green. (:
31 July, 2005
hmm. went retail therapy-ing for the past few days.
bought some stuffs:
1. 3-quarter pants
2. brown top
3. 3 fox tops
4. Accessories
now aiming for bag and SHOES! aimed at some mules and pumps.
$36.90 each. ohwells.
i lovelovelove retail therapy.
guzheng today. learnt new song. hmm quite nice, but the speed damn fast! GOTTA PRACTICE!!! (:
then after that went to meet xian @ her workplace at taka. veet! lol
anyhows, sch's starting tmr. stress and work come back to me. no more nua-ing at home. hahas.
30 July, 2005
made a new skin.
its kinda gloomy i guess.
um, whatever.
burnts and aches.
25 July, 2005
back from sentosa.
SATURDAY: met darling xian for shopping. bought a polo tee which i didn't know why the hell i bought it, and *ahems* underwear. xian!! lol make me buy underwear hahahaha... i think i'm gonna change my polo tee into something else.. or else i will not wear that man! NO WAY! haha
then after that went to auntie grace's hse for family gathering. Grandma's bdae. ate lots of sashimi, sipped wine and champange, and crapped. i almost got drunk. that one glass of champange and one glass of wine and i'm faint. god what happened to me, guess i'm not cut out for wine-drinking. *lol* glad to know everyone's doing fine. Avril, gd luck for your o's!
SUNDAY: Sentosa outing. wasn't as fun as i've expected. Reasons:
1. GYM wasn't there. guess most of us sian diao already...
2. no entertainment. thus? SLEEP...
3. and frm that, my neck is aching...
4. some people who really irritated me! argh assholeeeee!!!don't act as if u very big la!! get lost!!
5. the sun. now i got a halter tan AND a racerback tan. shit. need to even them out. ECP!!
and gym!!! got another class outing u must come!!
off to do reports and my IO chem. sigh.
busy bee.
23 July, 2005
been busy this week, mugging for tests and 2 presentations. hardly had time for myself haha. so here goes, weekly blog:Monday:Excel spreadsheet ICA. GONE. hahaTuesday:Sch was ok, starting to get stressed up. RWP RWP RWP!!! Went out shopping after sch with darling xian. Bought a blouse for RWP presentation. aimed at some stuff. wells, next time perhaps. when i have $. hahaWednesday:Got back my test paper. FAILED. my first failed paper comes from... CPPB! haha gotta mug for test 2. lol. Anyhows, it was DCP DAY! was some familiar people frm other classes. haha the fun part was after the event. Our class was the only class who stayed back, and we started eating the leftover buffet. Lazy to walk up and down i guess, then Boss and the others brought the WHOLE TRAYS of food right onto our table. walao! embarassing man, they even brought the bowls of sauce too, haha then we slacked and crapped. Found out that Mr Ting (our tutor) is a really fun guy, lame also.. i think sentosa would be a fun fun one. anyhows, after that went to work on RWP and IDEAS then went home.Thursday:RWP presentation. don't wanna talk about it. was quite ok, but the Q and A was like... arrgh kept being asked stupid questions by someone who thinks he knows everything... argh that dampened my mood. was quite moody la, cuz the presentation didn't turn out the way i wanted it to be, partly because we didn't rehearse. =P was controlling my mood along the way, then baiyu gym and kehluh started crying one after another. was consolling them and i even wanted to cry myself too... i'm strong i guess. anyhows, couldn't stand it, went home to zzzZZZzz. went for guzheng at night. i didn't practice for 2 whole weeks, and huiwen was playing sooooo fast that my fingers practically hardened from playing fast. sigh. too much schwork. i must practice. i must i must!Friday:Studied for microbio test after lunch for 5 solid hours. First time i've ever tried studying for so long for a single subject. argh. Made some mistakes for the test. but what i studied came out. phew. not like CPPB. i'm gonna give up CPPB soon...Went for dinner with regina aft that. then went shopping. haha retail therapy. haha aimed at some more stuff haha bought a halter for tanning.. i really need to even out my tans.. cuz i always wear tops with sleeves. now there's a distinct difference frm my upper and lower arms. lol.class outing on sun. can't wait.SENTOSA HERE I COME!!
supeerrr moody.
16 July, 2005
i'm been feeling moody these few weeks. and i don't know why. why why why WHY??????? sigh. to those who i have lost my temper to, i'm very sorry. really sorry. couldn't control my moodiness. wells, that's menopause i guess. hope next week would be a good one. HEY!
anyhows, fri was the lunch with GG15 mates. Alistair came to sp. then meet up with regina zhenyang and wanyu. had lunch. and as usual lamess and horniness esp from alis. lol. zhengyang and wanyu left, then went to the library with regina and alis to watch vcds to kill time. fell asleep. TWICE!!! how tired could i get man. hahas then regina left for lessons and left me and alis. watched garfield and i fell asleep AGAIN. haha then aft that met chris for dinner and then we left. missed GG15 alot!! another outing pls!!! its been months since i last saw ALL OF YOU.
today, dinner with family. its been a long time since we went out as a family. everyone was busy, esp me. too many commitments. school, guzheng, archery, tests and reports. thanks to MSZY for the times when u all waited for me to start practice. esp when i was the one who was late all the time. i'll remember that time when we practised until 12am HAHAHAHA. misses!
i need SHOPPING!!!!!!
5 reports to do! microbio test!!! argh.
*kexin: take care girl, stay happy... =)
13 July, 2005
ah. so many things happened. ..
but anyways i feel better now.
11 July, 2005

i miss my sec sch. and MI. and GG15.
randomness here. AHHHH!!
i think i am having post-natal depression.
so screwed up.
quiet. i suddenly shut up for no good reason.
what is over is OVER.
what has happened cannot be reversed.
karma. retribution.
06 July, 2005
today's korean lesson was FUNNY. we learnt abt the major upper body parts, and since i missed two lessons, i had to do some major catching up!! lol anyways for today's test, my grp only got two out of ten!! haha all short-term memory people together haha.
Anyways, today's lessons were ok. i did'nt manage to fall asleep during CPPB, since gym and kok lun were making so much noise, and i seriously think the buddy class HATES us. or loathe us. whatever. lols GYM!!! pls sit propely lah!!!!
aft sch was lunch with GG15 mates, regina wanyu chris. yakyakyak. i still think MI days really rock. haha then went to library with regina, found them, then slacked. we were supposed to do RWP leh!!! haha and i called shawn at his hse phone instead of his moblie. walao. his aunt picked up and asked me alot ALOT of qns. i freaked. lol
SORRY CHRIS!!! made u go all da way to the library!! my mobile was flat so didn't receive ur msg!!! i owe u one!!!
AND shawn pls stop suaning me la. i FAT ok?!?!?!?! hahahahahahaha
05 July, 2005
yay. class outing to sentosa. Mr Ting's gonna book a hotel room for us to slack in. Shangri-la. Oooh. lol hope it'll be a fun outing. looking forward to it!!!
anyways. today was quite ok i guess. was trying to keep my eyes wide open during IO chem, then si bai told me when u open ur eyes too big ur eyes will pop out. like wth. hahaha. guess its my moody mood again, didn't talk much. argh, can't really stand some people in my class. damn. wanna act act properly la. damn disgusting leh. lol
tmr lunch with GG15 mates! FOODCOURT ONE hahahaha. =)
cherry lollipops!
argh. i'm still burnt. everyone thought i put on blusher. CRAZY. but i like!! lol at least there's some colour on my face, if not i look freaking pale. hahaha.
anyways, today's lesson was damn dry. wth. kept falling asleep. so all i could do was to laugh to keep myself awake. luckily got da rest to laugh along with me. gym's voice is getting sexier~ lols and i noticed our buddy class don't really like us alot. mayb we are too noisy. but SO WHAT? I LIKE. haha too noisy for u all then u all don't talk lah. and stop giving us those discerning stares. eek.
ok. stop. delph is nice haha.
anyways. i thought i laughed too much today. kinda went overboard with the laughing ( i mean too much laughing). u know it when u keep laughing too much then when u stop laughing u feel disgusted with ur behaviour. kinda irritating. that's mood swings i guess. then after sch i became du lan again. haha mood swings. i need SHOPPING badly!!! shopping anyone??
and boss pls stop hitting my arm. muscle ache u know. hahahahahaha
04 July, 2005
sigh. i'm burnt from archery session on sat. 51/2 hrs standing in the hot sun. even my scalp is BURNTTTT. anyways archery was fun, da senior gave us lots of tips to shoot well, my shooting improved since the fun shoot, at least i can shoot INSIDE the paper now haha.
after that went for guzheng practice with MSZY, was so shagged and burnt and stinky. laughed like mad. my burp became the cue for our song... haha see now my burp is useful!!
and the microbio pract. lame. everyone was crapping away. and the stupid IO chem pract. the freaking flask went into the water and in the end we had to do it again, and the yield was like... pathetic. sigh. sunday was our performance, the maha bodhi kids' bbq, we played quite well, except i couldn't catch some strings cuz it was freaking dark!!
don't wanna recall last week, apart from the usual crapping, everyone was taking turns to du lan the whole week, including me. like wth. and also i forgotten what happened last week.
sigh. stick to usual blogging method. delph, don't be lazy or else u'll have NOTHING to blog. wth.
da sun burns and all.
green. (:
31 July, 2005
hmm. went retail therapy-ing for the past few days.
bought some stuffs:
1. 3-quarter pants
2. brown top
3. 3 fox tops
4. Accessories
now aiming for bag and SHOES! aimed at some mules and pumps.
$36.90 each. ohwells.
i lovelovelove retail therapy.
guzheng today. learnt new song. hmm quite nice, but the speed damn fast! GOTTA PRACTICE!!! (:
then after that went to meet xian @ her workplace at taka. veet! lol
anyhows, sch's starting tmr. stress and work come back to me. no more nua-ing at home. hahas.
30 July, 2005
made a new skin.
its kinda gloomy i guess.
um, whatever.
burnts and aches.
25 July, 2005
back from sentosa.
SATURDAY: met darling xian for shopping. bought a polo tee which i didn't know why the hell i bought it, and *ahems* underwear. xian!! lol make me buy underwear hahahaha... i think i'm gonna change my polo tee into something else.. or else i will not wear that man! NO WAY! haha
then after that went to auntie grace's hse for family gathering. Grandma's bdae. ate lots of sashimi, sipped wine and champange, and crapped. i almost got drunk. that one glass of champange and one glass of wine and i'm faint. god what happened to me, guess i'm not cut out for wine-drinking. *lol* glad to know everyone's doing fine. Avril, gd luck for your o's!
SUNDAY: Sentosa outing. wasn't as fun as i've expected. Reasons:
1. GYM wasn't there. guess most of us sian diao already...
2. no entertainment. thus? SLEEP...
3. and frm that, my neck is aching...
4. some people who really irritated me! argh assholeeeee!!!don't act as if u very big la!! get lost!!
5. the sun. now i got a halter tan AND a racerback tan. shit. need to even them out. ECP!!
and gym!!! got another class outing u must come!!
off to do reports and my IO chem. sigh.
busy bee.
23 July, 2005
been busy this week, mugging for tests and 2 presentations. hardly had time for myself haha. so here goes, weekly blog:Monday:Excel spreadsheet ICA. GONE. hahaTuesday:Sch was ok, starting to get stressed up. RWP RWP RWP!!! Went out shopping after sch with darling xian. Bought a blouse for RWP presentation. aimed at some stuff. wells, next time perhaps. when i have $. hahaWednesday:Got back my test paper. FAILED. my first failed paper comes from... CPPB! haha gotta mug for test 2. lol. Anyhows, it was DCP DAY! was some familiar people frm other classes. haha the fun part was after the event. Our class was the only class who stayed back, and we started eating the leftover buffet. Lazy to walk up and down i guess, then Boss and the others brought the WHOLE TRAYS of food right onto our table. walao! embarassing man, they even brought the bowls of sauce too, haha then we slacked and crapped. Found out that Mr Ting (our tutor) is a really fun guy, lame also.. i think sentosa would be a fun fun one. anyhows, after that went to work on RWP and IDEAS then went home.Thursday:RWP presentation. don't wanna talk about it. was quite ok, but the Q and A was like... arrgh kept being asked stupid questions by someone who thinks he knows everything... argh that dampened my mood. was quite moody la, cuz the presentation didn't turn out the way i wanted it to be, partly because we didn't rehearse. =P was controlling my mood along the way, then baiyu gym and kehluh started crying one after another. was consolling them and i even wanted to cry myself too... i'm strong i guess. anyhows, couldn't stand it, went home to zzzZZZzz. went for guzheng at night. i didn't practice for 2 whole weeks, and huiwen was playing sooooo fast that my fingers practically hardened from playing fast. sigh. too much schwork. i must practice. i must i must!Friday:Studied for microbio test after lunch for 5 solid hours. First time i've ever tried studying for so long for a single subject. argh. Made some mistakes for the test. but what i studied came out. phew. not like CPPB. i'm gonna give up CPPB soon...Went for dinner with regina aft that. then went shopping. haha retail therapy. haha aimed at some more stuff haha bought a halter for tanning.. i really need to even out my tans.. cuz i always wear tops with sleeves. now there's a distinct difference frm my upper and lower arms. lol.class outing on sun. can't wait.SENTOSA HERE I COME!!
supeerrr moody.
16 July, 2005
i'm been feeling moody these few weeks. and i don't know why. why why why WHY??????? sigh. to those who i have lost my temper to, i'm very sorry. really sorry. couldn't control my moodiness. wells, that's menopause i guess. hope next week would be a good one. HEY!
anyhows, fri was the lunch with GG15 mates. Alistair came to sp. then meet up with regina zhenyang and wanyu. had lunch. and as usual lamess and horniness esp from alis. lol. zhengyang and wanyu left, then went to the library with regina and alis to watch vcds to kill time. fell asleep. TWICE!!! how tired could i get man. hahas then regina left for lessons and left me and alis. watched garfield and i fell asleep AGAIN. haha then aft that met chris for dinner and then we left. missed GG15 alot!! another outing pls!!! its been months since i last saw ALL OF YOU.
today, dinner with family. its been a long time since we went out as a family. everyone was busy, esp me. too many commitments. school, guzheng, archery, tests and reports. thanks to MSZY for the times when u all waited for me to start practice. esp when i was the one who was late all the time. i'll remember that time when we practised until 12am HAHAHAHA. misses!
i need SHOPPING!!!!!!
5 reports to do! microbio test!!! argh.
*kexin: take care girl, stay happy... =)
13 July, 2005
ah. so many things happened. ..
but anyways i feel better now.
11 July, 2005

i miss my sec sch. and MI. and GG15.
randomness here. AHHHH!!
i think i am having post-natal depression.
so screwed up.
quiet. i suddenly shut up for no good reason.
what is over is OVER.
what has happened cannot be reversed.
karma. retribution.
06 July, 2005
today's korean lesson was FUNNY. we learnt abt the major upper body parts, and since i missed two lessons, i had to do some major catching up!! lol anyways for today's test, my grp only got two out of ten!! haha all short-term memory people together haha.
Anyways, today's lessons were ok. i did'nt manage to fall asleep during CPPB, since gym and kok lun were making so much noise, and i seriously think the buddy class HATES us. or loathe us. whatever. lols GYM!!! pls sit propely lah!!!!
aft sch was lunch with GG15 mates, regina wanyu chris. yakyakyak. i still think MI days really rock. haha then went to library with regina, found them, then slacked. we were supposed to do RWP leh!!! haha and i called shawn at his hse phone instead of his moblie. walao. his aunt picked up and asked me alot ALOT of qns. i freaked. lol
SORRY CHRIS!!! made u go all da way to the library!! my mobile was flat so didn't receive ur msg!!! i owe u one!!!
AND shawn pls stop suaning me la. i FAT ok?!?!?!?! hahahahahahaha
05 July, 2005
yay. class outing to sentosa. Mr Ting's gonna book a hotel room for us to slack in. Shangri-la. Oooh. lol hope it'll be a fun outing. looking forward to it!!!
anyways. today was quite ok i guess. was trying to keep my eyes wide open during IO chem, then si bai told me when u open ur eyes too big ur eyes will pop out. like wth. hahaha. guess its my moody mood again, didn't talk much. argh, can't really stand some people in my class. damn. wanna act act properly la. damn disgusting leh. lol
tmr lunch with GG15 mates! FOODCOURT ONE hahahaha. =)
cherry lollipops!
argh. i'm still burnt. everyone thought i put on blusher. CRAZY. but i like!! lol at least there's some colour on my face, if not i look freaking pale. hahaha.
anyways, today's lesson was damn dry. wth. kept falling asleep. so all i could do was to laugh to keep myself awake. luckily got da rest to laugh along with me. gym's voice is getting sexier~ lols and i noticed our buddy class don't really like us alot. mayb we are too noisy. but SO WHAT? I LIKE. haha too noisy for u all then u all don't talk lah. and stop giving us those discerning stares. eek.
ok. stop. delph is nice haha.
anyways. i thought i laughed too much today. kinda went overboard with the laughing ( i mean too much laughing). u know it when u keep laughing too much then when u stop laughing u feel disgusted with ur behaviour. kinda irritating. that's mood swings i guess. then after sch i became du lan again. haha mood swings. i need SHOPPING badly!!! shopping anyone??
and boss pls stop hitting my arm. muscle ache u know. hahahahahaha
04 July, 2005
sigh. i'm burnt from archery session on sat. 51/2 hrs standing in the hot sun. even my scalp is BURNTTTT. anyways archery was fun, da senior gave us lots of tips to shoot well, my shooting improved since the fun shoot, at least i can shoot INSIDE the paper now haha.
after that went for guzheng practice with MSZY, was so shagged and burnt and stinky. laughed like mad. my burp became the cue for our song... haha see now my burp is useful!!
and the microbio pract. lame. everyone was crapping away. and the stupid IO chem pract. the freaking flask went into the water and in the end we had to do it again, and the yield was like... pathetic. sigh. sunday was our performance, the maha bodhi kids' bbq, we played quite well, except i couldn't catch some strings cuz it was freaking dark!!
don't wanna recall last week, apart from the usual crapping, everyone was taking turns to du lan the whole week, including me. like wth. and also i forgotten what happened last week.
sigh. stick to usual blogging method. delph, don't be lazy or else u'll have NOTHING to blog. wth.
da sun burns and all.