30 March, 2006
"1 new voice message in your mailbox. Please call 1303."
From Yimei's hse.
I called back, and...
"Hi 5! Hi 5! YEAHHHH HI 5! bla bla bla bla..."
WHAT THE HELL! i can hear Hi 5 singing a song in the background!
then i called her back on the house phone.
so i called her mobile.
"i got call u just now meh..?""go check your house phone!"
"wah! on for 15 mins liao!"HAHAHAHA! xavier (yimei's nephew) play play play with the phone, then accidentally pressed the buttons.
either yimei is dumb, or xavier is too smart. OOPS =X
and my sister was watching Hi 5 (a group perfoming for a...children's show) just now. she is thirteen by the way. PSST!
i need to check my attitude, thinking, mentality.
and my expressions.
am i gonna lose it/them one by one just like that?
and, delphine must not slack from now on.
polymer yay yay!
28 March, 2006
AHHHH!!!! :)
option is out. polymer for me!
and got gym rence baiyu regina and more people with me!
yay! hope we will get into the same class.. LOL
shopping with mom today :)
bought 3 tops from zara and one top from topshop.
and also bought, erm, a black bikini.
wear inside my sleeveless. psst.
i bought my noobish glasses and my handphone accessory!

thanks mommy! i love you mommy!
i love you daddy too!
i am a happy girl :)
27 March, 2006
today is the most
dustiest day ever!
was changing the strings of some
anicient guzhengs ( i mean VERY anicient!)
and the layers of dust were one inch thick! okay, one inch may be too exaggerating, 1 cm will do lah.
so the dust particles are
1 cm thick!
ya so basically my windpipe and oesophagus and nostrils and lungs are filled with DUST.
1. Change guzheng strings
2. Breathe in dust
3. Tune guzheng
4. Teach
5. Practice
sian! LOL
and i ate quite alot today.
okay randomness here.
i found the shop which sells the handphone accessory! the one where the man's dick flashes when it senses a radiation signal.
i'd get the black one. and the white one.
i'm gonna get them on thursday!
and i'm gonna get the roxy handphone strap! the billabong bag! the black blazer! the shorts! more clothes! bags! earrings! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
i am shopping-starved okay.
maybe i breathed in too much dust. =D
i want those noobish shades!!
i have a sudden craving for
Din Tai Fung's dim sum :)
yay sentosa sentosa sentosa! class outing! i need to get an even tan.. i have two-toned skin now. and play and eat and stone and shit!
and keep my windpipes from those thick layers of DUST!
dorm pics up later, editing them now!
23 March, 2006
*sry, outdated post!updated!
actually its not really updating lah, unless u call a deluge of photos updating.
so i'm gonna use a structure based method of posting photos and updating..
hey! i'm using all the photos taken ok! :)
here goes!
we went for two movie outings last and this tues, namely:
SHAGGY DOGmet gym boss kok at mrt. the rest were late. so decided to sit at mos first.
ordered some stuff, then they all came. kluh rence shawn cf sm.
i took rence's camera, and captured....

this noobish pic of boss(who was sitting oppsite me).
then we went to watch the movie! was funny, cute storyline (you tell me who on earth will transform into a dog after being bitten by a dog?), and a cute dog. LOL
ALTHOUGH me and kok shouldn't buy sweet/salty popcorn mix. dang. we had to dig downwards for sweet popcorn since me and kok don't like salty ones. LAME!
then after that, we walked around. stepped into john little to try on NOOB glasses! we all look noobish pls!

i look noobish, gym looks cute, shawn looks more noobish in the pink shades.
and meanwhile...

LOL the rumoured couple! WHAHAHAHA
erm then sm left, we contiued walking. we WALKED to orchard (phew!) then walked walked and walked.played with the book of answers at kino. wonder if its true! hmm~ then we ate at yoshinoya. collected a bunch of free yoshinoya toys (8 in total!) then some of us took it home. walked to cine.
the more i look at him, the more gay he looks. psst.
took the lift up to see dunno what, then it opened at the 4th floor. sixth sense acted up again, and then shawn when BOOO!. i GOT A SHOCK!.. and started crying. sian! always cry! hahaha i guess they are all used to it anyways, since the chalet. LOL
walked abit, the guys played at the arcade, then we went home.
we took more photos in the train!

stupid shawn's fingers.. LOL
why i always look so noobish. LOL
dorm update tmr! as usual a deluge of photos. :)
12 March, 2006
went out the watch the date movie with the guys on fri.kluh was sick, baiyu pangseh, so left me with the guys.wah sibei extra i tell u!the only zar bor. with 3 guys.its an experience also.=Xokay, so we went to marina sq to watch the movie.went to arcade first before that.wtf?! $2 for a game?!LOLin the end i also play... play twice somemore.then went to watch the movie.shawn sat on my right, rence on the left.the diffrence is that one laughs alot alot the other doesn't laugh at all.so throughout the show my right ear was deaf by shawn's laughter while my left was perfectly alright.so was laughing like mad with shawn.zzzzzz~quite funny lah, but not as funny as the pink panther.conclusion: watch comedy, must look for laughing kaki.no pun intended. =/anyways, after that we went to the IT fair.no money, still ask me go IT fair! LOLwah tempt me only.walked around until i wanna faint. so many people.and the guys take pamphlets from cute mei meis only. LOLthe guys bought some sound card, headphones, usb ports, blah blah.the headphones, act only la. OOPS! LOLwanted to buy this laptop cooler since i'm a heavy laptop user.and my table is getting heated every minute when i turn on my computer.even as i am typing now.in the end shawn bought it.hai, may as well settle for the ball thingy first.the ones where it elevates ur keyboard and "air" it.i wanna buy ibuds, laptop mouse, mike, bluetooth adapter, blah blah!!as if they no need money liddat. HAHA!then we walked to bugis, cf wanted to buy his cd.the cd all come frm china!! like those i bought frm shanghai.haha i know where to get cheap cds liao!! LOLthen we headed down for laksa. quite spicy, shouldn't have put in the belachan. zzzz~after that went to og. played this ball thing for the hello kitty keychain.stupid sia, yellow in colour somemore.not red not pink but yellow. zzzzz~quite fun i guess.its times like this that i'm gonna miss.the outings, the lamess, the company.i'm gonna miss all of you. (sighs)meanwhile, movie chionging with class soon!!YAY!! (:
downtown east II.
09 March, 2006
ok. back with the pics.
abit lazy to update lah, LOLS
its been saved as draft since yesterday.
but anyways,
Day One
met gym boss kok and sm at mrt station. then when i reached there gym and boss started calling me bui bui. zzzzzzz~ so after everyone reached we went down to downtown east. met the rest of them inside the chalet. played xbox football, i found a new idol: lampard. sounds like lampa right?! so exciting. everytime i see him i go "lampaaaaa!!". then we started to bbq at around 4 plus. the food was so much lesser then the previous chalet and YET we eat until 10 plus! LOL basically just sit there and talk cock lah. and my shorts got alot of stains. squid stain, chilli stain, drink stain.... zzzzz~ then everywhere got birthday celebrations. that say was Shawn's birthday, then we didn't sing birthday song BUT we toasted with champange! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~ SENGGG! haha. i wanted to keep the bottle , then sm wanted the cork (NOT cock! =X) then rence dunno say what keep bottle must keep the cork. so we tried to squeeze in the cork into the bottle. LOLS but in the end it couldn't go in, so i got the bottle and sm got her cork. *sounds abit wrong here!
talked cock back at the chalet then i left for home. how come cannot stay chalet one. miss all the night activites. zzzz~
Day Two
was supposed to meet baiyu at pasir ris mrt. but i woke up late, so didn't meet her! paiseh! haha. when i reached the chalet some of them are playing x-box, some sleeping. so we slacked there until 12 plus then we went out for lunch. i tell you, DON'T ORDER SIDES FRM BURGER KING AND THINK IT IS CHEAPER THAN SET MEALS!!!! zzzzzzzz~ so the four of us ordered sides to share, in the end it cost us more than a set! wtf?! waste my money man. LOLS
after lunch we went to cycle. everyone with double bikes. i cycled with rence, gym with kok, baiyu with shawn, kluh with cf, and sm with boss (the NEW couple in the making LOL). siao rence cycle super fast. again. i keep losing my footing. LOL. then he keep asking me abt korean mei mei. zzzzzzz~ lols i ah here ah there, cycle on hump, down slope, almost kena knocked. again~ oh and i saw a couple making out! BUAHAHAHA. nb always cycle so fast. lols. cycle till evening then we went back to chalet. the guys went to swim then the rest of us played x-box. lols. only baiyu bathed. the rest of us played until siao. haha. then the guys came back frm their swim, washed up, then we went to eat. walked to white sands to makan, saw alot of army boys, damn yandao. LOL
after that we walked back from whitesands, they wanted to walk down the park route. bloody hell. i could feel the sixth sense when walking past the park. then couldn't control my emotions, i started crying. zzzzzz~ china liddat, come back singapore also liddat. hai. so i grabbed gym like some koala bear while we all continued walking. LOL. went back to chalet, baiyu wanted to shit, the guys went to buy some stuff, so me rence and kok went back first. played xbox again. kena trashed. lol then went home.
Day Three
Came to chalet earlier, thought they all wanted to go to escape. in the end? ALL SLEEPING! lols. so i slept with them too. i found out some sleeping habits. sm will twich halfway during her sleep, jolting me up from otherwise a peaceful sleep. dunno who was snoring, kluh keep hitting against the wooden backing when she turns, gym sleep halfway
also will twitch (not as bad as sm) and, shawn talks in his sleep! haha damn funny.
he dunno say what "what are you doing!" to kok.
then kok say "what? what i do?!?!" haha
then rence woke up, then he say to shawn, "oei! bully my friend ah? wake up! wake up! kneel down and apologise!!!!!"
lols. crap sia.
then we woke up, wanted to go to escape, and then.....
bloody hell, closed on weekdays. then open theme park for what?!
people weekdays cannot go theme park one ah!
sian, then they go arcade. i top-up my card until i broke. haha, then play purcussion freak with rence and cf. we just camp there sia. LOL. some of them went to play pool, then some of us went to eat lunch. stupid macdonald staff, shortchange us one packet of fries!! zzzzzzzz~ after lunch, they all went to play LAN games, me baiyu, kluh and kok went back to chalet. we played xbox. topspin. and me kluh kena trashed by kok!!!! lols five sets of six games, we only won
one game. haha
they came back, then we played murderer. i keep getting the civilian card. a three card in fact. lol so suay. i only got to play murderer once or twice. lol
then we went to sakura for dinner. stupidly funny. everybody target the expensive food then shawn and rence eat what? TEMPURA. RICE. FISH. LOL!!!! then shawn devised a bra cup naming system.
A: a little
B: big
C: catagorise
D: damn big
E: enourmous
F: fucking big!!
G: gigantic
H: humongous
S: saggy.
SO STUPID!!!!!!!!! LOL
then we were talking abt lampa (idol!!!!) then i wipped this out frm the black chicken soup. asked rence to take a pic so i could blog. in the end?

so funny!! u should seen the expression of the waiteress clearing his plate.
DAMN PRICELESS!!! everybody was laughing like mad. then she told the colleagues. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
of course there are alot more funny stuff. laughed like shit. had fun!!
then went back to chalet, they guys did some card tricks. come to think of it, how come i didn't see the trick?! so stupid of me. lols. then they did love-prediction using the cards. quite true actually. haha. but they tell us not to read too much into this kind of things. just see see will do. lol. btw the guy i said during the chalet is not him!! its someone else. LOLS =X
then wanted to stay over but dad mom didn't allow. cried again. shit i am such a crybaby. zzzzzzz~
i just happened to find this picture very amusing:

kluh and i taking our act cute pic, shawn giving the ?! look and rence sleeping.
seeing this pic makes me laugh.
sigh, all the memories.
i will never forget u all, never forget the times we had together.
SP DCP 1A/B27 rocks!!
downtown east!
07 March, 2006
back from class chalet!
fun fun!
we are more bonded together already!
although i cried like twice.
so embarassing!! =X
wait till i get the pics then update again lah.
super funny i tell you.
03 March, 2006
Meet the noobs.

this is so superNOOB lor! and the specs are at 59.90
yah so me kluh shimin and boss went to town today.
and then ate at mos.
while i was stirring the erm, sprite-and-milk mix for boss:

the coin which was in my hand fell into the drink!

I hope boss don't lao sai tonight. LOL
tmr chalet! yay yay!
can play! LOL
the last time.
02 March, 2006
time FLIES.
its the end of year one. our class is gonna seperate soon.
all the great times we had together... like:
1. post exam thai express outng and celebrate boss's bdayhad dinner at thai express. kluh shawn, clarence, cf, boss, wenjie, jaixin, yunhar, xinyu, and yuying. and bloody hell, i don't know ordered what soup dish and then when it came, turned out the be a vegetable soup w/noodles. sigh. had my red ruby w/ice cream (why not with shredded ice?!) and just crapped la. if i knew i would have ordered something else. argh.....
then we went to watch
the pink panther. super funny. more of lame than funny. i kept laughing and then kluh was un-chioing and boss nv laugh much. WTH!! i thought i was laughing too much. anyways go watch the movie if u need a great laugh. must bring friends to laugh with also.
sigh, still remembered the other time GG15 went to watch some scary movie. i was hiding behind my jacket most of the time and the guys are just making a joke out of those scary parts! LAME!!!ok, sidetracked a little.
so after the movie we went to the arcade. played a little, the kluh's stuff got stolen.
sorry, i can't curse very well, so hope you got a gist of what i am saying.
2. class karaoke session at kbox
was quite fun actually, went with the same group of people as the abovementioned outing! and yimei too! so we sang sang sang. and..
i from choir also ashamed of myself. her voice is so powerful!!!!!
so we just sang for almost 5 hours straight. heard alot of them sing for the first time, so cool! everyone was high, sing sing sing sing sing~~
then we went for dinner, sat at this round table at the foodcourt. so cool, like we are having a meeting! then had dimsum. lols i only ate one har-gao. argh. jiaxin and her cold jokes, accompanied by shawn. LOL. then rence tried kimchi for the first time (if u want korean mei mei pls learn to eat some kimchi. LOL)
YEAH, SP 1A27 rocks my socks! hope we can have some more gatherings in future!! =D
30 March, 2006
"1 new voice message in your mailbox. Please call 1303."
From Yimei's hse.
I called back, and...
"Hi 5! Hi 5! YEAHHHH HI 5! bla bla bla bla..."
WHAT THE HELL! i can hear Hi 5 singing a song in the background!
then i called her back on the house phone.
so i called her mobile.
"i got call u just now meh..?""go check your house phone!"
"wah! on for 15 mins liao!"HAHAHAHA! xavier (yimei's nephew) play play play with the phone, then accidentally pressed the buttons.
either yimei is dumb, or xavier is too smart. OOPS =X
and my sister was watching Hi 5 (a group perfoming for a...children's show) just now. she is thirteen by the way. PSST!
i need to check my attitude, thinking, mentality.
and my expressions.
am i gonna lose it/them one by one just like that?
and, delphine must not slack from now on.
polymer yay yay!
28 March, 2006
AHHHH!!!! :)
option is out. polymer for me!
and got gym rence baiyu regina and more people with me!
yay! hope we will get into the same class.. LOL
shopping with mom today :)
bought 3 tops from zara and one top from topshop.
and also bought, erm, a black bikini.
wear inside my sleeveless. psst.
i bought my noobish glasses and my handphone accessory!

thanks mommy! i love you mommy!
i love you daddy too!
i am a happy girl :)
27 March, 2006
today is the most
dustiest day ever!
was changing the strings of some
anicient guzhengs ( i mean VERY anicient!)
and the layers of dust were one inch thick! okay, one inch may be too exaggerating, 1 cm will do lah.
so the dust particles are
1 cm thick!
ya so basically my windpipe and oesophagus and nostrils and lungs are filled with DUST.
1. Change guzheng strings
2. Breathe in dust
3. Tune guzheng
4. Teach
5. Practice
sian! LOL
and i ate quite alot today.
okay randomness here.
i found the shop which sells the handphone accessory! the one where the man's dick flashes when it senses a radiation signal.
i'd get the black one. and the white one.
i'm gonna get them on thursday!
and i'm gonna get the roxy handphone strap! the billabong bag! the black blazer! the shorts! more clothes! bags! earrings! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
i am shopping-starved okay.
maybe i breathed in too much dust. =D
i want those noobish shades!!
i have a sudden craving for
Din Tai Fung's dim sum :)
yay sentosa sentosa sentosa! class outing! i need to get an even tan.. i have two-toned skin now. and play and eat and stone and shit!
and keep my windpipes from those thick layers of DUST!
dorm pics up later, editing them now!
23 March, 2006
*sry, outdated post!updated!
actually its not really updating lah, unless u call a deluge of photos updating.
so i'm gonna use a structure based method of posting photos and updating..
hey! i'm using all the photos taken ok! :)
here goes!
we went for two movie outings last and this tues, namely:
SHAGGY DOGmet gym boss kok at mrt. the rest were late. so decided to sit at mos first.
ordered some stuff, then they all came. kluh rence shawn cf sm.
i took rence's camera, and captured....

this noobish pic of boss(who was sitting oppsite me).
then we went to watch the movie! was funny, cute storyline (you tell me who on earth will transform into a dog after being bitten by a dog?), and a cute dog. LOL
ALTHOUGH me and kok shouldn't buy sweet/salty popcorn mix. dang. we had to dig downwards for sweet popcorn since me and kok don't like salty ones. LAME!
then after that, we walked around. stepped into john little to try on NOOB glasses! we all look noobish pls!

i look noobish, gym looks cute, shawn looks more noobish in the pink shades.
and meanwhile...

LOL the rumoured couple! WHAHAHAHA
erm then sm left, we contiued walking. we WALKED to orchard (phew!) then walked walked and walked.played with the book of answers at kino. wonder if its true! hmm~ then we ate at yoshinoya. collected a bunch of free yoshinoya toys (8 in total!) then some of us took it home. walked to cine.
the more i look at him, the more gay he looks. psst.
took the lift up to see dunno what, then it opened at the 4th floor. sixth sense acted up again, and then shawn when BOOO!. i GOT A SHOCK!.. and started crying. sian! always cry! hahaha i guess they are all used to it anyways, since the chalet. LOL
walked abit, the guys played at the arcade, then we went home.
we took more photos in the train!

stupid shawn's fingers.. LOL
why i always look so noobish. LOL
dorm update tmr! as usual a deluge of photos. :)
12 March, 2006
went out the watch the date movie with the guys on fri.kluh was sick, baiyu pangseh, so left me with the guys.wah sibei extra i tell u!the only zar bor. with 3 guys.its an experience also.=Xokay, so we went to marina sq to watch the movie.went to arcade first before that.wtf?! $2 for a game?!LOLin the end i also play... play twice somemore.then went to watch the movie.shawn sat on my right, rence on the left.the diffrence is that one laughs alot alot the other doesn't laugh at all.so throughout the show my right ear was deaf by shawn's laughter while my left was perfectly alright.so was laughing like mad with shawn.zzzzzz~quite funny lah, but not as funny as the pink panther.conclusion: watch comedy, must look for laughing kaki.no pun intended. =/anyways, after that we went to the IT fair.no money, still ask me go IT fair! LOLwah tempt me only.walked around until i wanna faint. so many people.and the guys take pamphlets from cute mei meis only. LOLthe guys bought some sound card, headphones, usb ports, blah blah.the headphones, act only la. OOPS! LOLwanted to buy this laptop cooler since i'm a heavy laptop user.and my table is getting heated every minute when i turn on my computer.even as i am typing now.in the end shawn bought it.hai, may as well settle for the ball thingy first.the ones where it elevates ur keyboard and "air" it.i wanna buy ibuds, laptop mouse, mike, bluetooth adapter, blah blah!!as if they no need money liddat. HAHA!then we walked to bugis, cf wanted to buy his cd.the cd all come frm china!! like those i bought frm shanghai.haha i know where to get cheap cds liao!! LOLthen we headed down for laksa. quite spicy, shouldn't have put in the belachan. zzzz~after that went to og. played this ball thing for the hello kitty keychain.stupid sia, yellow in colour somemore.not red not pink but yellow. zzzzz~quite fun i guess.its times like this that i'm gonna miss.the outings, the lamess, the company.i'm gonna miss all of you. (sighs)meanwhile, movie chionging with class soon!!YAY!! (:
downtown east II.
09 March, 2006
ok. back with the pics.
abit lazy to update lah, LOLS
its been saved as draft since yesterday.
but anyways,
Day One
met gym boss kok and sm at mrt station. then when i reached there gym and boss started calling me bui bui. zzzzzzz~ so after everyone reached we went down to downtown east. met the rest of them inside the chalet. played xbox football, i found a new idol: lampard. sounds like lampa right?! so exciting. everytime i see him i go "lampaaaaa!!". then we started to bbq at around 4 plus. the food was so much lesser then the previous chalet and YET we eat until 10 plus! LOL basically just sit there and talk cock lah. and my shorts got alot of stains. squid stain, chilli stain, drink stain.... zzzzz~ then everywhere got birthday celebrations. that say was Shawn's birthday, then we didn't sing birthday song BUT we toasted with champange! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~ SENGGG! haha. i wanted to keep the bottle , then sm wanted the cork (NOT cock! =X) then rence dunno say what keep bottle must keep the cork. so we tried to squeeze in the cork into the bottle. LOLS but in the end it couldn't go in, so i got the bottle and sm got her cork. *sounds abit wrong here!
talked cock back at the chalet then i left for home. how come cannot stay chalet one. miss all the night activites. zzzz~
Day Two
was supposed to meet baiyu at pasir ris mrt. but i woke up late, so didn't meet her! paiseh! haha. when i reached the chalet some of them are playing x-box, some sleeping. so we slacked there until 12 plus then we went out for lunch. i tell you, DON'T ORDER SIDES FRM BURGER KING AND THINK IT IS CHEAPER THAN SET MEALS!!!! zzzzzzzz~ so the four of us ordered sides to share, in the end it cost us more than a set! wtf?! waste my money man. LOLS
after lunch we went to cycle. everyone with double bikes. i cycled with rence, gym with kok, baiyu with shawn, kluh with cf, and sm with boss (the NEW couple in the making LOL). siao rence cycle super fast. again. i keep losing my footing. LOL. then he keep asking me abt korean mei mei. zzzzzzz~ lols i ah here ah there, cycle on hump, down slope, almost kena knocked. again~ oh and i saw a couple making out! BUAHAHAHA. nb always cycle so fast. lols. cycle till evening then we went back to chalet. the guys went to swim then the rest of us played x-box. lols. only baiyu bathed. the rest of us played until siao. haha. then the guys came back frm their swim, washed up, then we went to eat. walked to white sands to makan, saw alot of army boys, damn yandao. LOL
after that we walked back from whitesands, they wanted to walk down the park route. bloody hell. i could feel the sixth sense when walking past the park. then couldn't control my emotions, i started crying. zzzzzz~ china liddat, come back singapore also liddat. hai. so i grabbed gym like some koala bear while we all continued walking. LOL. went back to chalet, baiyu wanted to shit, the guys went to buy some stuff, so me rence and kok went back first. played xbox again. kena trashed. lol then went home.
Day Three
Came to chalet earlier, thought they all wanted to go to escape. in the end? ALL SLEEPING! lols. so i slept with them too. i found out some sleeping habits. sm will twich halfway during her sleep, jolting me up from otherwise a peaceful sleep. dunno who was snoring, kluh keep hitting against the wooden backing when she turns, gym sleep halfway
also will twitch (not as bad as sm) and, shawn talks in his sleep! haha damn funny.
he dunno say what "what are you doing!" to kok.
then kok say "what? what i do?!?!" haha
then rence woke up, then he say to shawn, "oei! bully my friend ah? wake up! wake up! kneel down and apologise!!!!!"
lols. crap sia.
then we woke up, wanted to go to escape, and then.....
bloody hell, closed on weekdays. then open theme park for what?!
people weekdays cannot go theme park one ah!
sian, then they go arcade. i top-up my card until i broke. haha, then play purcussion freak with rence and cf. we just camp there sia. LOL. some of them went to play pool, then some of us went to eat lunch. stupid macdonald staff, shortchange us one packet of fries!! zzzzzzzz~ after lunch, they all went to play LAN games, me baiyu, kluh and kok went back to chalet. we played xbox. topspin. and me kluh kena trashed by kok!!!! lols five sets of six games, we only won
one game. haha
they came back, then we played murderer. i keep getting the civilian card. a three card in fact. lol so suay. i only got to play murderer once or twice. lol
then we went to sakura for dinner. stupidly funny. everybody target the expensive food then shawn and rence eat what? TEMPURA. RICE. FISH. LOL!!!! then shawn devised a bra cup naming system.
A: a little
B: big
C: catagorise
D: damn big
E: enourmous
F: fucking big!!
G: gigantic
H: humongous
S: saggy.
SO STUPID!!!!!!!!! LOL
then we were talking abt lampa (idol!!!!) then i wipped this out frm the black chicken soup. asked rence to take a pic so i could blog. in the end?

so funny!! u should seen the expression of the waiteress clearing his plate.
DAMN PRICELESS!!! everybody was laughing like mad. then she told the colleagues. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
of course there are alot more funny stuff. laughed like shit. had fun!!
then went back to chalet, they guys did some card tricks. come to think of it, how come i didn't see the trick?! so stupid of me. lols. then they did love-prediction using the cards. quite true actually. haha. but they tell us not to read too much into this kind of things. just see see will do. lol. btw the guy i said during the chalet is not him!! its someone else. LOLS =X
then wanted to stay over but dad mom didn't allow. cried again. shit i am such a crybaby. zzzzzzz~
i just happened to find this picture very amusing:

kluh and i taking our act cute pic, shawn giving the ?! look and rence sleeping.
seeing this pic makes me laugh.
sigh, all the memories.
i will never forget u all, never forget the times we had together.
SP DCP 1A/B27 rocks!!
downtown east!
07 March, 2006
back from class chalet!
fun fun!
we are more bonded together already!
although i cried like twice.
so embarassing!! =X
wait till i get the pics then update again lah.
super funny i tell you.
03 March, 2006
Meet the noobs.

this is so superNOOB lor! and the specs are at 59.90
yah so me kluh shimin and boss went to town today.
and then ate at mos.
while i was stirring the erm, sprite-and-milk mix for boss:

the coin which was in my hand fell into the drink!

I hope boss don't lao sai tonight. LOL
tmr chalet! yay yay!
can play! LOL
the last time.
02 March, 2006
time FLIES.
its the end of year one. our class is gonna seperate soon.
all the great times we had together... like:
1. post exam thai express outng and celebrate boss's bdayhad dinner at thai express. kluh shawn, clarence, cf, boss, wenjie, jaixin, yunhar, xinyu, and yuying. and bloody hell, i don't know ordered what soup dish and then when it came, turned out the be a vegetable soup w/noodles. sigh. had my red ruby w/ice cream (why not with shredded ice?!) and just crapped la. if i knew i would have ordered something else. argh.....
then we went to watch
the pink panther. super funny. more of lame than funny. i kept laughing and then kluh was un-chioing and boss nv laugh much. WTH!! i thought i was laughing too much. anyways go watch the movie if u need a great laugh. must bring friends to laugh with also.
sigh, still remembered the other time GG15 went to watch some scary movie. i was hiding behind my jacket most of the time and the guys are just making a joke out of those scary parts! LAME!!!ok, sidetracked a little.
so after the movie we went to the arcade. played a little, the kluh's stuff got stolen.
sorry, i can't curse very well, so hope you got a gist of what i am saying.
2. class karaoke session at kbox
was quite fun actually, went with the same group of people as the abovementioned outing! and yimei too! so we sang sang sang. and..
i from choir also ashamed of myself. her voice is so powerful!!!!!
so we just sang for almost 5 hours straight. heard alot of them sing for the first time, so cool! everyone was high, sing sing sing sing sing~~
then we went for dinner, sat at this round table at the foodcourt. so cool, like we are having a meeting! then had dimsum. lols i only ate one har-gao. argh. jiaxin and her cold jokes, accompanied by shawn. LOL. then rence tried kimchi for the first time (if u want korean mei mei pls learn to eat some kimchi. LOL)
YEAH, SP 1A27 rocks my socks! hope we can have some more gatherings in future!! =D