31 May, 2005
u rock!
haha today was crappy.
all the joking and the WALKING.
walked frm cls to FC 5, then frm FC 5 to Lang Centre.
i swear i can lose some weight if i keep walking like this...
someone tell me to stop spending.
but i really need some stuff for sch.
should i buy them or not?
i wanna save save save
and save some for my shanghai and bangkok trip
where shopping is PARADISE.
ahh... few more months to go!!
yeah man!
30 May, 2005
haven't been blogging.
friday.went to plaza parkroyal hotel for international buffet.
the food there was quite nice!
loved the sashimi and oysters.
sat there for almost 3 hours.
then went to town.
shopped abit.
then went to tm.
bought two skirts for sch.
haha i am on a shopping spree for sch stuff...
clothes, bag, shoes, organiser bla bla...
then had swensens for dinner...
cuz its my sister's bdae,
had ice cream cake!
so full man.
Saturday.shopping again..
bought another skirt..
eyeing another knee-length skirt which cost abt $30...
still haven't bought my sandals with back strap yet!!
then went to jingle's hse to eat msia durians.
thought they will come at abt 8 plus..
in the end we waited until 12 plus then they come..
the durians were gd i tell u.
now i'm not gonna eat durains from those fruit shops haha.
in the end, i slept until 3pm today
so much eating for the past few days
i must join tennis to lose all that weight!!
tmr sch's starting
my much-relaxed life officially ends today.
hope sch life will be a relaxed one.
26 May, 2005
2nd day of orientation.
SPICE training.
i finally get to reset my password!!
although the talk was like...
but get to make new friends!!
shimin, yimei and keh luh.
then went out the MSZY to celebrate xiang ling's bdae.
haven't seen her for ages!
went to kbox for sinnnnggggg.
whoa we sang like so many songs!!
i think they are still there now...
how i wish i can stay longer! =(
ok, tmr is flag day.
where to sell flags?
dots. -_-"
have to wake up early man...
simin u beta wake me up tmr!!
morning call!!
first time in like 5 months i have to wake up so early...
end to late nights.
first day of sch.
25 May, 2005
first day of orientation.
start of poly life.
had talks talks and more talks!!
sat until my bum got flaaaatttt.
then got assigned to classes.
assigned to class 1B27.
the class very quiet leh!
but made some new friends! =)
hope it will be like MI 05S4 man...
haha anyways 05S4 started as a quiet class also..
look what it became as time passes by...
really missed the MI days,
the ponning and all da crap and laughs...
GG15 i missed ya!!!
*waves hand*
nothing can be compared to those days man...
missed all the laughing...
haha ok.
stop reminiscing man.
tmr will be the briefing for the SPICE thinggy.
and then i will be able to know
why i can't log in.
and at the same time make new password...
luckily i doesn't start in the morning
i can sleep more!!!
got my timetable...
seems that every day i have to come to sch by 8am!
in the end have to
drag myself up at 6am...
like those SAC days...
and i wanna join tennis...
since i missed the audition in sec sch
i cannot miss this again.
actually archery sounds gd to me too.
or mayb badminton...
green spotlights.
23 May, 2005
today's the performance.
went to centre at abt 1pm to practice.
oh man luckily i didn't wear the pink skirt.
if not i will be wearing the same skirt as someone.
whoa i see her i also wanna puke.
i also went to the toilet 5 times this morning,
and for the past week
no need make such a big fuss out of it.
okok enough.
then went to suntec at ard 4 plus
weather damn hot man.
i almost melted in that gown and my makeup.
then basically just slacked around till seven
went to mac to cool off.
damn funny sia.
then performance started at 7 plus.
the drum performance was not bad.
then aft them was our performance.
i swear the spotlights and the dry ice is arrgh.
first its white, red, blue, yellow and green.
combined with the smelly dry ice
i swear we look like ghosts.
overall the performance was okay...
although the sound system sucked.
and my string came off.
then aft that went shopping with the rest
kexin, desmond, yuxian, xingyi, and dequan.
i very hyper.
kept laughing.
sorry la sometime just made me laugh.
*okay yuxian u know what is it*
mayb too long nv come out walk
i become like that.
and someone misplaced her beige bra straps.
i mean isn't that something u will keep first?!
haha nvm next time buy u red one.
21 May, 2005
in this world, there's too many bitches.
who goes around calling pple ugly.
as if she very pretty like that.
pls lor.
this makes u a fugly bitch.
fucking ugly.
go look in the mirror first la.
stop calling my sister ugly.
i think you are not THAT pretty aft all.
u know who u are.
*wipes face*
enough of that.
tmr performance @ suntec
fountain of wealth,
19 May, 2005
pms today.
felt so blah the whole day.
looking at
her makes me wanna puke even more.
puke on her.
i haven't done alot of things.
1. i didn't go for urine test.
2. i didn't go for any camps in the end.
3. i can't access my sas account, thus:
4. i can't get my timetable.
5. i haven't bought my self-tanner.
many more things not done...
haiz better go for urine test or else i won't be able to start school!
oh pls people, keep me sane.
ok, still bored.
and i better get those things done tmr.
18 May, 2005
slept like a pig through the whole morning.
what a nice weather to simply SLACK.
i'm having multiple photo galleries.
first its flickr, then multiply, then zorpia.
and i SHALL stick to ofoto frm now on.
and that flickr account.
the zorpia one i shall slowly add pics to it
since the uplaoding speed is so bloody sloooowww.
afterall, ofoto and flickr works best for me.
17 May, 2005
nothing to do leh.
today woke up freaking late.
haha in the end late as usual.
haha today practising agn as usual.
yuxian came first, then the rest.
whoa yuxian came so early.
long time never see her alr.
damn tired man,
kept teaching people the whole afternoon.
anyways theres a performance on sunday
@ suntec fountain (whatever it is)
i don't know whether i can still fit in my dress.
hurry start school!!!
or else i'll bored to death.
oops, forgot abt my urine test.
basket, so long already.
pink specs!
14 May, 2005
just got my PINK (not purple) specs today!
looks groovy.
cuz i think nobody i know wears PINK specs.
except me.
guess pink is too loud for them.
even the box is quite cool.
haha the COOL pink specs:

another view:

hehehehe. =)
GG15 outing cancelled!!
all not free.
wells, have to wait till the june hols then arrange another outing lah.
today went to the preview with kexin.
the weather is like HOOOOTT!!
damn and i was wearing black somemore.
its quite ok, quite nicely decorated.
hope tmr's performance will be a gd one!!
then went shopping.
kexin wanted to buy makeup.
walked like 5 stores to look for it.
in the end she didn't buy.
then continued shopping.
bought a mango top.
and a green skirt with kexin.
she claims that she can claim the $$ from desmond.
make me jealous only.
now i'm broke lah.
she still can claim $$ somemore.
then met aunty may and choo yan
then went back centre...
practise practise practise.
then mom came.
had haagen das for ice cream!
a tad little too sweet.
then went makan with jocelyn they all,
then went to my grandma's hse.
all i can tell you is:
i'm HOT, SWEATY and freaking TIRED!
but my cool pink specs keeps me going.
tmr then post more pics la.
i look ugly today.
13 May, 2005
my arm muscles hurt.
practised like hell today.
hmm nothing much,
just plain practising practising for the past few days.
pssst made new specs!
square frame, PINK in colour (yay!)
which cost me a dear 195 bucks!
meeting GG15 peeps on saturday.
can't wait!!
its been like years since i last saw them~
and also,
guzheng performance @ ngee ann city
saturday 3pm
pls support~!
i can't wait for my new specs.
PINK specs (i think)
or maybe purple.
NO, its pink.
fried rice.
10 May, 2005
i'm still bored.
even though i'm practicing guzheng the whole day.
bored bored bored.
and alistair is
can't stand it!
who goes "meow" and "lick" in msn convos??
beware people. haha.
today is better than expected.
i'm happy. =)
burrrp. =)
09 May, 2005
so bored.
been slacking the whole day.
i want my ipod.
i want to shop at mango.
i want topshop.
i want adidas.
i want my laptop.
i want my room to be neater.
i want the olympus digicam.
i want a tan.
i want toys.
i want many many colour pens.
i want $$ haha
i want to exercise
i want to diet
i want to be less FAT.
okay that's how bored i am.
anyways i'm gonna buy my ipod next sat.
thinking of tmr makes me sick.
i want everyday to be like sunday haha.
i LOVE my braces. =)
08 May, 2005
just went to the dentist's.
i can take out my braces soon.
either in june or july.
yay! 1 mth more to go.
can't wait to see my new
straight teeth.
at least this is a happy note.
okay, i'm gonna bitch below.
not about anyone,
but myself.
if you think its not gd for u,
come tell me,
better still don't read it.
i really can't stand it anymore.
i'm sick and tired.
very tired.
people around me keep telling me to work hard.
i did.
but they can't take my shortcomings.
i've been trying to change.
but some people just doesn't look at it that way.
i've been trying to control my emotions (or temper),
but they goes aroung telling people i am a DIVA.
you know? listening to this makes me sad.
USED to be the spoilt brat when i was little,
but not now,
so stop assuming.
btw, i'm telling you that i SO SO DON'T STARE.
at least for no good reason.
i don't just stare for NOTHING.
i admit, my eyes are big (too big),
and i look at the people on my sides when they're talking
but that doesn't mean i stare,
so frm now on, if you see me with my eyes too big,
tell me,
i will change
squint my eyes haha
you know, i always wanted to be the real ME.
the REAL delphine.
the crappy, burpy, loud me in school.
don't believe me? ask Ging Gang 15
or any of my sch friends,
better still, read my friendster testimonials.
it says it all.
but i just just can't do it there.
so not appropriate.
i can't be jokey all the time.
people will think i'm rude.
that's why i'll rather keep bloody quiet than shout.
when i joke, all i get is cold stares.
but in school, pple actually CRAP back
*waves to GG15*
i am trying,
will continue trying
to change.
u know, it all takes time
i really don't know when the revelation will come
and i'll be
i don't know
07 May, 2005
i've finally got to learn korean!!
yeah yeah yeah!!
after thinking about it for the past few months,
finally man!!
kamsahamida...maybe i should be korean haha
ok next year i shall take french.
*so what i lack initiative? i'll rather be known as the one who needs a push than the one who is rude.you know what? that's the way i am. the one who is quiet and needs a push (okay not always quiet...
selectively quiet haha)
Shanghai. =)
06 May, 2005
finally back aft 6 days in Shanghai...
long story..
and i SHALL elaborate!!
but before that,
funniest thing on earth:
ALISTAIR says that Guzheng is some horny gungfu!!!!
first time i ever heard that!!!
he is damn stupid man...
no basic knowledge one
guzheng is a
chinese INSTRUMENT, not some horny gungfu!!!!
next time bring you for music lessons la
pla don't insult ok? *shakes head*
don't get offended ya? just a joke
but really it is basic knowledge what..
okay, here goes:
DAY 01went to the airport at abt 10 plus, slacked at coffee bean then went to meet the rest. We boarded the plane, was so squashed in the middle that i think i might get the economy class syndrome and die! watched spanglish. freakin funny. basically don't understand what half the show is about. man. the slept awhile and finally reached shanghai 4 hours later. its better than i expected. the airport's damn nice.
then checked into the hotel. slept like some pig, then got ready for lesson. basically i just played the whole bloody song too fast cuz i was freaking nervous with so many pairs of eyes and a camera staring straight at me, haha sort of screwed it out.
then dinner at da qing hua resturant. some manchurian resturant. the food was quite nice, didn't get to eat much haha. then went to slack in hotel. slept some more.
one thing is the traffic-- crazy. i have to learn to cross the road with the traffic still ongoing. omg.
Day 02woke up. had lessons as usual. went to have xiao long bao for lunch. the eatery was good. and economical (okay dirt cheap in our case). haha then went to the orient pearl. the building is damn tall. actually shanghai has rather nice buildings. and the night view is spectacular i tell you. the lights are so bright, its a nice sight. my feet got soaked in dirty cold rainwater... yucks.
then i saw some funny sight: we saw a group of vendors running away from the police van. freaking amusing. its so rare in singapore. and they all run in the same direction. disperse man, i say disperse!! =P
Day 03last day of lesson. didn't have my lesson actually cuz i've asked what i wanted to ask already
(okay, lao shi was the one who thought of the question haha). okay after that, had lunch with the teacher (she actually remembered me. wow.) then went to take measurements for our costumes. after that we were left on our own. then went to yu yuan lu (fishball rd) bazzar for shopping. BARGAIN PARADISE!!! okay i didn't do most of the bargaining but i did learn some skills haha. bought quite alot of stuff. but i think i can shop more freely in bangkok. at least the clothes there don't look so ah lian there. went to roam in the streets of shanghai at night, had macdonald's for dinner. then slacked.
Day 04rained. freaking cold. haha spent the whole morning sleeping. then went to the hugggeee bookstore. man if only they had bookstores like this in Singapore, then i need not owe the library huge fines. haha then went to zhang shi mu's place for dinner. yum. i like her house. damn nicely decorated. and those violins. if only i can have one...
then went back to hotel. wanted to have a drink, but the water was so sucky so we decided to get some drink, we went outside in
tee and
shorts ... brrr so cold. and the look the aunties gave us was hilarious! i think i heard them screaming. haha. damn funny.
Day 05shopping. nth much. ok io saw someone in
red bra,
red underwear, stockings and a
red netted dress! and its like cold (21 degrees)-- and ugly sight. not forgetting to mention she looks like ru hua. haha.
Day 06Last day. packed my stuff. checked out at 11 plus. then we went to the cheng huang miao for a walk. all i see is people. its so packed that i can't breathe. haha ate smelly tofu (its not that smelly). couldn't stand the crowd and decided to go the zhang shi ne's place to rest. watched table tennis until i fell asleep. literally. then had our "farewell" dinner and left for the airport.
after bidding farewell the people, we slacked in the airport until 11 plus then we boarded. agn i was so unconfortable with the seat and something else and i didn't get much rest. reached singapore at about 7. went home and slept like a log till evening. =)
well, this trip was quite fruitful, made me understand more about how the human mind operates and how manipulative it can be. now i think twice when i have to do some actions. you know, just just can't trust everyone right?! you have to rely on your own judgement to decide who is gd and who is not so gd.
other things aside, i've learnt more about guzheng and shanghai is a terrific place (except the way they talk, and the traffic). i don't mind coming back again, and shanghai has filled in my memories. nice place. who knows? i might come back.
ok. addidas rocks. so does LV and Christian Dior. haha.
31 May, 2005
u rock!
haha today was crappy.
all the joking and the WALKING.
walked frm cls to FC 5, then frm FC 5 to Lang Centre.
i swear i can lose some weight if i keep walking like this...
someone tell me to stop spending.
but i really need some stuff for sch.
should i buy them or not?
i wanna save save save
and save some for my shanghai and bangkok trip
where shopping is PARADISE.
ahh... few more months to go!!
yeah man!
30 May, 2005
haven't been blogging.
friday.went to plaza parkroyal hotel for international buffet.
the food there was quite nice!
loved the sashimi and oysters.
sat there for almost 3 hours.
then went to town.
shopped abit.
then went to tm.
bought two skirts for sch.
haha i am on a shopping spree for sch stuff...
clothes, bag, shoes, organiser bla bla...
then had swensens for dinner...
cuz its my sister's bdae,
had ice cream cake!
so full man.
Saturday.shopping again..
bought another skirt..
eyeing another knee-length skirt which cost abt $30...
still haven't bought my sandals with back strap yet!!
then went to jingle's hse to eat msia durians.
thought they will come at abt 8 plus..
in the end we waited until 12 plus then they come..
the durians were gd i tell u.
now i'm not gonna eat durains from those fruit shops haha.
in the end, i slept until 3pm today
so much eating for the past few days
i must join tennis to lose all that weight!!
tmr sch's starting
my much-relaxed life officially ends today.
hope sch life will be a relaxed one.
26 May, 2005
2nd day of orientation.
SPICE training.
i finally get to reset my password!!
although the talk was like...
but get to make new friends!!
shimin, yimei and keh luh.
then went out the MSZY to celebrate xiang ling's bdae.
haven't seen her for ages!
went to kbox for sinnnnggggg.
whoa we sang like so many songs!!
i think they are still there now...
how i wish i can stay longer! =(
ok, tmr is flag day.
where to sell flags?
dots. -_-"
have to wake up early man...
simin u beta wake me up tmr!!
morning call!!
first time in like 5 months i have to wake up so early...
end to late nights.
first day of sch.
25 May, 2005
first day of orientation.
start of poly life.
had talks talks and more talks!!
sat until my bum got flaaaatttt.
then got assigned to classes.
assigned to class 1B27.
the class very quiet leh!
but made some new friends! =)
hope it will be like MI 05S4 man...
haha anyways 05S4 started as a quiet class also..
look what it became as time passes by...
really missed the MI days,
the ponning and all da crap and laughs...
GG15 i missed ya!!!
*waves hand*
nothing can be compared to those days man...
missed all the laughing...
haha ok.
stop reminiscing man.
tmr will be the briefing for the SPICE thinggy.
and then i will be able to know
why i can't log in.
and at the same time make new password...
luckily i doesn't start in the morning
i can sleep more!!!
got my timetable...
seems that every day i have to come to sch by 8am!
in the end have to
drag myself up at 6am...
like those SAC days...
and i wanna join tennis...
since i missed the audition in sec sch
i cannot miss this again.
actually archery sounds gd to me too.
or mayb badminton...
green spotlights.
23 May, 2005
today's the performance.
went to centre at abt 1pm to practice.
oh man luckily i didn't wear the pink skirt.
if not i will be wearing the same skirt as someone.
whoa i see her i also wanna puke.
i also went to the toilet 5 times this morning,
and for the past week
no need make such a big fuss out of it.
okok enough.
then went to suntec at ard 4 plus
weather damn hot man.
i almost melted in that gown and my makeup.
then basically just slacked around till seven
went to mac to cool off.
damn funny sia.
then performance started at 7 plus.
the drum performance was not bad.
then aft them was our performance.
i swear the spotlights and the dry ice is arrgh.
first its white, red, blue, yellow and green.
combined with the smelly dry ice
i swear we look like ghosts.
overall the performance was okay...
although the sound system sucked.
and my string came off.
then aft that went shopping with the rest
kexin, desmond, yuxian, xingyi, and dequan.
i very hyper.
kept laughing.
sorry la sometime just made me laugh.
*okay yuxian u know what is it*
mayb too long nv come out walk
i become like that.
and someone misplaced her beige bra straps.
i mean isn't that something u will keep first?!
haha nvm next time buy u red one.
21 May, 2005
in this world, there's too many bitches.
who goes around calling pple ugly.
as if she very pretty like that.
pls lor.
this makes u a fugly bitch.
fucking ugly.
go look in the mirror first la.
stop calling my sister ugly.
i think you are not THAT pretty aft all.
u know who u are.
*wipes face*
enough of that.
tmr performance @ suntec
fountain of wealth,
19 May, 2005
pms today.
felt so blah the whole day.
looking at
her makes me wanna puke even more.
puke on her.
i haven't done alot of things.
1. i didn't go for urine test.
2. i didn't go for any camps in the end.
3. i can't access my sas account, thus:
4. i can't get my timetable.
5. i haven't bought my self-tanner.
many more things not done...
haiz better go for urine test or else i won't be able to start school!
oh pls people, keep me sane.
ok, still bored.
and i better get those things done tmr.
18 May, 2005
slept like a pig through the whole morning.
what a nice weather to simply SLACK.
i'm having multiple photo galleries.
first its flickr, then multiply, then zorpia.
and i SHALL stick to ofoto frm now on.
and that flickr account.
the zorpia one i shall slowly add pics to it
since the uplaoding speed is so bloody sloooowww.
afterall, ofoto and flickr works best for me.
17 May, 2005
nothing to do leh.
today woke up freaking late.
haha in the end late as usual.
haha today practising agn as usual.
yuxian came first, then the rest.
whoa yuxian came so early.
long time never see her alr.
damn tired man,
kept teaching people the whole afternoon.
anyways theres a performance on sunday
@ suntec fountain (whatever it is)
i don't know whether i can still fit in my dress.
hurry start school!!!
or else i'll bored to death.
oops, forgot abt my urine test.
basket, so long already.
pink specs!
14 May, 2005
just got my PINK (not purple) specs today!
looks groovy.
cuz i think nobody i know wears PINK specs.
except me.
guess pink is too loud for them.
even the box is quite cool.
haha the COOL pink specs:

another view:

hehehehe. =)
GG15 outing cancelled!!
all not free.
wells, have to wait till the june hols then arrange another outing lah.
today went to the preview with kexin.
the weather is like HOOOOTT!!
damn and i was wearing black somemore.
its quite ok, quite nicely decorated.
hope tmr's performance will be a gd one!!
then went shopping.
kexin wanted to buy makeup.
walked like 5 stores to look for it.
in the end she didn't buy.
then continued shopping.
bought a mango top.
and a green skirt with kexin.
she claims that she can claim the $$ from desmond.
make me jealous only.
now i'm broke lah.
she still can claim $$ somemore.
then met aunty may and choo yan
then went back centre...
practise practise practise.
then mom came.
had haagen das for ice cream!
a tad little too sweet.
then went makan with jocelyn they all,
then went to my grandma's hse.
all i can tell you is:
i'm HOT, SWEATY and freaking TIRED!
but my cool pink specs keeps me going.
tmr then post more pics la.
i look ugly today.
13 May, 2005
my arm muscles hurt.
practised like hell today.
hmm nothing much,
just plain practising practising for the past few days.
pssst made new specs!
square frame, PINK in colour (yay!)
which cost me a dear 195 bucks!
meeting GG15 peeps on saturday.
can't wait!!
its been like years since i last saw them~
and also,
guzheng performance @ ngee ann city
saturday 3pm
pls support~!
i can't wait for my new specs.
PINK specs (i think)
or maybe purple.
NO, its pink.
fried rice.
10 May, 2005
i'm still bored.
even though i'm practicing guzheng the whole day.
bored bored bored.
and alistair is
can't stand it!
who goes "meow" and "lick" in msn convos??
beware people. haha.
today is better than expected.
i'm happy. =)
burrrp. =)
09 May, 2005
so bored.
been slacking the whole day.
i want my ipod.
i want to shop at mango.
i want topshop.
i want adidas.
i want my laptop.
i want my room to be neater.
i want the olympus digicam.
i want a tan.
i want toys.
i want many many colour pens.
i want $$ haha
i want to exercise
i want to diet
i want to be less FAT.
okay that's how bored i am.
anyways i'm gonna buy my ipod next sat.
thinking of tmr makes me sick.
i want everyday to be like sunday haha.
i LOVE my braces. =)
08 May, 2005
just went to the dentist's.
i can take out my braces soon.
either in june or july.
yay! 1 mth more to go.
can't wait to see my new
straight teeth.
at least this is a happy note.
okay, i'm gonna bitch below.
not about anyone,
but myself.
if you think its not gd for u,
come tell me,
better still don't read it.
i really can't stand it anymore.
i'm sick and tired.
very tired.
people around me keep telling me to work hard.
i did.
but they can't take my shortcomings.
i've been trying to change.
but some people just doesn't look at it that way.
i've been trying to control my emotions (or temper),
but they goes aroung telling people i am a DIVA.
you know? listening to this makes me sad.
USED to be the spoilt brat when i was little,
but not now,
so stop assuming.
btw, i'm telling you that i SO SO DON'T STARE.
at least for no good reason.
i don't just stare for NOTHING.
i admit, my eyes are big (too big),
and i look at the people on my sides when they're talking
but that doesn't mean i stare,
so frm now on, if you see me with my eyes too big,
tell me,
i will change
squint my eyes haha
you know, i always wanted to be the real ME.
the REAL delphine.
the crappy, burpy, loud me in school.
don't believe me? ask Ging Gang 15
or any of my sch friends,
better still, read my friendster testimonials.
it says it all.
but i just just can't do it there.
so not appropriate.
i can't be jokey all the time.
people will think i'm rude.
that's why i'll rather keep bloody quiet than shout.
when i joke, all i get is cold stares.
but in school, pple actually CRAP back
*waves to GG15*
i am trying,
will continue trying
to change.
u know, it all takes time
i really don't know when the revelation will come
and i'll be
i don't know
07 May, 2005
i've finally got to learn korean!!
yeah yeah yeah!!
after thinking about it for the past few months,
finally man!!
kamsahamida...maybe i should be korean haha
ok next year i shall take french.
*so what i lack initiative? i'll rather be known as the one who needs a push than the one who is rude.you know what? that's the way i am. the one who is quiet and needs a push (okay not always quiet...
selectively quiet haha)
Shanghai. =)
06 May, 2005
finally back aft 6 days in Shanghai...
long story..
and i SHALL elaborate!!
but before that,
funniest thing on earth:
ALISTAIR says that Guzheng is some horny gungfu!!!!
first time i ever heard that!!!
he is damn stupid man...
no basic knowledge one
guzheng is a
chinese INSTRUMENT, not some horny gungfu!!!!
next time bring you for music lessons la
pla don't insult ok? *shakes head*
don't get offended ya? just a joke
but really it is basic knowledge what..
okay, here goes:
DAY 01went to the airport at abt 10 plus, slacked at coffee bean then went to meet the rest. We boarded the plane, was so squashed in the middle that i think i might get the economy class syndrome and die! watched spanglish. freakin funny. basically don't understand what half the show is about. man. the slept awhile and finally reached shanghai 4 hours later. its better than i expected. the airport's damn nice.
then checked into the hotel. slept like some pig, then got ready for lesson. basically i just played the whole bloody song too fast cuz i was freaking nervous with so many pairs of eyes and a camera staring straight at me, haha sort of screwed it out.
then dinner at da qing hua resturant. some manchurian resturant. the food was quite nice, didn't get to eat much haha. then went to slack in hotel. slept some more.
one thing is the traffic-- crazy. i have to learn to cross the road with the traffic still ongoing. omg.
Day 02woke up. had lessons as usual. went to have xiao long bao for lunch. the eatery was good. and economical (okay dirt cheap in our case). haha then went to the orient pearl. the building is damn tall. actually shanghai has rather nice buildings. and the night view is spectacular i tell you. the lights are so bright, its a nice sight. my feet got soaked in dirty cold rainwater... yucks.
then i saw some funny sight: we saw a group of vendors running away from the police van. freaking amusing. its so rare in singapore. and they all run in the same direction. disperse man, i say disperse!! =P
Day 03last day of lesson. didn't have my lesson actually cuz i've asked what i wanted to ask already
(okay, lao shi was the one who thought of the question haha). okay after that, had lunch with the teacher (she actually remembered me. wow.) then went to take measurements for our costumes. after that we were left on our own. then went to yu yuan lu (fishball rd) bazzar for shopping. BARGAIN PARADISE!!! okay i didn't do most of the bargaining but i did learn some skills haha. bought quite alot of stuff. but i think i can shop more freely in bangkok. at least the clothes there don't look so ah lian there. went to roam in the streets of shanghai at night, had macdonald's for dinner. then slacked.
Day 04rained. freaking cold. haha spent the whole morning sleeping. then went to the hugggeee bookstore. man if only they had bookstores like this in Singapore, then i need not owe the library huge fines. haha then went to zhang shi mu's place for dinner. yum. i like her house. damn nicely decorated. and those violins. if only i can have one...
then went back to hotel. wanted to have a drink, but the water was so sucky so we decided to get some drink, we went outside in
tee and
shorts ... brrr so cold. and the look the aunties gave us was hilarious! i think i heard them screaming. haha. damn funny.
Day 05shopping. nth much. ok io saw someone in
red bra,
red underwear, stockings and a
red netted dress! and its like cold (21 degrees)-- and ugly sight. not forgetting to mention she looks like ru hua. haha.
Day 06Last day. packed my stuff. checked out at 11 plus. then we went to the cheng huang miao for a walk. all i see is people. its so packed that i can't breathe. haha ate smelly tofu (its not that smelly). couldn't stand the crowd and decided to go the zhang shi ne's place to rest. watched table tennis until i fell asleep. literally. then had our "farewell" dinner and left for the airport.
after bidding farewell the people, we slacked in the airport until 11 plus then we boarded. agn i was so unconfortable with the seat and something else and i didn't get much rest. reached singapore at about 7. went home and slept like a log till evening. =)
well, this trip was quite fruitful, made me understand more about how the human mind operates and how manipulative it can be. now i think twice when i have to do some actions. you know, just just can't trust everyone right?! you have to rely on your own judgement to decide who is gd and who is not so gd.
other things aside, i've learnt more about guzheng and shanghai is a terrific place (except the way they talk, and the traffic). i don't mind coming back again, and shanghai has filled in my memories. nice place. who knows? i might come back.
ok. addidas rocks. so does LV and Christian Dior. haha.