30 April, 2006
HA! I have not been updating my blog regularly!
so here goes!
spent almost a day editing all my pics, thanks to kexin's mentoring! (:

you are eighteen already! pls be more feminine ok!
amanda and i celebrated her belated last fri.
after shopping for one hour, the smelly girl who just came from her football training came to meet us.
and i bought a pink poka-dot belt in the process. hmm.
ate at macdonalds since we are all broke.
of course we started crapping like nobody business.
zhong kept being suan-ed by us. haha.

oh, and we saw calista too.
after that we window shopped.
went into mango and zara, saw some clothes at mango! woohoo!
i need $$$$$$.
and omg, zara looked as if a burglary had taken place.
clothes stewn everywhere, like got war like that.
this tells us that singaporeans are rich.
like, $75 for a skirt? i cannot afford that. HAHA.
oh finally, we gave zhong's present!
at first we thought she wouldn't wear it, cos its so feminine.
so we played around with her, asking her to guess.
gave her so many lame clues. lol.
and then its time for her to open the present!
and... to our delight, she liked it!
she even wore it on the spot!

next friday shopping! LOL
so the second week of school has ended.
gotten rather used to the hectic school life, and of course gotten somewhat closer to my classmates.
i can say that the guys are super crappy.
we discused on what to do for our class outing, some suggestions (mostly crappy ones) popped up:
ps: i thought it was a good blogging material, so i decided to blog abt this. haha
2B21's suggestions for class outing
1. class chalet
2. sentosa
3. barbeque
4. a camp at the zoo
5. night safari
6. mountain hiking in malaysia
7. shopping in hongkong
8. a trip to india
9. dinner at somewhere ( all protested!)
10. clubbing
woohoo, i wanna go clubbing! muahaha.
laughed like crap. haha
and i miss 1B27! where are you!
we must go out and eat and laugh together!
although we are meeting almost everyday for lunch. muahaha.
23 April, 2006
changed to a
more colourful template.
i'm so lazy to go my own blogskin.
i shall do one.. when i have the time. LOL
and yes shawn.. its NOT a porno template. grr.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELVIN!! :)actually it was last friday! LOL
had a mini celebration in foodcourt 4 last fri, hope u enjoyed it!
went to see jasmine off to melbourne for her attachment today.haven seen her in a looooonnngggg time.she was like my jie jie in the olden guzheng days, knew her since primary two or something. wahahaha.she's gonna be away for 16 weeks, sob sob.BON VOYAGE JASMINE! :)finally bought a new phone to replace my faulty phone today.yay! no more lagged phone and use-halfway-will hang and suddenly-will-switch-off-by-itself phone!suprisingly, the queue was fast.usually i would take about an hour to settle everything.chipped in 100 bucks for it :)and even more surprisingly, my old sony phone could work without hanging.should send it for repair anyways, and replace the dented cover.lectures officially starting tomorrow.i'll be even more busy, and i don't even grasp the concept of integration until NOW!!HELP ME!!:)
21 April, 2006
a slight dislocation on my left shoulder joint.
no wonder it hurts like fuck.
i can't even reach the shower tap! and stand up straight!
and i had to drag myself to piano and sch.
don't wanna to absent from sch on the first week you know.
20 April, 2006
things to do when u have a loooonnnnggg break in-between lessons:
1. eat
2. draw
3. paste stickers onto notes
4. play finger games
5. interact
woohoo resolution number 5 is coming :)
and i just found out that safi and nicodermus are from MI PAE too.
maths eeeeee
19 April, 2006
no need to chiong anime already.
engineering maths II shall be my new best friend.
photography was okay today.
and my camera died on me!
18 April, 2006
i'm dead for engineering maths.
integration? for the first chapter?
of all chapters u have to start the one which i hated most in sec school.
differentiation rocks, integration
sucks :(
i was stoning through the lesson lol.
lessons haven't started proper, i'm so
not in the mood. LOL
i think all i go when i get home is to sleep and eat and watch anime and go online and shit.
i think i should start to clear my room and wardrobe tomorrow.. since i'm so free! woo hoo :)
two weeks without my
bleach anime.
i'm getting so addicted to it already, i keep watching over and over again :)
i need a new anime series to chiong!
hmm, fruits basket? school rumble? DN angel?
someone pls recommend!
or maybe hello kitty. LOL :)
school's out!
17 April, 2006
woohoo. school's officially started!
totally not in the mood.. can't believe i'm a year two!
seeing freshies around, wearing their lanyards haha,
and getting lost around workshop two. lol
DELPH'S TOP 5 RESOLUTIONS!1. do not be late for lessons!
2. do not take cab to school! (trying very hard though...)
3. listen in class!
4. complete and hand up all tutorial and assignments haha
5. increase networking (know more people)
obviously number 5 has to start within the class first, but judging from what i see, its gonna take quite some time. hahaha.
lemme see. apart from regina babe, now i know cheris, leroy, jasmine, shiying (??) from our class. for now. then some faces here and there. haha
then buddy class got wenyi, geraldine, pearline, then the usual kelvin, lance, larry, emily, jingjing, clara, bla bla..
HENG i know them from MIP class. haha
and wenyi is in the same CPPA class as me! got kaki hahaha!
then see more friends then hello here hello there. so nice to see those faces again :)
then met the 1B27 peeps here at there during breaks. in the canteen as a whole group and laughing out so loud and talking non-stop and talking dirty really brings out the nostalgic feelings in me.. i miss year one.. and that after this week when everyone's lessons start proper we wouldn't have time for these little small chit-chat sessions already! :(
and we kept taking turns to shit today. first baiyu shit, the make me wanna shit, then dunno gym shit, then shawn and rence also shit! chalet all also shit, in school also all shit. hahahaha! next time can call our group shit gang lah :)
chalet pls! HAHAHAHA
16 April, 2006
i'm a penguin.
yesterday celine (that cute little student) thought my name is penguin!!
delphine = penguin!!
she couldn't pronounce my name, so she took the closest sounding word:
then throughout the lesson she keep playing around.
yesterday's performance was okay.
felt like a normal practice. LOL
lao shi said it was erm, perfect.
school's starting soon.
mixed feelings abt that. haha.
somehow things aren' the same anymore.
the longest post ever.
13 April, 2006
okay. after some time...
i am
not opting for a class transfer.
was chatting with regina babe just now, and i felt that what she said was right.
"don't transfer to another class just to be with your friends.there is always a reason for the differnt classes,and letting u go to a stage b class means that they think u will excel,because stage B is a more demanding module. why not just stay, and make new friends?"and i thought, she was right.i
should put my studies first, not friends.i really should slap myself for putting that as a priority.
she said her classmates are friendly people, so it shouldn't be a problem for me.
i still have regina! and kelvin lance larry and some 1A25 ppl are in my buddy class. LOL.
that was what i really needed. a
sensible talk, so to speak.
thank you babe :)
having someone to listen to u really helps.
i really appreciated it.
ok, so i might be the last time i'm gonna be with 05/06 DCP 1B27 people,
unless they arrange outings again haha (rence and shawn are having same GEMS with me lol)
thank you for all the fun times u have given me,
the chiong-ing studying sessions,
the lame crap (or
coldness so to speak),
the outings to anywhere (movie chalet kbox shopping swimming buffet bla bla)the fun-filled lunch breaks,
the fun-filled laming during lectures,
the endless photo-taking,the endless vulgarites,
the singing sessions (hokkien songs!),
the erm, heart-to-heart talks (
GOSSIP?!),the company,
and everything that made my year 1
i'll miss:
yimei's zi-lian sessions with baiyu and the high-filled lecturesbaiyu's shopping trips and her dress sensekluh's wisdom, her helpfulness and company, she's the legendary woman!shimin's blurness and cheerfullnessrence's kaobei-ness and vulgarities shawn's lameness and coldness (have fun with ur mei mei!)chenfong's hokkien songs and vulgaritiesguolun's grunts and helping us carry our bagsboss' lame connections lame talk and his companypls ah don't forget delphine the
bui eh!
hope we'll still meet up for lunch or something!JIAYOU!
*of course not forgetting my GG15!!
this post by far is the most deeply-thought and drafted. hahaha
11 April, 2006

Take The Quiz Yourself!currently addicted to bleach. bleah :)
10 April, 2006
first off, the random pic:

abit lame lar. this is what GG15 do. IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!
hey celine! hello friend :)she is one of the small kids i teach on saturdays.
she's very cute! smile smile smile, so she warms up easily, after awhile she started playing around with me. playing at the wrong places.
purposely. lol.
and she is also very talented! lao shi asked her to memorise a few lines, after playing a few times, she memorised everything. and she is only primary 3. teach a few times she can get it already. another talent in the making! very pretty and cute too!
"bye bye my friend!" LOL!
and that makes my saturdays fun.
today i went to shao mu (visit my grandfather's tomb) at mount vernon today with grandma and auntie. then we started to talk about the offerings grandma bought for gong gong.
me:"how come u never buy handphone for gong gong?"
grandma:"gong gong dunno how to use, but got buy for 3rd uncle."
me:"then how come never buy car also?"
grandma:"he dunno how to drive what, buy also collect dust. give him more money then he can buy what he wants."
and then, my auntie said something which made us all go LOL!
auntie:"ah, now got car with chauffer one mah! can buy that for him next time!"
we all went LOL. quite lame actually :)
luckily i remember to blog this!
i need to exercise soon, i have been eating too much =X
* i find this entry quite meaningless! LOL
07 April, 2006
Sigh. What a week. I've been feeling rather moodless these days..
I think I really
dai sai man (i.e. bring shit=unlucky). I was playing
Pangya ( an online golf game) with shawn, he always
birdie birdie birdie birdie (taking 3 tries to complete a course instead of the usual 4).
how about me?
OB OB OB (Out of Bounds), OR
bogey bogey bogey (taking more than 4 tries to complete a course).
and what's worse is that my balls always
nearly missed the holes! like, very near!
what kind of luck is this man. :(
but anyway, mommy told me to stop working next week! yay!
i can stay at home! or go out! HAHAHAHA :)
well, since i started playing this game, i keep eating, eating, drinking, drinking, and i think i am gonna gain weight. or become a couch potato. wells, i think i should stop eating.
anyways, lao shi made a lame remark today! everybody's reaction was priceless!
laoshi: bla bla bla bla (i forgot what he said)
everybody: (confused) ..........
ok not funny. but i think it is. :)
ok feeling random now so here's a random picture!
lazy to upload. tmr then upload! =P
BYE! off to pangya! :)
06 April, 2006
i accomplished many things this week! feels so good, even though my life sucks for now (ren shen dai sai! LOL).
sidenote: actually is my new class la, new people, different stage, seperated with 1B27 people, makes my heart sink. lolFirst, i completed something which i procrastinated doing since like dunno when.
CLEARED MY ROOM!! and i changed its
fengshui (i.e. change positions). all done within 2 hrs and i started at like, 10pm? unearthly timing. lol. =DD
i changed the wallet design mommy bought for me at the wallet shop (sis bought an identical one so i decided to change it), reserve my puma bag from the same store at bugis,
sent my clothes to the tailor for alteration, confirmed my piano class for tomorrow,
double checked my piano books, telling ms yeo to buy grade four theory book,
passing amanda her nail polish, running errands for mommy,
bringing aunty alice's umbrella, registered for my targetted gems (photography!) successfully
...and i bought two tops. and sleeveless one at that. i need a blazer/jacket!! ok this is random. hahaha (:
i feel so smart today. i didn't forget anything.
ok i did. i forgot to bring games for aunty alice to install on her laptop.
anyways, i still feel
different and same.
04 April, 2006
different class.
different timetable.
different stage.
different classmates.
different lives.
i hope we will still be the
same.on top of that, i have an unsightly tan line on my back, a messy room, a spoilt air-con, faulty PC,
and a faulty mobile phone to top it up.
which concludes to:
LIFE SUCKS, for now.
off to clear my room, shall change its
fengshui! (:
it will never happen.
02 April, 2006
*haha forgot to blog abt this yesterday...when we were eating at pastamania yesterday, rence said...
"come pastamania eat for what? u come and eat until u vomit, then the kueh....."KUEH?!
pasta=kueh!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! think u eating laksa ah! LOL!
after the laughing, then shawn said:
"u go order now, say you want extra kueh!"LOL!
01 April, 2006
those nubile SAC-ians and their relentless slamming( to each other).
for goodness sake, GET A LIFE. come to think of it, its kinda childish. having being an ex-SACian, having experienced it before(the victim), and having grown out of the secondary school life phrase,
i'm gonna get slammed for this (probably), but as a sister i
will help my sister out. bloody hell jasmine, bugger off.
what the fuck. lols.
30 April, 2006
HA! I have not been updating my blog regularly!
so here goes!
spent almost a day editing all my pics, thanks to kexin's mentoring! (:

you are eighteen already! pls be more feminine ok!
amanda and i celebrated her belated last fri.
after shopping for one hour, the smelly girl who just came from her football training came to meet us.
and i bought a pink poka-dot belt in the process. hmm.
ate at macdonalds since we are all broke.
of course we started crapping like nobody business.
zhong kept being suan-ed by us. haha.

oh, and we saw calista too.
after that we window shopped.
went into mango and zara, saw some clothes at mango! woohoo!
i need $$$$$$.
and omg, zara looked as if a burglary had taken place.
clothes stewn everywhere, like got war like that.
this tells us that singaporeans are rich.
like, $75 for a skirt? i cannot afford that. HAHA.
oh finally, we gave zhong's present!
at first we thought she wouldn't wear it, cos its so feminine.
so we played around with her, asking her to guess.
gave her so many lame clues. lol.
and then its time for her to open the present!
and... to our delight, she liked it!
she even wore it on the spot!

next friday shopping! LOL
so the second week of school has ended.
gotten rather used to the hectic school life, and of course gotten somewhat closer to my classmates.
i can say that the guys are super crappy.
we discused on what to do for our class outing, some suggestions (mostly crappy ones) popped up:
ps: i thought it was a good blogging material, so i decided to blog abt this. haha
2B21's suggestions for class outing
1. class chalet
2. sentosa
3. barbeque
4. a camp at the zoo
5. night safari
6. mountain hiking in malaysia
7. shopping in hongkong
8. a trip to india
9. dinner at somewhere ( all protested!)
10. clubbing
woohoo, i wanna go clubbing! muahaha.
laughed like crap. haha
and i miss 1B27! where are you!
we must go out and eat and laugh together!
although we are meeting almost everyday for lunch. muahaha.
23 April, 2006
changed to a
more colourful template.
i'm so lazy to go my own blogskin.
i shall do one.. when i have the time. LOL
and yes shawn.. its NOT a porno template. grr.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELVIN!! :)actually it was last friday! LOL
had a mini celebration in foodcourt 4 last fri, hope u enjoyed it!
went to see jasmine off to melbourne for her attachment today.haven seen her in a looooonnngggg time.she was like my jie jie in the olden guzheng days, knew her since primary two or something. wahahaha.she's gonna be away for 16 weeks, sob sob.BON VOYAGE JASMINE! :)finally bought a new phone to replace my faulty phone today.yay! no more lagged phone and use-halfway-will hang and suddenly-will-switch-off-by-itself phone!suprisingly, the queue was fast.usually i would take about an hour to settle everything.chipped in 100 bucks for it :)and even more surprisingly, my old sony phone could work without hanging.should send it for repair anyways, and replace the dented cover.lectures officially starting tomorrow.i'll be even more busy, and i don't even grasp the concept of integration until NOW!!HELP ME!!:)
21 April, 2006
a slight dislocation on my left shoulder joint.
no wonder it hurts like fuck.
i can't even reach the shower tap! and stand up straight!
and i had to drag myself to piano and sch.
don't wanna to absent from sch on the first week you know.
20 April, 2006
things to do when u have a loooonnnnggg break in-between lessons:
1. eat
2. draw
3. paste stickers onto notes
4. play finger games
5. interact
woohoo resolution number 5 is coming :)
and i just found out that safi and nicodermus are from MI PAE too.
maths eeeeee
19 April, 2006
no need to chiong anime already.
engineering maths II shall be my new best friend.
photography was okay today.
and my camera died on me!
18 April, 2006
i'm dead for engineering maths.
integration? for the first chapter?
of all chapters u have to start the one which i hated most in sec school.
differentiation rocks, integration
sucks :(
i was stoning through the lesson lol.
lessons haven't started proper, i'm so
not in the mood. LOL
i think all i go when i get home is to sleep and eat and watch anime and go online and shit.
i think i should start to clear my room and wardrobe tomorrow.. since i'm so free! woo hoo :)
two weeks without my
bleach anime.
i'm getting so addicted to it already, i keep watching over and over again :)
i need a new anime series to chiong!
hmm, fruits basket? school rumble? DN angel?
someone pls recommend!
or maybe hello kitty. LOL :)
school's out!
17 April, 2006
woohoo. school's officially started!
totally not in the mood.. can't believe i'm a year two!
seeing freshies around, wearing their lanyards haha,
and getting lost around workshop two. lol
DELPH'S TOP 5 RESOLUTIONS!1. do not be late for lessons!
2. do not take cab to school! (trying very hard though...)
3. listen in class!
4. complete and hand up all tutorial and assignments haha
5. increase networking (know more people)
obviously number 5 has to start within the class first, but judging from what i see, its gonna take quite some time. hahaha.
lemme see. apart from regina babe, now i know cheris, leroy, jasmine, shiying (??) from our class. for now. then some faces here and there. haha
then buddy class got wenyi, geraldine, pearline, then the usual kelvin, lance, larry, emily, jingjing, clara, bla bla..
HENG i know them from MIP class. haha
and wenyi is in the same CPPA class as me! got kaki hahaha!
then see more friends then hello here hello there. so nice to see those faces again :)
then met the 1B27 peeps here at there during breaks. in the canteen as a whole group and laughing out so loud and talking non-stop and talking dirty really brings out the nostalgic feelings in me.. i miss year one.. and that after this week when everyone's lessons start proper we wouldn't have time for these little small chit-chat sessions already! :(
and we kept taking turns to shit today. first baiyu shit, the make me wanna shit, then dunno gym shit, then shawn and rence also shit! chalet all also shit, in school also all shit. hahahaha! next time can call our group shit gang lah :)
chalet pls! HAHAHAHA
16 April, 2006
i'm a penguin.
yesterday celine (that cute little student) thought my name is penguin!!
delphine = penguin!!
she couldn't pronounce my name, so she took the closest sounding word:
then throughout the lesson she keep playing around.
yesterday's performance was okay.
felt like a normal practice. LOL
lao shi said it was erm, perfect.
school's starting soon.
mixed feelings abt that. haha.
somehow things aren' the same anymore.
the longest post ever.
13 April, 2006
okay. after some time...
i am
not opting for a class transfer.
was chatting with regina babe just now, and i felt that what she said was right.
"don't transfer to another class just to be with your friends.there is always a reason for the differnt classes,and letting u go to a stage b class means that they think u will excel,because stage B is a more demanding module. why not just stay, and make new friends?"and i thought, she was right.i
should put my studies first, not friends.i really should slap myself for putting that as a priority.
she said her classmates are friendly people, so it shouldn't be a problem for me.
i still have regina! and kelvin lance larry and some 1A25 ppl are in my buddy class. LOL.
that was what i really needed. a
sensible talk, so to speak.
thank you babe :)
having someone to listen to u really helps.
i really appreciated it.
ok, so i might be the last time i'm gonna be with 05/06 DCP 1B27 people,
unless they arrange outings again haha (rence and shawn are having same GEMS with me lol)
thank you for all the fun times u have given me,
the chiong-ing studying sessions,
the lame crap (or
coldness so to speak),
the outings to anywhere (movie chalet kbox shopping swimming buffet bla bla)the fun-filled lunch breaks,
the fun-filled laming during lectures,
the endless photo-taking,the endless vulgarites,
the singing sessions (hokkien songs!),
the erm, heart-to-heart talks (
GOSSIP?!),the company,
and everything that made my year 1
i'll miss:
yimei's zi-lian sessions with baiyu and the high-filled lecturesbaiyu's shopping trips and her dress sensekluh's wisdom, her helpfulness and company, she's the legendary woman!shimin's blurness and cheerfullnessrence's kaobei-ness and vulgarities shawn's lameness and coldness (have fun with ur mei mei!)chenfong's hokkien songs and vulgaritiesguolun's grunts and helping us carry our bagsboss' lame connections lame talk and his companypls ah don't forget delphine the
bui eh!
hope we'll still meet up for lunch or something!JIAYOU!
*of course not forgetting my GG15!!
this post by far is the most deeply-thought and drafted. hahaha
11 April, 2006

Take The Quiz Yourself!currently addicted to bleach. bleah :)
10 April, 2006
first off, the random pic:

abit lame lar. this is what GG15 do. IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!
hey celine! hello friend :)she is one of the small kids i teach on saturdays.
she's very cute! smile smile smile, so she warms up easily, after awhile she started playing around with me. playing at the wrong places.
purposely. lol.
and she is also very talented! lao shi asked her to memorise a few lines, after playing a few times, she memorised everything. and she is only primary 3. teach a few times she can get it already. another talent in the making! very pretty and cute too!
"bye bye my friend!" LOL!
and that makes my saturdays fun.
today i went to shao mu (visit my grandfather's tomb) at mount vernon today with grandma and auntie. then we started to talk about the offerings grandma bought for gong gong.
me:"how come u never buy handphone for gong gong?"
grandma:"gong gong dunno how to use, but got buy for 3rd uncle."
me:"then how come never buy car also?"
grandma:"he dunno how to drive what, buy also collect dust. give him more money then he can buy what he wants."
and then, my auntie said something which made us all go LOL!
auntie:"ah, now got car with chauffer one mah! can buy that for him next time!"
we all went LOL. quite lame actually :)
luckily i remember to blog this!
i need to exercise soon, i have been eating too much =X
* i find this entry quite meaningless! LOL
07 April, 2006
Sigh. What a week. I've been feeling rather moodless these days..
I think I really
dai sai man (i.e. bring shit=unlucky). I was playing
Pangya ( an online golf game) with shawn, he always
birdie birdie birdie birdie (taking 3 tries to complete a course instead of the usual 4).
how about me?
OB OB OB (Out of Bounds), OR
bogey bogey bogey (taking more than 4 tries to complete a course).
and what's worse is that my balls always
nearly missed the holes! like, very near!
what kind of luck is this man. :(
but anyway, mommy told me to stop working next week! yay!
i can stay at home! or go out! HAHAHAHA :)
well, since i started playing this game, i keep eating, eating, drinking, drinking, and i think i am gonna gain weight. or become a couch potato. wells, i think i should stop eating.
anyways, lao shi made a lame remark today! everybody's reaction was priceless!
laoshi: bla bla bla bla (i forgot what he said)
everybody: (confused) ..........
ok not funny. but i think it is. :)
ok feeling random now so here's a random picture!
lazy to upload. tmr then upload! =P
BYE! off to pangya! :)
06 April, 2006
i accomplished many things this week! feels so good, even though my life sucks for now (ren shen dai sai! LOL).
sidenote: actually is my new class la, new people, different stage, seperated with 1B27 people, makes my heart sink. lolFirst, i completed something which i procrastinated doing since like dunno when.
CLEARED MY ROOM!! and i changed its
fengshui (i.e. change positions). all done within 2 hrs and i started at like, 10pm? unearthly timing. lol. =DD
i changed the wallet design mommy bought for me at the wallet shop (sis bought an identical one so i decided to change it), reserve my puma bag from the same store at bugis,
sent my clothes to the tailor for alteration, confirmed my piano class for tomorrow,
double checked my piano books, telling ms yeo to buy grade four theory book,
passing amanda her nail polish, running errands for mommy,
bringing aunty alice's umbrella, registered for my targetted gems (photography!) successfully
...and i bought two tops. and sleeveless one at that. i need a blazer/jacket!! ok this is random. hahaha (:
i feel so smart today. i didn't forget anything.
ok i did. i forgot to bring games for aunty alice to install on her laptop.
anyways, i still feel
different and same.
04 April, 2006
different class.
different timetable.
different stage.
different classmates.
different lives.
i hope we will still be the
same.on top of that, i have an unsightly tan line on my back, a messy room, a spoilt air-con, faulty PC,
and a faulty mobile phone to top it up.
which concludes to:
LIFE SUCKS, for now.
off to clear my room, shall change its
fengshui! (:
it will never happen.
02 April, 2006
*haha forgot to blog abt this yesterday...when we were eating at pastamania yesterday, rence said...
"come pastamania eat for what? u come and eat until u vomit, then the kueh....."KUEH?!
pasta=kueh!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! think u eating laksa ah! LOL!
after the laughing, then shawn said:
"u go order now, say you want extra kueh!"LOL!
01 April, 2006
those nubile SAC-ians and their relentless slamming( to each other).
for goodness sake, GET A LIFE. come to think of it, its kinda childish. having being an ex-SACian, having experienced it before(the victim), and having grown out of the secondary school life phrase,
i'm gonna get slammed for this (probably), but as a sister i
will help my sister out. bloody hell jasmine, bugger off.
what the fuck. lols.