30 May, 2006
When we plan, they complain abt the planning.
When we don't plan, they complain abt not planning.
Seriously. WTF.
27 May, 2006
shawn does not have a sense of balance!
i finally made another blogskin!
i edited the picture until like siao. position until like siao. edit until like siao, for 3 hrs.
looks quite noobish to me (the pic). dunno lah, i shuang then change another pic. i am so tired now. and photoshop keeps hanging on me! grr..
food fair today was nice. but i got no mood to try food, because i'm like so sian, and because people keep squeezing and pushing and shoving me until i'm very terrorised, and i don't dare to raise my hand to take the samples because i'm afraid someone might push my hand off.
which is crap. LOL
unlucky DAYS!
25 May, 2006
lesson number 1: don't anyhow leave your stuff around!i damn so freaking unlucky today. no, make that freaking unlucky these few weeks.
First thing, i forgot to bring my handphone cover. die, no protection. nevermind.
Then on the way to school, i took a train (NO CAB OK!) from bedok station, as always. you know those mrt gantrys? when u need to tap your ez-link card to go in? yupp. so i tapped my card, holding my phone on the same hand. And then i had to rush for the train, and in a hurry i knocked into the gate, and then my phone headset wires swung and POOF! flew my phone.
plop plop plop it fell onto the floor. i was very mortified and embarassed. holding on to my jacket AND the freakishly-thick lecture notes, i picked it up. heng, no scratches.
OMG this phone is slighly more than a month old and i've dropped it FOUR times. i am erm,
sad. lol.
always happens when i don't bring out my pouch. super
nevermind about that, i say, and off i go to sch. i was like half an hour late. lol
then spent my time studying for my maths test (grr), chionged like mad (seriously i wasn't even half as hardworking now in year 1!), and then off i went for POPRI class at 3.
i was
late again. sigh.
AND THEN!after lesson we went to the toilet to freshen up before going for the test. nothing wrong right. it's so normal.
then we went to assemble at the test venue, chat here chat there, cram some more formulas, and off we went in.
i flustered and after telling siying that i am go out and find my phone, i ran to the toilet at fourth floor. but no avail.
i was like "omg, my phone! fucking hell why did this happen NOW?" . damn scared and pissed with myself (why didn't i bring my pouch?!) and with a heavy heart, i went back to take my test.
since i was wondering whether i left it on the classroom table or not, i just sat for the test. then thought after test can go ask teacher open the door for me.
then the test started. i just did all my questions. surprisingly i knew what formula to use AND i just continued doing doing and doing. and no liquid paper = messy test script. write write write. scribble scribble scribble.
and throughout the test i was thinking how to tell my parents, and hope that the finder would return it to me. and hope that it is still lying somewhere, not found (there must something useful for its slimness right?). and how i am gonna miss my phone and i cannot never afford a new one.
feeling VERY WORRIED and TROUBLED, i handed up my paper, and left the class.
AND THEN!outside the class i was complaing to wenyi and polly.
me to polly: "how? i lost my phone leh!"
polly to me: "where got? your phone is with me la! u left it on the table in class just now."
"see la anyhow put!"
i was like wtf! haha y never return me sia! haha i was abit happy yet relived and abit angry that i worried thoughout the test for nothing! buddy class, and we sat so far apart, i couldn't even tell them immediately!
but under that stress i managed to answer all the questions. haha. not bad.
and then shortly after, kelvin returned me my calculator.
i left my calculator on the table. i didn't even know.
i am very careless. grr.
so after all the saga, the phone is back, i and apologised to it. (not really la, lol)
and i shall bring my pouch and put my phone inside and never just throw in on the table, chair, in my bag, bla bla. ONCE IS ENOUGH! =S
and the other time i left my wallet on the table at a food court, zo picked it up, then on the way to shawn's hse for mahjong he said:"not bad ah, got wallet, but go no money one. cannot play mahjong."
i immediately turned around and saw my wallet! totally forgot about my wallet. i just walked off without checking. if i lose it, some things inside the wallet can never be replaced. thanks ah zo!
phew! its the end of the day, finally. i am so tired i need to get some sleep. alot of it. haha :)
and i must not be so careless and forgetful anymore.
24 May, 2006
WAH! sorry i've not contracted Gangrene!
Please take a look at the meaning of Gangrene!
Gangrene is necrosis and subsequent decay of body tissues caused by infection or thrombosis or lack of blood flow."
not Gangrene. i think is
Ganglion. confirm!
" A ganglion grows out of a joint, like a balloon on a stalk that rises out of the connective tissues between bones and muscles. Inside the balloon is a thick, slippery fluid similar to the fluid in your joints. Usually, the more active you are, the larger the lump becomes; when you rest, the lump decreases in size.
Women are more likely to be affected than men, and ganglions are common among gymnasts, who repeatedly apply stress to the wrist. Because the fluid-filled sac puts pressure on the nerves that pass through the joint, some ganglion cysts may be painful."
More Information~ *
eh so surgery should be in june. having consultations now.
Went for industrial visit today.
Please ask me where i went.
i actually went twice! WAH!!
but its damn nice.
seeing the production plant and everything.
seeing the soyabeans makes me high. and the packaging belt. and the pasturizer. and the grinder. and..
too bad i am not in food. i am in polymer, but the packaging is polymer ok!
no packaging = no tofu products.
and they gave like 5 packets of tofu dessert for us to bring home.
so by right:
5 x 22 people = 110 packets.
still remembered last time still got to buy home. HAHA
not bad.
as u can see i am being random. again. LOL
tmr maths test. i am so dead.
i hate integration!
and i am a nice person today. wenyi pls thank me! LOL
22 May, 2006
i am very depressed.
i really don't know what to say. sigh.
on sunday, while i was eating dim sum at goodwood park hotel, i noticed a slight bump on my left hand.
there was supposed to be no bump.
i thought it was a dislocation of my wrist, since i had such problems before, having strained wrists.
so today i went to see a doctor. i thought it was something minor since it didn't give me any problems in the day.
then the doctor press and press and press (pain ok!) and then he told me the news:
"you've got gangerine."
cue in the thunderstorms and typhoons please.
in case u didn't know, gangerine cannot be treated, and the only way to remove it is by operation.
and coincidentally my mom has had gangerine before, also on the left hand, and around the same area.
she removed it.
talk about inheritance. -.-
most probably i'm gonna see my mom's specialist.
i MUST remove it.
seeing that lump makes me feel.. wierd.
wth. my mom said will be under general anesthetic. and LUCKILY no drips, thank goodness. so i shall go for the op in peace. SIGH.
why why why WHY?!?!
i hate asians.
14 May, 2006
wah piang.
i'm sick.
fever+sore throat+cold.
sis passed to mom, then i think mom passed it to me.
daddy and popo, youre next! haha
vesak daymet up with amanda, zhongwei and zhige(rosemary!)
WAH ROSEMARY!! i missed her sia!
still remembered we named her rosemary during the sec sch days man.
me shirlyn and mel thought of a christian name for zhige..
then i said rose. shir said mary. then mel say add them together become rosemary.
rose+mary=rosemary.the most obiang names added together!
we even went to make a nametag for her!
those days.
we met up, ate a food republic (food court at wisma.)
some angmoh lady, i think from america (her tee says I love NY)
got stuck at our table.

there were two alternatives:
1. on her right where the road is free and without obstruction.
2. on her left in between two rows of chairs.
so she stood there QUIETLY, not knowing where to go.
but i think she wanted to cross over the chairs.
holding her tray like looking lost, she then said something:
and then she walked off by the free lane!
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! if u hate asians what are you doing in an asian country like Singapore?
since we are already so squashed if we suck our chairs in (nearer to the table) just to create an alleyway for you, the food we just consumed would come out from the mouth. as vomit.
if there is no free lane we prolly would give way to you.
or just say "excuse me!"
hate asians? don't come to asia. simple.
or else don't eat in a foodcourt. so to a high end resturant.
u can have all the space you want.
what a bimbo.
those angmohs think they are superior when they come to singapore.
as if we go around saying "i hate angmohs" when we go to caucasian countries.
nevermind about that.
then we played pool. i feel so noob. haha
then shopped around.
wanted to buy a belt and amanda a top
in the end we bought what? earrings.
i counted. six pairs. haha
so random can.
then we walked past one shop, saw the earrings are like damn nice.
they say only their shop carries the earrings. from korea.
then amanda asked me "want anot? got two pairs then we buy."
okay, so we went to ask. they have two pairs.
so we bought it. at 30 bucks for two.
we took the same design initially, but i decided to change to the white one.
so fast leh! like:
eh you want? got two pairs then we buy. got two pairs leh! ching-ching!
we bought it. LOL
and i owe her 10 bucks! =X
so random. haha
i love u amanda and zhong! LOL
and then sat and sun was a bummer cuz i'm sick.
want to skip sch tmr.
but thinking abt the lessons and practicals, better not.
10 May, 2006
Feeling so random now.
These few days i am not myself, did some stuff i normally wouldn't do.
And words just shoot off my mouth without knowing it.
First test is coming, and its
engineering maths somemore. argh
integration all the way, sigh.
I shall be a good girl and sleep now :)
Random quiz, ripped off someone's blog, did it on sunday;1. My uncle once said: tomorrow we go hainan island! inside joke btwn the family la. hahaha.
2. Never in my life have I: ate insects (ok random! lol)
3. The one person who can drive me nuts: my sister. who has a habit of leaving her stuff ALL around. grr. =X
4. High School is/was: memorable! heartwarming! fun! haha
5. When I'm nervous: i don't talk. i'll just keep very quiet.
6. The last time I cried was: i watch movie cry counted? haha!
7. If I were to get married RIGHT NOW my bridesmaids would be: SEXY FOUR!and amanda and zhong!the 1b27 girls! :)
8. My hair is: super straight :)
9. My feet are: size 8. and i have flat feet. LOL
10. When I was 5: i go to PAP kindergarden and.. play! enjoy! lols
11. Last Christmas: had christmas parties!
12. When I turn my head left, I see: my computer table.
13. When I turn my head right, I see: my study table and a messy section of bags and whatnot.
14. When I look down I see: my laptop. seesh, i need to pee now. haha!
15. The craziest recent event was: 1B27 class chalet! dec shanghai trip! bangkok shopping! all 1B27 class outings are mostly crazy i guess! whoo~
16. By this time next year: Final Year Project, Industrial Training Programe and Poly 3rd year (more crazy timetable!)
17. I have a hard time understanding: why some people have double sides, and y some people are so fake. i don't understand attention-grabbing
FAKE people.
18. One time at a family gathering: "(drunk) tomorrow i bring u all to Hainan Island!" 3 yrs ago and still a family joke during gatherings. LOL
19. You know I "like" you if: i suddenly become quieter and less vulgar that usual when around you. haha
20. If I won an award, the first persons I'd thank is: mom dad and grandma! :)
21. Take my advice: live your life to the fullest. appreciate all dear around you. before its too late. :)
22. My ideal breakfast is: blueberry cereal with fresh milk. and a cup of orange juice. NO MILO PLS!
23. If you visit my hometown: HAINAN ISLAND! hmm hainanese chicken rice! LOL
24. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon: BANGKOK! maybe msia or shanghai for the short trip. lols
25. Boys are: boys. girls can never understand fully. lol
26. I'd stop my wedding if: there another guy who stops my wedding in a drama-ish manner!
27. The world could do without: money. the source of all trouble. lol
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: seeing people leave me one by one.
29. Most recent thing you've bought yourself : chocolate milkshake! :)
30. Most recent thing someone else bought you: 1 skirt, 2 pants and 2 tops. lols
31. My favorite time of day is: when i sleep!
32. My favorite store is: mos burger! zara and fox maybe.
33. My favorite ringtone is: happy tree friends. sounds so sadistic. LOL
34. And by the way, please hold on: erm i'm holding on to my pee while trying to finish this QUICKLY. lols
35. The last time I was high: yesterday. high on shopping. and the whole of last wk. lols
36. The person whom I last talked to told me to: go to sleep. my dad! haha
37. I shouldn't have been: so fat. LOL
38. Last night: i am very fat and contented with day out with my parents! :)
39. There's this girl I know who: is fake. haha no la i love my girls!
40. There is this guy I know who: hmm, lame? kb? cold? tall? haha
41. A better name for me would be: nah, my name rocks! DELPHINE HONG YUN TING! and of course buieh. haha
NOT daphne NOT delphi NOT dephine NOT delphin NOT delphina! ITS DELPHINE!!42. If I ever go back to school I'll: just stone during lectures. haha
43. My birthday is: 16th JUNE! *hint* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:)
hmm i wanna get the butterfly belt soon, friday with amanda and zhong! LOL
tests and reports are coming in, and i need to do/finish/rewrite all tutorials!
FORMAL REPORT!! cannot slack!
and i need to borrow a book on injection moulding frm the library.
the notes don't help at all, its all so messy and unorganised. incomplete notes.
and i don't understand a single shit! GRR!
the rest are okay i guess.
oh no photography tutorial 1! life is great! wth am i supposed to take with such a noobish camera? kexin i need your help!!!!!!!
i hate maths. especially integration. ZZZZ
07 May, 2006
a picture tells a thousand words!
muahahaha :)
Friday, 5th March
the ten of us (
gym, baiyu, kluh, shimin, shawn, clarence, chenfong, guolun and yongxiang plus me) celebrated at
had a fun time talking, crapping abt anything, eat eat eat, shout here and there, talk about dirty stuff (kluh! haha), take photos bla bla. i really missed those times. CHALET IN THE HOLIDAYS PLEASE! *hint (haha.)

baiyu and gym were exceptionally
radiant that day! LOL!
erm, please ignore shawn. dunno why he got into the picture, with that kind of expression somemore. LOL =Xthen we got them a cake, albeit not secretly! cookies and cream! my favourite, cuz i choose one. oops!

then we sang "happy birthday to you!" and i think i heard some mei meis and some guys singing from the other tables too. LOL
we gave
yimei a puma top and earrings,
baiyu esprit top and eyeshadow, and
shimin (super overdue present) a puma top.i wanted to buy shimin's puma top though :( nevermind.
and so ding dong ding dong 3pm came, the rest had to go back to sch, then me shawn kok went to divide the super-messy bill while waiting for them to end sch so we could go out.
after almost using 2hrs to persuade shawn to go, in the end we still didn't go out.
i can go home and sleep one you know! haha
but nevermind, i slept like a log on the train, because i got a seat! =X
these few days have been shopping.
and days out with my parents, hang out until 12mn yesterday.
lol. kinda missed those times too.
and of course when school starts with this kind of stupid timetable, shopping is
p.s: anyone who wants the pics some find me. lols.
04 May, 2006
for today's GMOULD lesson we are just drawing drawing drawing drawing...
Click for bigger picture.

never in my life have i SAT DOWN for 2 hrs straight drawing.
ok maybe doddling, but in this case its:
i'm so proud of myself, it kinda trains your patience.
and of course your ability to draw straight lines.
credit unit 5 somemore! can score! haha :)
i love it!
i wanna do a blueprint next! haha :)
tomorrow celebrating birthdays!
yay! :)
as u can see here i have nothing to blog so just blog about this. LOL.
02 May, 2006
I LOVE KEXIN!!haha..
30 May, 2006
When we plan, they complain abt the planning.
When we don't plan, they complain abt not planning.
Seriously. WTF.
27 May, 2006
shawn does not have a sense of balance!
i finally made another blogskin!
i edited the picture until like siao. position until like siao. edit until like siao, for 3 hrs.
looks quite noobish to me (the pic). dunno lah, i shuang then change another pic. i am so tired now. and photoshop keeps hanging on me! grr..
food fair today was nice. but i got no mood to try food, because i'm like so sian, and because people keep squeezing and pushing and shoving me until i'm very terrorised, and i don't dare to raise my hand to take the samples because i'm afraid someone might push my hand off.
which is crap. LOL
unlucky DAYS!
25 May, 2006
lesson number 1: don't anyhow leave your stuff around!i damn so freaking unlucky today. no, make that freaking unlucky these few weeks.
First thing, i forgot to bring my handphone cover. die, no protection. nevermind.
Then on the way to school, i took a train (NO CAB OK!) from bedok station, as always. you know those mrt gantrys? when u need to tap your ez-link card to go in? yupp. so i tapped my card, holding my phone on the same hand. And then i had to rush for the train, and in a hurry i knocked into the gate, and then my phone headset wires swung and POOF! flew my phone.
plop plop plop it fell onto the floor. i was very mortified and embarassed. holding on to my jacket AND the freakishly-thick lecture notes, i picked it up. heng, no scratches.
OMG this phone is slighly more than a month old and i've dropped it FOUR times. i am erm,
sad. lol.
always happens when i don't bring out my pouch. super
nevermind about that, i say, and off i go to sch. i was like half an hour late. lol
then spent my time studying for my maths test (grr), chionged like mad (seriously i wasn't even half as hardworking now in year 1!), and then off i went for POPRI class at 3.
i was
late again. sigh.
AND THEN!after lesson we went to the toilet to freshen up before going for the test. nothing wrong right. it's so normal.
then we went to assemble at the test venue, chat here chat there, cram some more formulas, and off we went in.
i flustered and after telling siying that i am go out and find my phone, i ran to the toilet at fourth floor. but no avail.
i was like "omg, my phone! fucking hell why did this happen NOW?" . damn scared and pissed with myself (why didn't i bring my pouch?!) and with a heavy heart, i went back to take my test.
since i was wondering whether i left it on the classroom table or not, i just sat for the test. then thought after test can go ask teacher open the door for me.
then the test started. i just did all my questions. surprisingly i knew what formula to use AND i just continued doing doing and doing. and no liquid paper = messy test script. write write write. scribble scribble scribble.
and throughout the test i was thinking how to tell my parents, and hope that the finder would return it to me. and hope that it is still lying somewhere, not found (there must something useful for its slimness right?). and how i am gonna miss my phone and i cannot never afford a new one.
feeling VERY WORRIED and TROUBLED, i handed up my paper, and left the class.
AND THEN!outside the class i was complaing to wenyi and polly.
me to polly: "how? i lost my phone leh!"
polly to me: "where got? your phone is with me la! u left it on the table in class just now."
"see la anyhow put!"
i was like wtf! haha y never return me sia! haha i was abit happy yet relived and abit angry that i worried thoughout the test for nothing! buddy class, and we sat so far apart, i couldn't even tell them immediately!
but under that stress i managed to answer all the questions. haha. not bad.
and then shortly after, kelvin returned me my calculator.
i left my calculator on the table. i didn't even know.
i am very careless. grr.
so after all the saga, the phone is back, i and apologised to it. (not really la, lol)
and i shall bring my pouch and put my phone inside and never just throw in on the table, chair, in my bag, bla bla. ONCE IS ENOUGH! =S
and the other time i left my wallet on the table at a food court, zo picked it up, then on the way to shawn's hse for mahjong he said:"not bad ah, got wallet, but go no money one. cannot play mahjong."
i immediately turned around and saw my wallet! totally forgot about my wallet. i just walked off without checking. if i lose it, some things inside the wallet can never be replaced. thanks ah zo!
phew! its the end of the day, finally. i am so tired i need to get some sleep. alot of it. haha :)
and i must not be so careless and forgetful anymore.
24 May, 2006
WAH! sorry i've not contracted Gangrene!
Please take a look at the meaning of Gangrene!
Gangrene is necrosis and subsequent decay of body tissues caused by infection or thrombosis or lack of blood flow."
not Gangrene. i think is
Ganglion. confirm!
" A ganglion grows out of a joint, like a balloon on a stalk that rises out of the connective tissues between bones and muscles. Inside the balloon is a thick, slippery fluid similar to the fluid in your joints. Usually, the more active you are, the larger the lump becomes; when you rest, the lump decreases in size.
Women are more likely to be affected than men, and ganglions are common among gymnasts, who repeatedly apply stress to the wrist. Because the fluid-filled sac puts pressure on the nerves that pass through the joint, some ganglion cysts may be painful."
More Information~ *
eh so surgery should be in june. having consultations now.
Went for industrial visit today.
Please ask me where i went.
i actually went twice! WAH!!
but its damn nice.
seeing the production plant and everything.
seeing the soyabeans makes me high. and the packaging belt. and the pasturizer. and the grinder. and..
too bad i am not in food. i am in polymer, but the packaging is polymer ok!
no packaging = no tofu products.
and they gave like 5 packets of tofu dessert for us to bring home.
so by right:
5 x 22 people = 110 packets.
still remembered last time still got to buy home. HAHA
not bad.
as u can see i am being random. again. LOL
tmr maths test. i am so dead.
i hate integration!
and i am a nice person today. wenyi pls thank me! LOL
22 May, 2006
i am very depressed.
i really don't know what to say. sigh.
on sunday, while i was eating dim sum at goodwood park hotel, i noticed a slight bump on my left hand.
there was supposed to be no bump.
i thought it was a dislocation of my wrist, since i had such problems before, having strained wrists.
so today i went to see a doctor. i thought it was something minor since it didn't give me any problems in the day.
then the doctor press and press and press (pain ok!) and then he told me the news:
"you've got gangerine."
cue in the thunderstorms and typhoons please.
in case u didn't know, gangerine cannot be treated, and the only way to remove it is by operation.
and coincidentally my mom has had gangerine before, also on the left hand, and around the same area.
she removed it.
talk about inheritance. -.-
most probably i'm gonna see my mom's specialist.
i MUST remove it.
seeing that lump makes me feel.. wierd.
wth. my mom said will be under general anesthetic. and LUCKILY no drips, thank goodness. so i shall go for the op in peace. SIGH.
why why why WHY?!?!
i hate asians.
14 May, 2006
wah piang.
i'm sick.
fever+sore throat+cold.
sis passed to mom, then i think mom passed it to me.
daddy and popo, youre next! haha
vesak daymet up with amanda, zhongwei and zhige(rosemary!)
WAH ROSEMARY!! i missed her sia!
still remembered we named her rosemary during the sec sch days man.
me shirlyn and mel thought of a christian name for zhige..
then i said rose. shir said mary. then mel say add them together become rosemary.
rose+mary=rosemary.the most obiang names added together!
we even went to make a nametag for her!
those days.
we met up, ate a food republic (food court at wisma.)
some angmoh lady, i think from america (her tee says I love NY)
got stuck at our table.

there were two alternatives:
1. on her right where the road is free and without obstruction.
2. on her left in between two rows of chairs.
so she stood there QUIETLY, not knowing where to go.
but i think she wanted to cross over the chairs.
holding her tray like looking lost, she then said something:
and then she walked off by the free lane!
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! if u hate asians what are you doing in an asian country like Singapore?
since we are already so squashed if we suck our chairs in (nearer to the table) just to create an alleyway for you, the food we just consumed would come out from the mouth. as vomit.
if there is no free lane we prolly would give way to you.
or just say "excuse me!"
hate asians? don't come to asia. simple.
or else don't eat in a foodcourt. so to a high end resturant.
u can have all the space you want.
what a bimbo.
those angmohs think they are superior when they come to singapore.
as if we go around saying "i hate angmohs" when we go to caucasian countries.
nevermind about that.
then we played pool. i feel so noob. haha
then shopped around.
wanted to buy a belt and amanda a top
in the end we bought what? earrings.
i counted. six pairs. haha
so random can.
then we walked past one shop, saw the earrings are like damn nice.
they say only their shop carries the earrings. from korea.
then amanda asked me "want anot? got two pairs then we buy."
okay, so we went to ask. they have two pairs.
so we bought it. at 30 bucks for two.
we took the same design initially, but i decided to change to the white one.
so fast leh! like:
eh you want? got two pairs then we buy. got two pairs leh! ching-ching!
we bought it. LOL
and i owe her 10 bucks! =X
so random. haha
i love u amanda and zhong! LOL
and then sat and sun was a bummer cuz i'm sick.
want to skip sch tmr.
but thinking abt the lessons and practicals, better not.
10 May, 2006
Feeling so random now.
These few days i am not myself, did some stuff i normally wouldn't do.
And words just shoot off my mouth without knowing it.
First test is coming, and its
engineering maths somemore. argh
integration all the way, sigh.
I shall be a good girl and sleep now :)
Random quiz, ripped off someone's blog, did it on sunday;1. My uncle once said: tomorrow we go hainan island! inside joke btwn the family la. hahaha.
2. Never in my life have I: ate insects (ok random! lol)
3. The one person who can drive me nuts: my sister. who has a habit of leaving her stuff ALL around. grr. =X
4. High School is/was: memorable! heartwarming! fun! haha
5. When I'm nervous: i don't talk. i'll just keep very quiet.
6. The last time I cried was: i watch movie cry counted? haha!
7. If I were to get married RIGHT NOW my bridesmaids would be: SEXY FOUR!and amanda and zhong!the 1b27 girls! :)
8. My hair is: super straight :)
9. My feet are: size 8. and i have flat feet. LOL
10. When I was 5: i go to PAP kindergarden and.. play! enjoy! lols
11. Last Christmas: had christmas parties!
12. When I turn my head left, I see: my computer table.
13. When I turn my head right, I see: my study table and a messy section of bags and whatnot.
14. When I look down I see: my laptop. seesh, i need to pee now. haha!
15. The craziest recent event was: 1B27 class chalet! dec shanghai trip! bangkok shopping! all 1B27 class outings are mostly crazy i guess! whoo~
16. By this time next year: Final Year Project, Industrial Training Programe and Poly 3rd year (more crazy timetable!)
17. I have a hard time understanding: why some people have double sides, and y some people are so fake. i don't understand attention-grabbing
FAKE people.
18. One time at a family gathering: "(drunk) tomorrow i bring u all to Hainan Island!" 3 yrs ago and still a family joke during gatherings. LOL
19. You know I "like" you if: i suddenly become quieter and less vulgar that usual when around you. haha
20. If I won an award, the first persons I'd thank is: mom dad and grandma! :)
21. Take my advice: live your life to the fullest. appreciate all dear around you. before its too late. :)
22. My ideal breakfast is: blueberry cereal with fresh milk. and a cup of orange juice. NO MILO PLS!
23. If you visit my hometown: HAINAN ISLAND! hmm hainanese chicken rice! LOL
24. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon: BANGKOK! maybe msia or shanghai for the short trip. lols
25. Boys are: boys. girls can never understand fully. lol
26. I'd stop my wedding if: there another guy who stops my wedding in a drama-ish manner!
27. The world could do without: money. the source of all trouble. lol
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: seeing people leave me one by one.
29. Most recent thing you've bought yourself : chocolate milkshake! :)
30. Most recent thing someone else bought you: 1 skirt, 2 pants and 2 tops. lols
31. My favorite time of day is: when i sleep!
32. My favorite store is: mos burger! zara and fox maybe.
33. My favorite ringtone is: happy tree friends. sounds so sadistic. LOL
34. And by the way, please hold on: erm i'm holding on to my pee while trying to finish this QUICKLY. lols
35. The last time I was high: yesterday. high on shopping. and the whole of last wk. lols
36. The person whom I last talked to told me to: go to sleep. my dad! haha
37. I shouldn't have been: so fat. LOL
38. Last night: i am very fat and contented with day out with my parents! :)
39. There's this girl I know who: is fake. haha no la i love my girls!
40. There is this guy I know who: hmm, lame? kb? cold? tall? haha
41. A better name for me would be: nah, my name rocks! DELPHINE HONG YUN TING! and of course buieh. haha
NOT daphne NOT delphi NOT dephine NOT delphin NOT delphina! ITS DELPHINE!!42. If I ever go back to school I'll: just stone during lectures. haha
43. My birthday is: 16th JUNE! *hint* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:)
hmm i wanna get the butterfly belt soon, friday with amanda and zhong! LOL
tests and reports are coming in, and i need to do/finish/rewrite all tutorials!
FORMAL REPORT!! cannot slack!
and i need to borrow a book on injection moulding frm the library.
the notes don't help at all, its all so messy and unorganised. incomplete notes.
and i don't understand a single shit! GRR!
the rest are okay i guess.
oh no photography tutorial 1! life is great! wth am i supposed to take with such a noobish camera? kexin i need your help!!!!!!!
i hate maths. especially integration. ZZZZ
07 May, 2006
a picture tells a thousand words!
muahahaha :)
Friday, 5th March
the ten of us (
gym, baiyu, kluh, shimin, shawn, clarence, chenfong, guolun and yongxiang plus me) celebrated at
had a fun time talking, crapping abt anything, eat eat eat, shout here and there, talk about dirty stuff (kluh! haha), take photos bla bla. i really missed those times. CHALET IN THE HOLIDAYS PLEASE! *hint (haha.)

baiyu and gym were exceptionally
radiant that day! LOL!
erm, please ignore shawn. dunno why he got into the picture, with that kind of expression somemore. LOL =Xthen we got them a cake, albeit not secretly! cookies and cream! my favourite, cuz i choose one. oops!

then we sang "happy birthday to you!" and i think i heard some mei meis and some guys singing from the other tables too. LOL
we gave
yimei a puma top and earrings,
baiyu esprit top and eyeshadow, and
shimin (super overdue present) a puma top.i wanted to buy shimin's puma top though :( nevermind.
and so ding dong ding dong 3pm came, the rest had to go back to sch, then me shawn kok went to divide the super-messy bill while waiting for them to end sch so we could go out.
after almost using 2hrs to persuade shawn to go, in the end we still didn't go out.
i can go home and sleep one you know! haha
but nevermind, i slept like a log on the train, because i got a seat! =X
these few days have been shopping.
and days out with my parents, hang out until 12mn yesterday.
lol. kinda missed those times too.
and of course when school starts with this kind of stupid timetable, shopping is
p.s: anyone who wants the pics some find me. lols.
04 May, 2006
for today's GMOULD lesson we are just drawing drawing drawing drawing...
Click for bigger picture.

never in my life have i SAT DOWN for 2 hrs straight drawing.
ok maybe doddling, but in this case its:
i'm so proud of myself, it kinda trains your patience.
and of course your ability to draw straight lines.
credit unit 5 somemore! can score! haha :)
i love it!
i wanna do a blueprint next! haha :)
tomorrow celebrating birthdays!
yay! :)
as u can see here i have nothing to blog so just blog about this. LOL.
02 May, 2006
I LOVE KEXIN!!haha..