, xian told me cannot wear pants. OMG!! wardrobe is messy, can't find any matching clothes, my shoes are all spoilt, only left slippers, what's the use?
this is just crazy. two more days and i am stuck here. hmm.
Great Singapore Sale is here! such nice timing huh, i am sooo broke now. grr... i am so broke, practically living by the day, and all these engagements make me spend more money. how to go for shopping you tell me?! i need $$$$$$$$.
I'm turning 18! wahahahaha! 1B27 class chalet at ubin! whee! (:
as you can see i don't know what to blog, this post is super random, and i think there's something wrong with the "p" key on my keyboard, its super hard to type.
God bless me. LOL
shopping spree!
29 June, 2006
HA! enough of kaka already.
Its 1130pm and i haven't started studying for my S&PM test tmr and i am still happily blogging and editing my pictures! =.=
woohoo i do not carry too much hopes for tmr's test anyway, with an
almost empty set of notes, i will set off to study soon, after i blog this. HOHO.
went on a shopping spree today with gym and baiyu. totally last minute. haven gone on a REAL shiok shopping trip with them for a long long time already!
we went to bugis, shopped around bugis village. we were so high, gym and baiyu bought alot of stuff! damn shiok sia, we gossip gossip, laugh out loud here and there, and we were like "wah, ok buy!" shopping with them is so lovely. we ended up with alot of shopping bags. we cannot shop together. we
will go broke. lol.
didn't really buy anything because i was broke.
Okay, fasio mascara and three pairs of earrings (
and after that, my mood plunged.
piano wasn't was good as i have expected. with a tired and blur eye, i totally screwed up my pieces, and i can feel myself going to cry as i play the pieces. ms yeo gave me such challenging pieces for me to polish up my skills and here i am not practicing and i feel that i have let her down, because i did'nt live to her expectations. i feel a little ashamed of myself now.
theory was worse. don't ask.
i shall practice three times a week now.
and exams are coming. i must start studying too.
anyway, moodiness lifted in the afternoon from the shopping trip still makes me happy. (:
wah my mood swings can actually last a whole week. please, let tmr be a
better day.
28 June, 2006
random post again, but...
Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite

i think he's so much cuter than beckham. and has substance ok! his soccer skills are good ok! LOL!
too bad he's married.
and of course not fogetting that i stayed in school until 4pm (i ended at 11am) today for nothing! wanted to study since i'll probably fall into a deep sleep when i reached home, but in the end i still fell asleep in the library. i feel like a nomad, sit-in for class here and there. HAHA
and tommorrow i'm gonna sit in for lecture agn during the two hour break. i am like damn free. lol
yes i did study abit of nanomaterials and S&PM, but
S&PM test = sure fail.
go figure. lol
27 June, 2006
Okay, enough of my moodiness. yay the pictures are here! i look even more noobish than the pulau ubin pictures. sigh, why did i have to cut my frindge?! AHH!!
i still remembered that i chiong-ed to the back corner seat because i don't wanna be seen with that super noobish fringe. but since i am playing the bass part so i have to sit at the back anyway. LOL
Here goes, the nice picture first: (nice picture must put big big!)
Grr. why do i always look so short?! next time i must wear 3-inch high heels already. haven't seen them for two weeks! lol
Now the noobish picture: (so must put smaller. haha)
Note the effects of lighting on the two pictures. The first one was taken under direct sunlight. Obviously we look more radiant!
Yay auntie and uncle mak came! then auntie mak told me she like to stand next to me when taking pictures because i make her look slimmer. LOL! haven seen them in months too! haha
And jiahwa's scary straw:
One nice nice straight straw she can also bite until like that. tsk. HAHA
Friday's S&PM test. ARGH!
Alright, school's started. i feel so sian. Back to the ubin chalet days, where there's no need to worry about studies. back to the wonderful memories~
and i am still having mood swings. lol
26 June, 2006
One moment i laugh too much, one moment i am moody.
Just like today.
What is happening to me.
25 June, 2006

pulau ubin pics, for more pls go to clarence's blog. lazy to upload one by one so may as well just lump them together. click for BIGGER pic. and pls pardon my noobish hair. hiak.
just rebonded my hair, made a
super retarded decision to snip my fringe away, now i REALLY look like a noob. and school's starting TMR! good one. GRR!
today's the zheng professionals open house, was quite okay except i messed up the ending part, and i doubt anyone saw. lol. ate ate ate crap crap crap and took pics (with my noobish hair). and jiahwa's way of biting straws is CUTE:
(pictures tmr, when i get them from kexin, and i am tired. lol)
no maid. means that we have to do the housework. wash clothes, hang clothes, mop the floor, ironing. $#$#%^?$%%^?!
sch is starting. so sian, but anyway, only four or five weeks till the end of semester. shall chiong my way through. and then the holidays come again! haha good luck! (:
23 June, 2006
no maid for the next two weeks. last minute then tell me. ZZZZ!
new template.
21 June, 2006
pulau ubin!
it was fun although there were like only 7 ppl going, instead of the usual 10.
yes, i am a
lousy organiser. haha
Day Onemet them at punggol mrt, i reached early sia, at 1103am. haha, but kok was earlier, so we waited for the rest to come. punggol mrt is damn ulu i tell you, no supermarkets, shopping centre, nothing! found out that the area around punggol mrt station does not have supermarkets, go last min had to ask boss to get some drinks from sengkang. almost didn't make it for the shuttle bus, lol.
waited at the marina club while waiting for shawn and clarence to settle the check-in (i am a lousy organiser, haha), then we took a ferry to pulau ubin. woo hoo the ferry sway here sway there hahahaha. played some finger games with gym on the ferry, where i lost very badly. lol
reached the two-storey chalet, its quite big, quite comfy, BUT there's insects! ants spiders cockroaches and what-not crawling into the chalet from outside! what to do, pulau ubin what. but the insects here are so fat, not like singaporean insects, so small and scrawny. LOL! after putting down our bags and doing some cleaning up we went to have our lunch. the fishes at the pond were like whoa! got big fish small fish got turtle also! the way the turtle swam was so cute! haha ate beehoon and fried rice, got no comments. haha
walked back, rested awhile then the guys decided to go for a jacuzzi. gym soaked her legs while i sat outside, because i didn't wanna get wet. IN THE END i am still wet, the guys splashed water on me. =.=" sat there talking cock and gossiping, then we went back to chalet.
and i realise i didn't bathe! lol
waited for the guys to bathe, then we went out for our bbq dinner. $19 a person, but the portion was like #@$?!#%$^#$!!! two chicken wings three satays one otah two prawns one fishball kebab one potato and fried rice. ZZZ. could buy much more with that money. hahaha
went back to chalet, played mahjong, watched football matches. WTF australian football players are barbarians man, push here push there. while brazilians are so gracious. omg KAKA!! LOL then we talk cock, eat, drink, until around 3 plus everyone knocked out. woke up at around 530 because i couldn't sleep. went downstairs to take my phone but i saw a pile of ants! then rence and boss went downstairs and we did some cleaning up, clear mahjong table, drown the pile of ants in
tiger balm insect repellent, clear the pile of drowned ants, spray everywhere with
tiger balm insect repellant, ate cup noodles, watched some football then we slept in the empty room downstairs (y nobody wanted to sleep there?!). we slept on the bed, chit-chat a little (talked about erm, wierd stuffs, freaked me out), then went to sleep. so squeezy somemore, rence took the whole bed for himself, and boss was squashing me like mad, i (in the middle) couldn't move. zzz, hahahaha
Day Twowoke up, washed up, then we walked out of the chalet area to the town area for breakfast/lunch and to rent bikes. the food was not bad, better than last night's. haha then we went to rent bikes. $3.50 a day! compare with pasir ris' $8 for two hours, the bike vendors at the mainland must be earning like crazy! ride here ride there, the atmosphere is very different. here u see plants plants and more plants, its refreshing. stopped awhile cuz chenfong fell, and i started to see stars too. rode back to the chalet, gym and cf went back, then we continued to cycle. woohoo it was fun, cycling through forests and over puddles of water and rocks, i almost died. haha. then after chionging awhile i slowed down and boss shouted "lorry!" then i wanted to get down the bike, my legs just softened and i couldn't balance and
i fell. wth, so paiseh. got a few scratches and blue blacks here and there. compared to cf's wound, its nothing. lol. then went to return bikes, bought some tidbits, ordered dinner delivery and then we walked back to the chalet (the guys refused to take a cab back. grr) its a 30 mins walk mind you! then halfway we encountered a group of huge black dogs and the dogs saw the bag of food and started approaching us. then boss just threw the bag of food onto shawn and then we surrounded him so that the dogs can't see the food. in the end they walked off. haha freaking funny, everyone panicked man. lol
went back, bathed (finally), and had our dinner. eight packets of rice, 6 dishes, and one packet of noodles. ate wild boar meat for the first time, it tasted like pork, but much tougher. haha and i got eat ok! after that we started playing mahjong. one round of mahjong and u can hear all the vulgarties coming out from everybody. damn funny. this chalet we can scream all we want, scold all we want, and nobody complains. hahahahaha then gym kok and rence drank some alcohol while the rest of us played mahjong. then we played card games and the penalty was to drink the alcohol. gym so suay, always lose. so drink drink drink. and she got drunk. first time see her drunk self, quite funny but also very scary. make sure u don't drink so much again ah gym!!
took a nap, woke up, watch the guys play mahjong, hear more vulgarities (lol), watched tv, couldn't take it anymore, i went to sleep. woohoo gym and i had the room to ourselves!
Day Threeearly in the morning boss woke me up with his walking in and out of the room because he woke up early.. zzz. then gym woke up too and we chatted abit. kok came down, chat some more then we played card games. bluff. and why i can't clear my deck of cards. GRR! then the others woke up at 1115 and the ferry leaves at 1130! ping piang ping piang we quickly packed our stuff and checked out. arrived at sengkang at had our lunch at swensens. talk alot of crap too, wahahaha someone owes me money! LOL! found out rence and shawn's pri sch ccas. unexpected. HAHA
went home and i immediately went to the toilet to shit. talk about the shit gang. we are the shit gang. everybody keeps shitting. hahahahaha
overall it was a fun trip, still as fun as the previous chalets! we eat, drink, scold, talk cock, shout "GOAL!", play mahjong like nobody's business! more chalets! pulau ubin is fun! although i cut my hair the day before and so i look noobish and thus i look like a noob in most of the photos. grr~
and five packets of tissue paper is not enough, because gym and boss sucked away all my tissue paper and i have nothing to blow my nose in. HAHA
and tiger balm mosquito repellant is damn useful, because other than repelling mosquitos, it repels insects and kills them, like
drowning ants and knocking out spiders. good product. lol
and i am a lousy organiser! haha
pics up later, when i get them from rence. i realise when i say pics later i usually
don't upload them. =.= shall upload them tmr (:
sigh, i want my year one class back! the 10 of us! (:
steamboat quiz
20 June, 2006
back from chalet. super tired. shall blog tmr. (:
SteamBoat personality Test
>What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat?
>A. Winter ( To Qn 2)
>B. Summer (To Qn 5)
>C. No matter what season (To Qn 1)
>>1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food?
>A. Like (To Qn 2)
>B. Don't like (To Qn 5)
>>2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup?
>A. Yes (To Qn 3)
>B. No (To Qn 6)
>>3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do?
>A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn13)
>B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10)
>>4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant?
>A. Famous ( To Qn 7)
>B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8)
>>5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat,will you dare to try?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 6)
>B. No ( To Qn 8)
>>6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with?
>A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9)
>B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3)
>>7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat or go to another place?
>A. Wait ( To Qn 11)
>B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12)
>>8. What kind of food you like to add?
>A. Noodle ( To Qn 9)
>B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7)
>>9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup?
>A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10)
>B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12)
>>10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD ingredient in the soup to make itmore delicious, will you dare to add?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 17)
>B. No ( To Qn 13)
>>11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal?
>A. Yes ( To Qn 15)
>B. No ( To Qn 14)
>>12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later?
>A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15)
>B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11)
>>13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go>into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type?
>A. All ( To Qn 17)
>B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16)
>>14. What drink will you like to go with your meal?
>A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16)
>B. Plum juice ( Type A)
>>15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside?
>A. Home ( To Qn 16)
>B.Outside ( To Qn 14)
>>16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food?
>A. Mind ( Type B)
>B. Don't mind ( Type C)
>>17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it?
>A. Yes (Type D)
>B. No ( To Qn 16)
>Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and
>like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to
>strangers is a hard thing so you have not much
>friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You
>need to treasure people who care and love you. You are
>more interested in your own matters, you will try your
>very best to achieve your target. But you can't do
>everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn
>to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along
>with different people.
>You are a more active person, drawing a clear line
>between happiness and unhappiness. You are more
>quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you
>will do it without second thought. But once you
>encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get
>out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of
>your own views, the friends you tend to have will be
>of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will
>understand them a lot and go all the way to help then.
>Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too
>emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with
>your friends. You must learn to do things in order and
>notgive up easily. You can try making friends with
>those you don't think you can get along with, don't
>stick with the same category. This will make you more
>popular and charming.
>Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance
power, easy to get along with people. Very popular in
>social life but seems that no one will talk bad about
>you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you
>always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every
>person differently. To look at the bright side, you
>adapt easily. But to look at the dark side, you lack
>of character, although you are one big nice guy but
>you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of
>friends but once you have troubles, you lack of
>soulmates to help you around. You must try to express
>yourself more and bemore decisive. In this way, you
>can understand yourself more.
>You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get
>to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can
>change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so
>you win a lot of trust from your friends. But as you
>are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect
>other people's suggestions therefore you can easily
>make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own
>character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other
>people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people
>think you are hard to handle and you will lose friends
>gradually and may end up alone. You need to learn to
>accept other people's opinion. This will make your
>social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better.
HAHAHA i am type B. LOL its quite accurate for me. haha
16 June, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DELPHINE!yay i have turned eighteen. i am eighteen! legally eighteen! (cuz i can watch M18, buy alcohol, learn how to drive, and i wanna club! =X)
i wanna thank alot of people whom i celebrated my birthday(s) with these whole week.
thanks to peishan, apple, vannessa, larry, lance, zhengjie, terrence and teck siang for the celebration at fish and co on monday. i loved the present! loved to pig and flowers! thanks peishan for your cute tissue box! LOL. and it was so embarassing lah have to stand on the chair together with peishan (17th june!) and have the whole resturant sing your birthday song (i peeped). took lots of silly pictures. really appreciate the company. love u all :)
thanks to wenyi, geraldine, julie, polly and kelvin (HAHAHA) for the surpise celebration on thursday! thanks for the cakes, very cute! and the subway cookies. and i was suprised ok, where gt act?? NO WONDER wenyi tell me die die also MUST come to sch and julie told me "come la, go toilet with me la" when i told her i didn't wanna go toilet. how funny that i didn't even realise! i am touched, love u all too :)
thanks amanda for the handmade bracelet u made for me. lol stupid girl i am not your customer la. haha thanks for spending the whole day doing the accessories to sell. love you stupid girl! lol :)
thanks auntie alice, uncle, jingle, gary and jocelyn for the dinner at long beach. it was nice! thanks auntie for the TUBE (HAHAHAHAHAHA) and thanks jingle for the adidas bag. thanks for the dinner and company! love u all too.
thanks to those who wished me happy birthday through sms-es, wishes.. and yes, polly u are the FIRST (she msged me in the afternoon! -_-") but politically wenyi is the first. hahahahaha
and not forgetting, my dear daddy and mommy and grandma, who showered me with alot of presents (3 mango tops, 1 mango jacket, nike bag, nike tee, giordano pants, many accessories, angbao and 2 steamboats)
I LOVE U ALL! thanks for being there throughout my 18 years, swallowing all my good and bad times, i really appreciated that. without you all, i won't be here today. nothing can describe how i feel in words, so,
I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U! :) you all are the best that ever came to me (because i am single, so no bf to be the best. yet. hiak)
and thanks to my sis who made me a very nice card although i saw it on the table when i got home. it was turned downwards to prevent me from seeing it. cute. hahaha.
this birthday is of special meaning to me. to some people, the more presents, the more people celebrating, the more wishes, the more presents, the better. some even use it at a gauge of their popularity. but to me, its the process that counts. the process when u hear people singing "happy birthday", wishing you, hoping to suprise you (LOL), i get very touched. i used to cry when people sing me birthday songs when i was much younger, but not now. i feel the warmth, i feel really happy, i smile from within. even with the smallest cake, no present, but a wish or a song can really make my day.
thanks guys, i love u all!
i am glad that i still have many, many friends around me who care. :)and sexy four i love you too! mini-concert next sunday, lol :)
more pics later, when i get them.
my cake is with geraldine haha. need to get it back from her tmr. LOL
10 June, 2006
changed template sorry yar, will get down and design a template when i have the time next week (:
yesterday i finally went out with jingle. its either i am not free or she not free. went around in tampines mall aimlessly while waiting for the 9.20pm show. then we bought each other's birthday presents! she bought me this adidas purse while i bought her this personalised chain stuff. lol

then we bought some accessories. sigh, why i keep buying accessories. lol
then we watched she's the man. nice movie! hot guys, hot girls, good acting, and quite amusing too. amanda bynes is a talented actress. i think she is one of the best actress our age. and she has a hot body, LOL!
went home after that, reached home at abt 12. phew, first time watching such a late movie. haha and i didn't know macdonald's is still open so late.
scary movie out on june 22! must watch! lol
oh yes! forgot! happy 13th darlene!

and welcome fat!

oh yes and amanda and i are finally gonna make accessories and sell them online! coming soon! whee (:
08 June, 2006
Yesterday's wedding dinner was great. The groom handsome, and the bride was very pretty. The food was good. I think i gulped down like 6 glasses of sprite. I am getting fat. Everyone was around socialising, chatting, gossiping, the small kids all playing together, like one big family. wahahaha.
Sadly no photos yet, wait till i kope them from the photographer. haha
Seriously, does e-learning do anything to help us learn? i think we are like chiong-ing our online quizzes/assignments in one day, like what i am doing now. So i am left with POPRI assignment (due June 22nd, phew) and Photography (one photo only, lol) and a TASC online quiz which DOES NOT LOAD.
They say the problem would be solved today but, looks like its futile. wahaha
And one more thing. Mercedes Cab drivers are jerks. Just because u are rushing for an assignment then u can drop us anywhere. CRAZY! then don't pick passengers up asshole! just because u drive a mercedes cab u can be so cocky, let me remind you again its mercedes CAB, not the CAR. Bugger off!! grr..
anyways, shopping tmr and sat, cannot wait. i am rotting at home, lol!
04 June, 2006
i am so sian.
finished up most of my formal reports, except for one, which only needs to be handed up after the holidays. why am i suddenly so hardworking this semester, and i hand up my reports on time now. wierd. haha
holidays are here, but other than chalet then i dunno what am i gonna do. hmm, let's see.
Nothing much, actually.
year two class outing to swensens, mahjong sessions, steamboat with the 2B22 ppl, meet up with brenda, dawn, and of course shopping with dear amanda and zhong! lols
Yah i am so free. oh yes, clear my room.
oh and dawn is applying to nus law faculty, cool.
Went to the new guzheng centre today, they moved to a much bigger place (i mean BIGGER!), much spacious classroms, and its nearer to the bus stop, so no need to walk. lol
Wedding dinner next tues. what am i gonna wear, xian told me cannot wear pants. OMG!! wardrobe is messy, can't find any matching clothes, my shoes are all spoilt, only left slippers, what's the use?
this is just crazy. two more days and i am stuck here. hmm.
Great Singapore Sale is here! such nice timing huh, i am sooo broke now. grr... i am so broke, practically living by the day, and all these engagements make me spend more money. how to go for shopping you tell me?! i need $$$$$$$$.
I'm turning 18! wahahahaha! 1B27 class chalet at ubin! whee! (:
as you can see i don't know what to blog, this post is super random, and i think there's something wrong with the "p" key on my keyboard, its super hard to type.
God bless me. LOL