30 August, 2005
hmm. my keyboard's NOT WORKING.
i'm using on-screen keybod for now.
the typing is super-duper slow....
i mean SLOW...
anyhoos, update:
tuesday: woah HILARIOUS!! took bus 168 frm tampines with xian. then she was like: "wah nt bad travel by expressway."
then suddenly i was like: "uh. don't look like bedok leh."
that place was sengkang, btw.
so, we went from sengkang to yio chu kang to woodlands all by EXPRESSWAY.
nowhere to stop.
so no choice, take the same bus
reached home at 2330.
there goes my sleep haha.
wednesday: was supposed to go beck to SAC, but the teachers all went for high tea. dots. so went to PS with amanda. shopped a little. took neos. and we were supposed to study lols.
more later. tired.
29 August, 2005
whoa damn suay today.
1. My wireless keyboard and mouse ain't working.
2. I can't find my money.
3. I haven't complete my reports.
4. I brought lao shi's cd, but.....
5. I left my ez-link card at home.
6. Wasted $$ on cab lately
7. ............
Anyways since i'm here may as well do a proper update:
Friday: Tests (for the week) are over. Went for shopping with baiyu! Aiyoh fussy fella! Say wanna shop and then in the end i'm the one shopping instead. Painted for nails in TEN different colours, will upload pics later. Bought 2 earrings, purple nail polish and PURPLE eyeliner. i love PRUPLE!!! <3Saturday: Archery was a total disaster... totally off form. Argh sian. and the shootout is NEXT WEEK!!!!!! how man, HOW??? haha then after that went to kok's hse to do project, i left after an hour~ lame. Then went down to TM to eat international buffet. Pariss. hmm didn't eat much though. Bought some clothes, lols i'm aiming for that mickey mouse shirt... LOL
Sunday: Guzheng practice with the sexy four as usual, we made progress for our song! LOLS finishing the song soon... We made some hand-made prezzies for lao shi for teacher's day. HAND MADE ok. haha.. Yeah and xian wanted to buy some more roses to make, we went back to the shop and found out that it closed. So i suggested that we come to my hse that shop cuz the shop sells them. Went down and it CLOSED again. damn. then went to another bookshop and as usual, CLOSED!!!!! wtf man, they usually open on sundays, and they had to close today?! lols.
And i think my computer is in a bad shape, really bad shape. LOL
24 August, 2005
oh no.
i discovered that i blog almost everyday,
no, make that everyday.
delph, so free arh?
haha so i'm gonna try to NOT blog
and see how long i last.
anyways, skipped sch today.
stomach upset. =.=
wth?? y am i always having stomach problems?
i wanna have flu for a change!
okays, so missed the mathCAD test today.
oh no. lols.
tmr's microbio test.
happy mugging delphine.
and i am gonna treat myself to a shopping session on fri afternoon.
all by myself. WAHAHAHA~
treasure what u have NOW.
22 August, 2005
i guess i stil feel a lil' disappointed after all.
wells, i don't know what to say...
as quoted from kexin's blog:
"treasure and be treasured..."
which i find it true now.
i guess lao shi probably thinks that if we can't make it,
he can always find more people to replace us.
or maybe he wanted to spur us on by being harsh,
but little did he know that this will not help...
i still remember on sat when i went mbs to help him with kexin...
in the end, he still gave us that attitude.
it makes me feel that we are not being appreciated at all.
in the past, when this happens,
i'll just put on a black sour face and give him attitude.
but now...
i just feel disappointed.
no point being pissed.
maybe i'm childish to say all this.
but 10 yrs of guzheng...
and this still happens.
is it because of rivalry?
is it because of someone who wants everything to be for him/her only?
is it because of that someone who wants us to give up?
so that he/she will get everything?
thurs i'm gonna go there of lessons.
that day will be the judgement day.
if it still persists,
its "over".
and i will fight back.
21 August, 2005
"xing fu shi duan zhan de."
memories are shortlived.
dunno what is happening nowadays.
yesterday the sexy four were still crazily and happily
imitating the retarded korean video.
and yet today...
someone dropped a bombshell on us.
i not really pissed by this matter whatsoever.
i'm just saddened.
really saddened.
don't wish to elaborate further.
i don't want to sadden myself.
or the other sexy three.
i miss the crapping at centre.
i miss the fun filled guzheng practices.
i mess the fun outings.
i miss being the crazy self at centre.
i miss the gatherings at centre.
i miss the gossiping.
i miss the jokes.
i miss the performaces.
i miss everyone's smile.
the mood as really sombre today.
everyone wasn't in a gd mood.
except that someone.
ohwells. see how it goes.
no mood now.
if that is really what u think of us,
and that we cannot make it,
we WILL prove it to you,
that we can.
19 August, 2005
ohwells. added background pic to my template.
although the placing sucks.
one black chunk in the middle.
blocking everything, and...
spoiling my inspiration HAHAHA.
oh wells. tmr then change la.
my eyes are CLOSING.
anyways, today we went to make class jersey.
hmm.. no comments la.
what is done is done HAHA.
althought i think the shopkeeper kept persuading us to order frm him rather than giving us credible opinions.
i'm neutral anyways.
but i WAS rather pissed at that point of time.
cuz... nevermind.
then i can see the uncle staring daggers at me.
but i'll rather not order frm him loh.
that's my opinion.
the end-product jersey SHOULD look okay i guess.
then we went to ikea.
FIRST TIME for me.
i'm gonna go back to queensway and ikea again.
wahahaha saw alot of things i wanna buy!
whee~ but then again...
the $$$$$ leh????
LOL (:
crystaljade and icecreams.
18 August, 2005
just a quick update.
my eyes are closing anytime SOON.
today we went for lunch at holland v. Crystal Jade. Freaking expensive, but the food was quite okay la, but of course Shanghai's better. Still remember that time went to Zhang shi mu's hse for dinner... and the dumplings... and the xiao long baos there... HAHAHA
was feeling quite broke already, then they decided to carry on eating at haagen daas!! the guys were broke, then they went out to 7-11 to buy magnum ice cream!! HAHAA funny. i want gelare not haagen daas!!! :(
lols. my wrist is killing me. all that typing. HOW AM I GONNA PLAY GUZHENG TMR?!
16 August, 2005
i am supposed to be doing my reports.
and here i am BLOGGING.
anyways today's the same.
except that i did two stupid things today.
firstly, i was supposed to go to club for meeting. and as expected, they didn't recognise me (shame on u, delph). i stood outside the club like some idiot and then in the end i went home before the meeting started. WHAT A JOKE. so, being so stupid today, i took bus 14 home from sch. the journey? 1 HOUR AND 45 MINS. bloody hell. i think i can take the MRT up and down three times with 1hr 45mins.
and my reports are still unfinished.
and my korean tmr is
so screwed.
and i haven't started studying for my tests next wk.
i am gonna start crying soon.
bless me.
silverferns and bubbleleaves.
ok gym! i shall do a proper update la.
SATURDAY: wells, went for archery with aching arms, and my grouping really sucked. arrows all over the place. HOW AM I GONNA GET INTO THE SCH TEAM??? argh. i want my finger tap and arm guard pls. and shimin's shoe sole came off!! LOL then aft archery went TM with shimin to shop for shoes. saw my adidas cap. saw shoes. saw clothes. and a billabong bag. wooot but how am i gonna get my $$ from? haha then we aimed at some stuffs too. gonna update my shopping list already. (:
SUNDAY: woke up late, as usual. then went to centre at 1130 when the girls were already there since 1030!! haha then we went for lunch with ingrid. and we took many pics. super ah lian. but the pics were gone! haha nvm shall take them again this sun!then went back to centre, practised then we went dress-hunting. not much results. i was a little moody that time.. sry sexy four! then went for dinner. SUSHI! lols then dad bought me the adidas cap! and mom bought me the skirt which i aimed long ago. thanks mom and dad! lols and sis bought some stuff too. lols its relaxing to shop like this.
and i am supposed to finish reports. CPPB, microbio, and i haven handed in my IO chem. and my korean test. and there are two tests next wk...
15 August, 2005
so, as requested by GYM...
13 August, 2005
my flabby arm fats have evolved into muscles.
which explains the "hump" on my upper arm.
my arms look quite beefy now, but at least its better than FATS.
now off for archery and MORE muscles.
12 August, 2005
ok. forget abt the past entry.
pms pms.
my arm muscles are aching since yesterday.
i can't even stretch my arms.
wonder how can i shoot tmr.
byebye off to rush reports!
arh~ pms. forget it i shall not rant it here.
i'll do it somewhere else.
11 August, 2005
what the fuck.
bu shuang then tell me lar.
anyways, ice skating aft sch today. fell like 4 times, and now my ass hurts. and my knees hurt too. so malu. somemore today wear skirt. although i was skating solo today. skating too slow u see. nevermind.
thinking of ice-skating, i suddenly remember that day where GG15 went ice-skating. everyone was chasing everyone, totally fun. everyone skated as one group. at least it was so much better than today. i didn't fall. bleh. =.=

I MISS GG15!!!!!
sry feeling abit emo today. so...
1. GG15! mel, jane, yingrui, theresa, steph, chingwan, chris, leonard, zhenyang, daryl, alis, hock! missed ya alot alot!!!!
2. MSZY- the sexy four! luv ya!!
i feel so moody. lols.
10 August, 2005
hmm. skipped sch today. partly because i'm super tired and i keep visiting the loo. suddenly i feel detoxified. LOL.
anyways, abt yesterday's trip. purely sightseeing. no shopping (other than food), sighs LOL
i finally found out where we are going. Kota Tinggi. at least i know where the hell am i going. lol woke up at 4am in the morning and met the rest at 630. took a bus right up to msia. the first two stops were temples. then we proceeded to have lunch. lobsters and seafood. very fresh. hahas
then went to some fruit farm. it was darn hot. saw ostrich and turkey and goats and rabbits and blah blah.. saw fruits(duh) and yah many many fruits. next stop was shopping. the shopping malls is worse than Tampines Mall. so small. lols bought white flats, can throw away my auntie shoes already. lols.
aft dinner was the main highlight of the day. FIREFLIES! really it was very nice... all the fireflies in the dark sky. its like orchard rd at christmas. even the stars are not as bright as them. shining. cool. too bad i can't capture it on camera. but i can tell u its a wonderful experience man. u feel so relaxed looking at those fireflies doin' their thang. lol
on the way back was terrible man, all the traffic jams. supposed to reach sg by 9 in the end we reached at abt 1030. reached home at 11 plus close to 12. bloody tired i tell u.
finally got some inspiration for my blogskin. pictures will be posted later.
now off to do my blogskin! (:
national day eve!
08 August, 2005
chem test is over!!
which means its NATIONAL DAY MOOD!!
lols. not listening in class now though.
yayy. tmr going to m'sia.
i need more slp ZZzzzzzz.
and i wanna shop also!
i wanna spend money!
yesterday aimed at some stuffs.
gonna buy them yesh!
07 August, 2005
AIM OF THE MONTH (other than getting gd results haha):
shoot-out on first wk of sept. need to train more. already starting to shoot 20m. argh. no strength. lols.
anyhows, gonna teach guzheng to kids, now learning how to teach them effectively (read: FUN.), hope it will be a successful one. Sexy four, YAYY!!
tmr practice with Sexy Four and then SHOPPING!! yay gonna aim at some more stuffs! (:
byebye off to mug for chem test so that i can shop in peace tmr.
apple piepods!
05 August, 2005
feeling quite blah today. not going for AGM. haha.
neither am i gonna apply for LOA. lazy. that means i HAVE to attend every chem lesson from now on. hurhur.
anyways watch this. its super LAME i tell you.
CLICK HERE!archery tomorrow. yay. finally getting some exercise!
byebye off to do reports.
auntie flats
04 August, 2005
my mom says my black flats look like auntie shoes. even she will not wear that out.
ohwells, buying that pair of shoes from hereen anyway, so may as well throw the black flats inside the shoe cupboard and rot.
01 August, 2005
wa piang eh.
first day on term 2 become like this.
what a start.
30 August, 2005
hmm. my keyboard's NOT WORKING.
i'm using on-screen keybod for now.
the typing is super-duper slow....
i mean SLOW...
anyhoos, update:
tuesday: woah HILARIOUS!! took bus 168 frm tampines with xian. then she was like: "wah nt bad travel by expressway."
then suddenly i was like: "uh. don't look like bedok leh."
that place was sengkang, btw.
so, we went from sengkang to yio chu kang to woodlands all by EXPRESSWAY.
nowhere to stop.
so no choice, take the same bus
reached home at 2330.
there goes my sleep haha.
wednesday: was supposed to go beck to SAC, but the teachers all went for high tea. dots. so went to PS with amanda. shopped a little. took neos. and we were supposed to study lols.
more later. tired.
29 August, 2005
whoa damn suay today.
1. My wireless keyboard and mouse ain't working.
2. I can't find my money.
3. I haven't complete my reports.
4. I brought lao shi's cd, but.....
5. I left my ez-link card at home.
6. Wasted $$ on cab lately
7. ............
Anyways since i'm here may as well do a proper update:
Friday: Tests (for the week) are over. Went for shopping with baiyu! Aiyoh fussy fella! Say wanna shop and then in the end i'm the one shopping instead. Painted for nails in TEN different colours, will upload pics later. Bought 2 earrings, purple nail polish and PURPLE eyeliner. i love PRUPLE!!! <3Saturday: Archery was a total disaster... totally off form. Argh sian. and the shootout is NEXT WEEK!!!!!! how man, HOW??? haha then after that went to kok's hse to do project, i left after an hour~ lame. Then went down to TM to eat international buffet. Pariss. hmm didn't eat much though. Bought some clothes, lols i'm aiming for that mickey mouse shirt... LOL
Sunday: Guzheng practice with the sexy four as usual, we made progress for our song! LOLS finishing the song soon... We made some hand-made prezzies for lao shi for teacher's day. HAND MADE ok. haha.. Yeah and xian wanted to buy some more roses to make, we went back to the shop and found out that it closed. So i suggested that we come to my hse that shop cuz the shop sells them. Went down and it CLOSED again. damn. then went to another bookshop and as usual, CLOSED!!!!! wtf man, they usually open on sundays, and they had to close today?! lols.
And i think my computer is in a bad shape, really bad shape. LOL
24 August, 2005
oh no.
i discovered that i blog almost everyday,
no, make that everyday.
delph, so free arh?
haha so i'm gonna try to NOT blog
and see how long i last.
anyways, skipped sch today.
stomach upset. =.=
wth?? y am i always having stomach problems?
i wanna have flu for a change!
okays, so missed the mathCAD test today.
oh no. lols.
tmr's microbio test.
happy mugging delphine.
and i am gonna treat myself to a shopping session on fri afternoon.
all by myself. WAHAHAHA~
treasure what u have NOW.
22 August, 2005
i guess i stil feel a lil' disappointed after all.
wells, i don't know what to say...
as quoted from kexin's blog:
"treasure and be treasured..."
which i find it true now.
i guess lao shi probably thinks that if we can't make it,
he can always find more people to replace us.
or maybe he wanted to spur us on by being harsh,
but little did he know that this will not help...
i still remember on sat when i went mbs to help him with kexin...
in the end, he still gave us that attitude.
it makes me feel that we are not being appreciated at all.
in the past, when this happens,
i'll just put on a black sour face and give him attitude.
but now...
i just feel disappointed.
no point being pissed.
maybe i'm childish to say all this.
but 10 yrs of guzheng...
and this still happens.
is it because of rivalry?
is it because of someone who wants everything to be for him/her only?
is it because of that someone who wants us to give up?
so that he/she will get everything?
thurs i'm gonna go there of lessons.
that day will be the judgement day.
if it still persists,
its "over".
and i will fight back.
21 August, 2005
"xing fu shi duan zhan de."
memories are shortlived.
dunno what is happening nowadays.
yesterday the sexy four were still crazily and happily
imitating the retarded korean video.
and yet today...
someone dropped a bombshell on us.
i not really pissed by this matter whatsoever.
i'm just saddened.
really saddened.
don't wish to elaborate further.
i don't want to sadden myself.
or the other sexy three.
i miss the crapping at centre.
i miss the fun filled guzheng practices.
i mess the fun outings.
i miss being the crazy self at centre.
i miss the gatherings at centre.
i miss the gossiping.
i miss the jokes.
i miss the performaces.
i miss everyone's smile.
the mood as really sombre today.
everyone wasn't in a gd mood.
except that someone.
ohwells. see how it goes.
no mood now.
if that is really what u think of us,
and that we cannot make it,
we WILL prove it to you,
that we can.
19 August, 2005
ohwells. added background pic to my template.
although the placing sucks.
one black chunk in the middle.
blocking everything, and...
spoiling my inspiration HAHAHA.
oh wells. tmr then change la.
my eyes are CLOSING.
anyways, today we went to make class jersey.
hmm.. no comments la.
what is done is done HAHA.
althought i think the shopkeeper kept persuading us to order frm him rather than giving us credible opinions.
i'm neutral anyways.
but i WAS rather pissed at that point of time.
cuz... nevermind.
then i can see the uncle staring daggers at me.
but i'll rather not order frm him loh.
that's my opinion.
the end-product jersey SHOULD look okay i guess.
then we went to ikea.
FIRST TIME for me.
i'm gonna go back to queensway and ikea again.
wahahaha saw alot of things i wanna buy!
whee~ but then again...
the $$$$$ leh????
LOL (:
crystaljade and icecreams.
18 August, 2005
just a quick update.
my eyes are closing anytime SOON.
today we went for lunch at holland v. Crystal Jade. Freaking expensive, but the food was quite okay la, but of course Shanghai's better. Still remember that time went to Zhang shi mu's hse for dinner... and the dumplings... and the xiao long baos there... HAHAHA
was feeling quite broke already, then they decided to carry on eating at haagen daas!! the guys were broke, then they went out to 7-11 to buy magnum ice cream!! HAHAA funny. i want gelare not haagen daas!!! :(
lols. my wrist is killing me. all that typing. HOW AM I GONNA PLAY GUZHENG TMR?!
16 August, 2005
i am supposed to be doing my reports.
and here i am BLOGGING.
anyways today's the same.
except that i did two stupid things today.
firstly, i was supposed to go to club for meeting. and as expected, they didn't recognise me (shame on u, delph). i stood outside the club like some idiot and then in the end i went home before the meeting started. WHAT A JOKE. so, being so stupid today, i took bus 14 home from sch. the journey? 1 HOUR AND 45 MINS. bloody hell. i think i can take the MRT up and down three times with 1hr 45mins.
and my reports are still unfinished.
and my korean tmr is
so screwed.
and i haven't started studying for my tests next wk.
i am gonna start crying soon.
bless me.
silverferns and bubbleleaves.
ok gym! i shall do a proper update la.
SATURDAY: wells, went for archery with aching arms, and my grouping really sucked. arrows all over the place. HOW AM I GONNA GET INTO THE SCH TEAM??? argh. i want my finger tap and arm guard pls. and shimin's shoe sole came off!! LOL then aft archery went TM with shimin to shop for shoes. saw my adidas cap. saw shoes. saw clothes. and a billabong bag. wooot but how am i gonna get my $$ from? haha then we aimed at some stuffs too. gonna update my shopping list already. (:
SUNDAY: woke up late, as usual. then went to centre at 1130 when the girls were already there since 1030!! haha then we went for lunch with ingrid. and we took many pics. super ah lian. but the pics were gone! haha nvm shall take them again this sun!then went back to centre, practised then we went dress-hunting. not much results. i was a little moody that time.. sry sexy four! then went for dinner. SUSHI! lols then dad bought me the adidas cap! and mom bought me the skirt which i aimed long ago. thanks mom and dad! lols and sis bought some stuff too. lols its relaxing to shop like this.
and i am supposed to finish reports. CPPB, microbio, and i haven handed in my IO chem. and my korean test. and there are two tests next wk...
15 August, 2005
so, as requested by GYM...
13 August, 2005
my flabby arm fats have evolved into muscles.
which explains the "hump" on my upper arm.
my arms look quite beefy now, but at least its better than FATS.
now off for archery and MORE muscles.
12 August, 2005
ok. forget abt the past entry.
pms pms.
my arm muscles are aching since yesterday.
i can't even stretch my arms.
wonder how can i shoot tmr.
byebye off to rush reports!
arh~ pms. forget it i shall not rant it here.
i'll do it somewhere else.
11 August, 2005
what the fuck.
bu shuang then tell me lar.
anyways, ice skating aft sch today. fell like 4 times, and now my ass hurts. and my knees hurt too. so malu. somemore today wear skirt. although i was skating solo today. skating too slow u see. nevermind.
thinking of ice-skating, i suddenly remember that day where GG15 went ice-skating. everyone was chasing everyone, totally fun. everyone skated as one group. at least it was so much better than today. i didn't fall. bleh. =.=

I MISS GG15!!!!!
sry feeling abit emo today. so...
1. GG15! mel, jane, yingrui, theresa, steph, chingwan, chris, leonard, zhenyang, daryl, alis, hock! missed ya alot alot!!!!
2. MSZY- the sexy four! luv ya!!
i feel so moody. lols.
10 August, 2005
hmm. skipped sch today. partly because i'm super tired and i keep visiting the loo. suddenly i feel detoxified. LOL.
anyways, abt yesterday's trip. purely sightseeing. no shopping (other than food), sighs LOL
i finally found out where we are going. Kota Tinggi. at least i know where the hell am i going. lol woke up at 4am in the morning and met the rest at 630. took a bus right up to msia. the first two stops were temples. then we proceeded to have lunch. lobsters and seafood. very fresh. hahas
then went to some fruit farm. it was darn hot. saw ostrich and turkey and goats and rabbits and blah blah.. saw fruits(duh) and yah many many fruits. next stop was shopping. the shopping malls is worse than Tampines Mall. so small. lols bought white flats, can throw away my auntie shoes already. lols.
aft dinner was the main highlight of the day. FIREFLIES! really it was very nice... all the fireflies in the dark sky. its like orchard rd at christmas. even the stars are not as bright as them. shining. cool. too bad i can't capture it on camera. but i can tell u its a wonderful experience man. u feel so relaxed looking at those fireflies doin' their thang. lol
on the way back was terrible man, all the traffic jams. supposed to reach sg by 9 in the end we reached at abt 1030. reached home at 11 plus close to 12. bloody tired i tell u.
finally got some inspiration for my blogskin. pictures will be posted later.
now off to do my blogskin! (:
national day eve!
08 August, 2005
chem test is over!!
which means its NATIONAL DAY MOOD!!
lols. not listening in class now though.
yayy. tmr going to m'sia.
i need more slp ZZzzzzzz.
and i wanna shop also!
i wanna spend money!
yesterday aimed at some stuffs.
gonna buy them yesh!
07 August, 2005
AIM OF THE MONTH (other than getting gd results haha):
shoot-out on first wk of sept. need to train more. already starting to shoot 20m. argh. no strength. lols.
anyhows, gonna teach guzheng to kids, now learning how to teach them effectively (read: FUN.), hope it will be a successful one. Sexy four, YAYY!!
tmr practice with Sexy Four and then SHOPPING!! yay gonna aim at some more stuffs! (:
byebye off to mug for chem test so that i can shop in peace tmr.
apple piepods!
05 August, 2005
feeling quite blah today. not going for AGM. haha.
neither am i gonna apply for LOA. lazy. that means i HAVE to attend every chem lesson from now on. hurhur.
anyways watch this. its super LAME i tell you.
CLICK HERE!archery tomorrow. yay. finally getting some exercise!
byebye off to do reports.
auntie flats
04 August, 2005
my mom says my black flats look like auntie shoes. even she will not wear that out.
ohwells, buying that pair of shoes from hereen anyway, so may as well throw the black flats inside the shoe cupboard and rot.
01 August, 2005
wa piang eh.
first day on term 2 become like this.
what a start.