30 November, 2005
just came home from practice.
and i shall not elaborate on the ap chem quiz.
and i have to chiong my CRS report.
anyways, shanghai is two days away.
and that means i have to lose touch with school and friends.
and i can't meet GG15 on saturday.
and i have to miss my MIP quiz.
and i have to miss my AP chem practical.
and i have to... battle the cold.
been busy like shit these few days.
shall make some accessories to de-stress.
i haven't even packed my stuff yet.
sun: practice. i practiced until i got irritable. then went town to buy xian's bag with cherie. then cabbed down to suntec to buy my sweaters. ate super budget dinner but it was nice. some korean set meal. oh and we dedicated ourselves frm ourselves at the fountain of wealth dedication stuff and i really worked! thought it would take dinosaur years for our dedication to show up. cool. if only a guy dedicates something to me at the fountain of wealth. ohwells.
mon: ate at sakae with xingyi cherie. met up with charmaine! love ya girl. then went to source for MORE winter clothes.
wed: met cherie xian to have dinner before practice. ate tapanyaki. the food gettes hotter and hotter. lol. late for practice. chionged practice like mad. brush up my skills. lol
off to chiong my reports! LOL
25 November, 2005
i've been immensed in intensive studying.
i did not slack during lectures and tutorials ok!
lab session was a breeze.
did both practicals in 3 hrs,
and i have to do another make-up practical session when i come back.
and i finally complete ALL my AP Chem tutorial questions.
i finished AE&E tutorials and read up on MIP.
see how hardworking i am!
oops again.
after sch today was outing with zhong and amanda.
lame, lame, lame.
we literally walked until it was a blur.
and i kept cussing (sry zhong! =X)
took prints. nice.
long time i hadn't taken prints!
LOL did window shopping.
aimed at some stuffs as usual haha.
then zhong and amanda went to watch harry potter,
and i went to meet xian cuz i watched it before.
budget dinner.
yeah we were so bored that we had to pick to correct french fry with the correct sauce with
our eyes closed.
and then try not to look like a fool when putting the fry inside our mouths still with eyes closed.
and that's not the end.
we went to winter time to look at some winter clothes for the Shanghai trip.
we were too bored, took some stupid pics.

xian saw the fur, and imagined what it looked like if it was part of a jacket hood.

then i tried onto a children's hat.
then we left the store afraid that the salesperson will slaughter us!
and i finally found a three-quarter pants that will not make me look like i am wearing long pants!
yay and saw some sweaters and tops.
gonna buy them for the trip.
haven gotten enough stuff yet.
shopping with mom tmr and winter shopping with xian and cherie on sun.
i wanna shop....
will do that after i come back lol.
heard that its really cold out there.
wonder how i'll survive.
21 November, 2005
i'm starting to choing lessons i missed.
choing like mad.
very very busy.
1. AP Chem quiz next thursday.
2. MIP quiz the week next next wed.
3. I need to do my AE&E practical.
4. Start studying all the chapters i'll miss when i go Shanghai.
5. Brush up on Guzheng (ie. PRACTICE!!)
6. Make new ez-link concession card.
7. Ask Xinyu abt AE&E practical stuff.
8. Don't be late for lectures.
9. Attend excel lessons faithfully.
- alright, although the class is... not that the module suck, i just.... don't click with the pple there.10. Locate group for MIP practical.
- now at least the people there is so much better... so much better. can say better than my own class. OOPS =XLOL i still remember that time i was lost looking for LT4, and in the end i was 15 mins late for lesson. Then they all saw me coming in stunned, and they started to wave and say "HELLO! correct class lah!"
the whole row of them.
i was embarassed. LOL
okay stop digressing.
AN EMO SECTION THIS POINT FORWARDsince in talking abt this, i just found out something. In Poly you meet people.
different people.
different people with different personalities.
different kinds of people.
different behaviour.
different categories (playful, bitch, shy, outgoing...)
different opinions.
different perspectives.
different culture.
different thinking.
different cliques.
different .......
that's the
difference.ok i'm crapping.
i just needed to get this off my chest.
you can jolly well leave if you don't like what you see now.
but, yupp i doubt i can find pple like GG15 and SACians anymore.
-i'd better arrange another outing soon. or else i'll be dead. =Xyou know, the feel is just not there.
the bond, and the culture.
take it as a total culture shock.
coming from a girl's sch i just feel this way.
that's why i really cherish my close friends.
sexy four, xian, manda, zhong, no evil, GG15, blah blah...
there are different people you just can't tell who they really are.
now its hard to find really close-knit friends in poly.
ok the four of us. (LOL)
Let me end this loooonng entry differently.
with a poem.
in Korean. LOL
-pls change encoding to korean.춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼.
Dance like no one is watching.
사랑하라, 한번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
Love like you've never been hurt.
노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은것처럼.
Sing like no one is listening.
일하라, 돈이빌요하지 않은 것처럼.
Work like you don't need the money.
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
Live life every day as if it were your last.
20 November, 2005
LOL. i'm back!
after a week of "endless" shopping and enjoyment.
but it felt like going somewhere to shop then go home.
the "excitement" is kinda gone, so i guess...
i'm getting a
lil' sick of bangkok.
but nonetheless i'll be back again next yr. LOLS.
i need to catch up on my work.
seriously. and fast.
mr ting said i'll have to catch up on the chapter on concentration soon.
and the other modules i'll have to do some fast foward self study.
i'll be gone for another week from 5th dec.
Shanghai guzheng trip.
seriously i'm so sick of taking planes.
those ear pressure things and stuff.
speaking of which...
and i have to organise GG15 outing soon.
pics will be up ltr.
now off to sleep.
12 November, 2005
flight delayed.
major technical fault, so...
i'm now stuck at the airport.
and i'm using the internet service here!
got webcam, mike and msn.
changi airport has changed alot, i guess.
now have till wait till 10pm before i fly.
and i'll reach bangkok at 1am.
anyways, hope nothing goes wrong.
in bangkok and sch.
and pls approve my LOA for the shanghai trip.
everyone's approved except me.
08 November, 2005
woke up earlier to make sure i was not late for gems.
in the end they cancelled it.
like wth i can sleep longer!
was basically stoning away.
then CRS lesson was real funny.
the advert and armpit hair.
and the lecturer damn cute laa.
"you're on leave the whole of next week? oh no.. i'm gonna miss ya for the whole week..."
damn CUTE LAH!
finally went for haircut today!
at least i don't look like a helmet head lah.
and my head feels lighter!
although the hair feels shorter,
and i swore i told her not to shorten the length.
i think i wanna rebond my hair.
07 November, 2005
gave my blog a TOTAL MAKEOVER.
enough of minimalistic black designs i guess.
now comes the white template with a picture!
and i've added a new flash msg board.
fresh change!
yeah, since i can type normally now,
i shall update once i have a spare time.
and make entries with content.
haha, to attract more viewers!
PLEASE TAG!!wells, met amanda in town today.
before that went to sp popular to buy a laptop case.
kehluh and i were walking
extremely slowly!
to waste time, i guess.
ok, met her in town.
went shopping.
bought a tank top and black cardigan.
and amanda's great shopping partner.
enjoy shopping with her.
and she buys things real quick.
try, okay,
that's why i love my shopping partner.
and did i mention i met Leonard at wisma.
with a
oi Leonard!
and he got a complete shock when he saw me.
eyes open until so big.
i still remember the time in MI when we were admiring his
long, curly eyelashes.
oh MI.......okay, go pack my luggage now.
this is so NOT FUN.
10am-1pm is a totally boring period of time for me:
had to plan of what to do for 3 WHOLE hours.
went to bind books but that took only 19 minutes.
lousy timetable. =X
sigh, next mext wk i bring laptop come play lah.
meeting amanda later.
hope i will relieve some of my boredom.
been not in touch with guzheng for a week already,
since sch has already started.
i think they started a new class for the nurserys.
-sigh- anyways i feel so much better.
the last week of the intensive practive had so much pent-up feelings.
PMS i guess.
haven seen sexy four for a week now (other than xian)
missed ya!!
GG15 outing delayed.
hmm, should i organise for mamasan?
should meet up often LOL.
or else chris will accuse me of not organising AGAIN. LOL
boo. nobody is tagging my board.
shall change a new taggie.
change my template.
or should i move to diary-x?
at least they can password-protect my entries HAHA.
will keep informed.
06 November, 2005
two weeks later and i shall enjoy.
03 November, 2005
Hey i've finally got my laptop!
woo~ no more on-screen keyboard for me!
LOL my computer is spoilt anyways gotta send it for repair soon.
shall make a summary of what i did in the sch holidays.
1. intensive
guzheng practices for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!
2. as usual,
intensive shopping. aquired alot of stuff.
met up with friends old or new.
town-ing till i drop. literally.
mahjong sessions! whoops.
6. dyed my hair to get rid of those irritating
almost GOLDEN highlights.
7. get addicited to
liquid eyeliner. (thanks xian! =S)
8. looking forward to
bangkok and shanghai trips!
9. isolating myself. by being
offline, that is.
10. i
pierced my ear!
okay, it was a long story.
it was on impluse. lol.
amanda pierced her ear too, so i asked whether its painful or not.
she said no.
but............................... it was.
sigh. look:
day one:

soon after i pierced it.
red and hot. LOL
day two:

the redness went off.
by far it was the most brave thing i did.
School has started.
joined some new classes for some new modules this sem,
which explains my screwed-up time timetable.
which i find it a good experience for me.
new friends HAHAHAHA
i sound so desperate! =X
anyways, the excel class was..... reserved.
damn quiet. all in small cliques.
although i do recognise some pple from CLS club.
are they quiet or aloof? forget it.
the other class was soooo much better.
for Materials in Practice lessons.
damn chatty. and sociable!
made friends with almost all of them quite fast.
and one of them thought i was the new lecturer. -_-"
and did i mention that they are noisy, VERY chatty.
comparable to 1A27!!!!! LOL
1. then some bird decided to knock itself to the classroom window to commit suicide.
2.then the teacher who brought in a fishing rod for the first lesson.
"if u all get too noisy, this rod would be useful."
3. then emily found me very familiar. and i also found her familiar.
but i couldn't make out where/when i saw her.
same school as xinyu. (pls shed some light on this xinyu!)
wierd! LOL
then met yuxian for shopping yesterday.
went to her hse first.
practically dumped all my stuff at her place.
crapped as usual, shopped.
bought my black m)ophsis slipper.
i'm gonna get the white one.
this is gonna be a long entry. sigh.
what's the point of saying it now.
30 November, 2005
just came home from practice.
and i shall not elaborate on the ap chem quiz.
and i have to chiong my CRS report.
anyways, shanghai is two days away.
and that means i have to lose touch with school and friends.
and i can't meet GG15 on saturday.
and i have to miss my MIP quiz.
and i have to miss my AP chem practical.
and i have to... battle the cold.
been busy like shit these few days.
shall make some accessories to de-stress.
i haven't even packed my stuff yet.
sun: practice. i practiced until i got irritable. then went town to buy xian's bag with cherie. then cabbed down to suntec to buy my sweaters. ate super budget dinner but it was nice. some korean set meal. oh and we dedicated ourselves frm ourselves at the fountain of wealth dedication stuff and i really worked! thought it would take dinosaur years for our dedication to show up. cool. if only a guy dedicates something to me at the fountain of wealth. ohwells.
mon: ate at sakae with xingyi cherie. met up with charmaine! love ya girl. then went to source for MORE winter clothes.
wed: met cherie xian to have dinner before practice. ate tapanyaki. the food gettes hotter and hotter. lol. late for practice. chionged practice like mad. brush up my skills. lol
off to chiong my reports! LOL
25 November, 2005
i've been immensed in intensive studying.
i did not slack during lectures and tutorials ok!
lab session was a breeze.
did both practicals in 3 hrs,
and i have to do another make-up practical session when i come back.
and i finally complete ALL my AP Chem tutorial questions.
i finished AE&E tutorials and read up on MIP.
see how hardworking i am!
oops again.
after sch today was outing with zhong and amanda.
lame, lame, lame.
we literally walked until it was a blur.
and i kept cussing (sry zhong! =X)
took prints. nice.
long time i hadn't taken prints!
LOL did window shopping.
aimed at some stuffs as usual haha.
then zhong and amanda went to watch harry potter,
and i went to meet xian cuz i watched it before.
budget dinner.
yeah we were so bored that we had to pick to correct french fry with the correct sauce with
our eyes closed.
and then try not to look like a fool when putting the fry inside our mouths still with eyes closed.
and that's not the end.
we went to winter time to look at some winter clothes for the Shanghai trip.
we were too bored, took some stupid pics.

xian saw the fur, and imagined what it looked like if it was part of a jacket hood.

then i tried onto a children's hat.
then we left the store afraid that the salesperson will slaughter us!
and i finally found a three-quarter pants that will not make me look like i am wearing long pants!
yay and saw some sweaters and tops.
gonna buy them for the trip.
haven gotten enough stuff yet.
shopping with mom tmr and winter shopping with xian and cherie on sun.
i wanna shop....
will do that after i come back lol.
heard that its really cold out there.
wonder how i'll survive.
21 November, 2005
i'm starting to choing lessons i missed.
choing like mad.
very very busy.
1. AP Chem quiz next thursday.
2. MIP quiz the week next next wed.
3. I need to do my AE&E practical.
4. Start studying all the chapters i'll miss when i go Shanghai.
5. Brush up on Guzheng (ie. PRACTICE!!)
6. Make new ez-link concession card.
7. Ask Xinyu abt AE&E practical stuff.
8. Don't be late for lectures.
9. Attend excel lessons faithfully.
- alright, although the class is... not that the module suck, i just.... don't click with the pple there.10. Locate group for MIP practical.
- now at least the people there is so much better... so much better. can say better than my own class. OOPS =XLOL i still remember that time i was lost looking for LT4, and in the end i was 15 mins late for lesson. Then they all saw me coming in stunned, and they started to wave and say "HELLO! correct class lah!"
the whole row of them.
i was embarassed. LOL
okay stop digressing.
AN EMO SECTION THIS POINT FORWARDsince in talking abt this, i just found out something. In Poly you meet people.
different people.
different people with different personalities.
different kinds of people.
different behaviour.
different categories (playful, bitch, shy, outgoing...)
different opinions.
different perspectives.
different culture.
different thinking.
different cliques.
different .......
that's the
difference.ok i'm crapping.
i just needed to get this off my chest.
you can jolly well leave if you don't like what you see now.
but, yupp i doubt i can find pple like GG15 and SACians anymore.
-i'd better arrange another outing soon. or else i'll be dead. =Xyou know, the feel is just not there.
the bond, and the culture.
take it as a total culture shock.
coming from a girl's sch i just feel this way.
that's why i really cherish my close friends.
sexy four, xian, manda, zhong, no evil, GG15, blah blah...
there are different people you just can't tell who they really are.
now its hard to find really close-knit friends in poly.
ok the four of us. (LOL)
Let me end this loooonng entry differently.
with a poem.
in Korean. LOL
-pls change encoding to korean.춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼.
Dance like no one is watching.
사랑하라, 한번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
Love like you've never been hurt.
노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은것처럼.
Sing like no one is listening.
일하라, 돈이빌요하지 않은 것처럼.
Work like you don't need the money.
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
Live life every day as if it were your last.
20 November, 2005
LOL. i'm back!
after a week of "endless" shopping and enjoyment.
but it felt like going somewhere to shop then go home.
the "excitement" is kinda gone, so i guess...
i'm getting a
lil' sick of bangkok.
but nonetheless i'll be back again next yr. LOLS.
i need to catch up on my work.
seriously. and fast.
mr ting said i'll have to catch up on the chapter on concentration soon.
and the other modules i'll have to do some fast foward self study.
i'll be gone for another week from 5th dec.
Shanghai guzheng trip.
seriously i'm so sick of taking planes.
those ear pressure things and stuff.
speaking of which...
and i have to organise GG15 outing soon.
pics will be up ltr.
now off to sleep.
12 November, 2005
flight delayed.
major technical fault, so...
i'm now stuck at the airport.
and i'm using the internet service here!
got webcam, mike and msn.
changi airport has changed alot, i guess.
now have till wait till 10pm before i fly.
and i'll reach bangkok at 1am.
anyways, hope nothing goes wrong.
in bangkok and sch.
and pls approve my LOA for the shanghai trip.
everyone's approved except me.
08 November, 2005
woke up earlier to make sure i was not late for gems.
in the end they cancelled it.
like wth i can sleep longer!
was basically stoning away.
then CRS lesson was real funny.
the advert and armpit hair.
and the lecturer damn cute laa.
"you're on leave the whole of next week? oh no.. i'm gonna miss ya for the whole week..."
damn CUTE LAH!
finally went for haircut today!
at least i don't look like a helmet head lah.
and my head feels lighter!
although the hair feels shorter,
and i swore i told her not to shorten the length.
i think i wanna rebond my hair.
07 November, 2005
gave my blog a TOTAL MAKEOVER.
enough of minimalistic black designs i guess.
now comes the white template with a picture!
and i've added a new flash msg board.
fresh change!
yeah, since i can type normally now,
i shall update once i have a spare time.
and make entries with content.
haha, to attract more viewers!
PLEASE TAG!!wells, met amanda in town today.
before that went to sp popular to buy a laptop case.
kehluh and i were walking
extremely slowly!
to waste time, i guess.
ok, met her in town.
went shopping.
bought a tank top and black cardigan.
and amanda's great shopping partner.
enjoy shopping with her.
and she buys things real quick.
try, okay,
that's why i love my shopping partner.
and did i mention i met Leonard at wisma.
with a
oi Leonard!
and he got a complete shock when he saw me.
eyes open until so big.
i still remember the time in MI when we were admiring his
long, curly eyelashes.
oh MI.......okay, go pack my luggage now.
this is so NOT FUN.
10am-1pm is a totally boring period of time for me:
had to plan of what to do for 3 WHOLE hours.
went to bind books but that took only 19 minutes.
lousy timetable. =X
sigh, next mext wk i bring laptop come play lah.
meeting amanda later.
hope i will relieve some of my boredom.
been not in touch with guzheng for a week already,
since sch has already started.
i think they started a new class for the nurserys.
-sigh- anyways i feel so much better.
the last week of the intensive practive had so much pent-up feelings.
PMS i guess.
haven seen sexy four for a week now (other than xian)
missed ya!!
GG15 outing delayed.
hmm, should i organise for mamasan?
should meet up often LOL.
or else chris will accuse me of not organising AGAIN. LOL
boo. nobody is tagging my board.
shall change a new taggie.
change my template.
or should i move to diary-x?
at least they can password-protect my entries HAHA.
will keep informed.
06 November, 2005
two weeks later and i shall enjoy.
03 November, 2005
Hey i've finally got my laptop!
woo~ no more on-screen keyboard for me!
LOL my computer is spoilt anyways gotta send it for repair soon.
shall make a summary of what i did in the sch holidays.
1. intensive
guzheng practices for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!
2. as usual,
intensive shopping. aquired alot of stuff.
met up with friends old or new.
town-ing till i drop. literally.
mahjong sessions! whoops.
6. dyed my hair to get rid of those irritating
almost GOLDEN highlights.
7. get addicited to
liquid eyeliner. (thanks xian! =S)
8. looking forward to
bangkok and shanghai trips!
9. isolating myself. by being
offline, that is.
10. i
pierced my ear!
okay, it was a long story.
it was on impluse. lol.
amanda pierced her ear too, so i asked whether its painful or not.
she said no.
but............................... it was.
sigh. look:
day one:

soon after i pierced it.
red and hot. LOL
day two:

the redness went off.
by far it was the most brave thing i did.
School has started.
joined some new classes for some new modules this sem,
which explains my screwed-up time timetable.
which i find it a good experience for me.
new friends HAHAHAHA
i sound so desperate! =X
anyways, the excel class was..... reserved.
damn quiet. all in small cliques.
although i do recognise some pple from CLS club.
are they quiet or aloof? forget it.
the other class was soooo much better.
for Materials in Practice lessons.
damn chatty. and sociable!
made friends with almost all of them quite fast.
and one of them thought i was the new lecturer. -_-"
and did i mention that they are noisy, VERY chatty.
comparable to 1A27!!!!! LOL
1. then some bird decided to knock itself to the classroom window to commit suicide.
2.then the teacher who brought in a fishing rod for the first lesson.
"if u all get too noisy, this rod would be useful."
3. then emily found me very familiar. and i also found her familiar.
but i couldn't make out where/when i saw her.
same school as xinyu. (pls shed some light on this xinyu!)
wierd! LOL
then met yuxian for shopping yesterday.
went to her hse first.
practically dumped all my stuff at her place.
crapped as usual, shopped.
bought my black m)ophsis slipper.
i'm gonna get the white one.
this is gonna be a long entry. sigh.
what's the point of saying it now.